Past Lectures and Conferences


On 9-10 May 2019 INSCRIBE: Invention of Scripts and Their Beginnings at the Università di Bologna hosted a seminar on Aegean scripts. Further information is available at The lectures were:
M. Civitillo, “La lettura dei testi in geroglifico minoico su glittica”
M. Valério, “Recent Advances in the Study of the Cypro-Minoan Script”


Prehistoric Thorikos

On 15 May a scientific forum entitled From mine to workshop. An archaeology of metal production at prehistoric Thorikos (Laurion, Attica) was held in Heidelberg. Further information is available at The program was:
R. Laffineur, “Bronze Age Thorikos: From mine to workshop and beyond”
S. Déderix, “Filling gaps in prehistoric Thorikos (2018‐2022)”
D. Morin, “Silver ore mining in the Aegean world during prehistory and antiquity: The underground mine of the acropolis of Thorikos”
A. Sarris, “Surveying ancient workshop areas: A geophysical approach”
E. Filippaki and Y. Bassiakos, “Preliminary analyses and geochemical studies at Velatouri hill, Thorikos‐Laurion”
M. Georgakopoulou, “Comparative evidence – Material evidence for production and working of metals in the Bronze Age Cyclades”
T. Brogan, “Comparative evidence – A review of recent finds and research on metal smelting and metal working in east Crete from the Final Neolithic to the Neopalatial period”
N. Papadimitriou, “Evidence of craft activities from the prehistoric settlement of Thorikos”
V. Kassianidou, “Comparative evidence – Politiko‐Phorades: A Late Bronze Age primary copper smelting workshop in its archaeological context”


Political geographies of the Bronze Age Aegean

On 29-31 May a workshop entitled Political geographies of the Bronze Age Aegean: A Joint workshop by the Belgian School at Athens (EBSA) and the Netherlands Institute at Athens (NIA) was held in Athens. Further information is available at The program was:
J. Driessen and G. J. van Wijngaarden, “Introduction to Political geographies of the Bronze Age Aegean”
J. Wright, “The Late Bronze Age in the Aegean in Archaeological Context”
Circulated paper: M. Wiener, “Minoan Colonization”
Y. Papadatos and T. Kalantzopoulou, “Turning the landscape into territory: strategies of power for the exploitation of the Cretan mountains during the Neopalatial period”
D. Pullen, “Boundaries, Territories, and Borders in the Bronze Age Argolid-Corinthia: Natural, Social, or Political?”
I. Mathioudaki and L. Girella, “The political geography of central Crete during the Early Neopalatial period from a ceramic perspective”
L. Vokotopoulos, “A tale of two sanctuaries ‒ a tale of two cities. A Minoan borderline at the east end of Crete”
N. Papadimitriou, “Mistaken ‘Mycenaean territories’: cultural and political fragmentation in the area later called Attica”
E. Hatzaki, “Alone at last: Knossos’s territorial expansion from Neopalatial to Final Palatial”
E. Palaiologou, “The distribution of space at Mycenae, Greater and beyond”
M. Anastasiadou, “Sealing ‘Traditions’ in Neopalatial Crete as Evidence of Regional Character and Interregional Contact: The Case of Kato Zakros”
S. Voutsaki, “Towards a political geography of Mycenaean Laconia”
D. Panagiotopoulos, “Ambiguous data. Neopalatial nodules and political (?) territories”
A. Papadopoulos and V. Petrakis, “Geographies of war? Conceptions of space within Mycenaean palatial polities through textual and archaeological references to military matters”
F. Blakolmer, “The phenomenon of an ‘iconographic koine’ in the Aegean Bronze Age: A comparison of the situations in Neopalatial Crete and in palatial Mycenaean Greece”
G. Cadogan, Material culture vs socio-political organisation in Pre- and Protopalatial Crete: Lies or targeted truths?”
A. van de Moortel, “Constructing Authority at Prepalatial Mitrou, Central Greece”
M. Cosmopoulos, Political geography of Pylos and the Unification of the Pylian state?”
A. Philippa-Touchais, Forms of power from the beginning of the Middle Helladic period”
B. Eder, “How to approach the political geography of Mycenaean Greece?”
L. Papazoglou and C. Paschalidis, “Dispersion of power in Early Mycenaean Western Achaea and the transition to the Palatial period”
E. Andrikou, Mycenaean Presence in Mesogeia and Lavreotike, Attica”
B. Legarra Herrero, Death and its place in the Cretan Political Landscape”
E. Salavoura, Problems of the Mycenaean expansion in the central Peloponnese”
A. Knodell, “Palatial and Non-Palatial Landscapes in the Mycenaean World: Territorial Models for Central Greece”
J. Bennet, Horizontal, Vertical, Textual, Material: reflections on the potential to define geographical and socio-political structures in the LBA Aegean”


Food and Drink in the Ancient World

On 31 May - 1 June 2019 a conference entitled Food and Drink in the Ancient World was held at Rutgers University. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:
C. Judson, “Does It Matter if It’s Sacrifice?: Redefining the Parameters of Ritual Dining in Cretan Hearth Temples”
R. Palmer, “Spilling the Beans: the Roles of Legumes in the Bronze Age Aegean”


Jade Cultures

On 4-5 June 2019 a conference entitled International Network on Jade Cultures around the World was held at The Danish Institute in Athens. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:
M. Brandl and C. Schwall, “Provenance analysis of raw materials in the Cukurichi Höyük, Western Anatolia”
A. Katerinopoulos and C. Mavrogonatos, “Jadeitite occurrence in Syros Island, Aegean Sea, Greece: Petrographic remarks and implications for early exploitation”
A. Okay, “Jade and jadeite in Turkey”


The Archaeology of Cyprus and the Wider Mediterranean

On 6-8 June 2019 a conference entitled The Archaeology of Cyprus and the Wider Mediterranean: A Conference in Honour of A. Bernard Knapp was held at the Archaeological Research Unit of the University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus. Further information is available at The program was:
J. Webb, “Cyprus’ external connections in the prehistoric Bronze Age: refining a maximalist position”
S. Hadjisavvas, “Mathiatis Mavrovouni. A miner’s sanctuary”
V. Kassianidou, “Copper production in the Late Cypriot – through a glass darkly”
D. Rupp and M. Tsipopoulou, “Remembering a complex memory landscape: The Late Minoan III interventions in the Pre- and Proto-Palatial Cemetery at Petras - Kephala (Siteia, Crete)”
L. Crewe, “Mortuary practices at the Chalcolithic cemetery of Souskiou Laona”
C. Kearns, “The limits of Protohistory: towards an archaeology of Cypriot Iron Age communities”
G. Andreou, “Reconsidering the mountainous landscapes of Cyprus in antiquity”
M. Given, “From settlement hierarchies to entangled communities: towards a theory of survey”
K. Fisher, “Toward a social life of things in Late Bronze Age Cyprus”
A. Brysbaert, “SETinSTONE? The chaine operatoire of ‘building big’ in the LBA Argive Plain, Greece”
C. Monroe, “All the king’s wine? Late Bronze Age vineyards in texts from Emar and Ugarit”
C. Fulton, “Re-assessing the anchorage of Maroni-Tsarroukkas within Bronze Age maritime trade”
M. Artzy, “Mariners’ cuisine? Cook ware at the LBII Tell Abu Hawam anchorage”
S. Manning, “An archaeology of climate (and Cyprus): a prolegomenon”
J. Cherry, “Thirty Years before the mast: At the helm of JMA with Bernard Knapp”
B. Knapp: Reflections and comments


41st Annual Excavation, Survey and Archaeometry Symposium

On 17-21 June 2019 the 41. Uluslararası Kazı, Araştırma ve Arkeometri Sempozyumu. 41st Annual Excavation, Survey and Archaeometry Symposium was held in Dicle University in Diyarbakır. Further information is available at,41sem2019prengpdf.pdf?0. Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:
Ç. Çilingiroğlu Ünlüsoy, “Çatalhöyük 2018”
Ö. Çevik, “Ulucak Excavations”
Z. Derin, “İzmir-The Yeşilova Höyük Excavations in 2018”
İ. Özer, “İnkaya Excavation, 2018”
H. Taşkiran, “Karain Excavations-2018”
N. Karul, “Excavations at Aktopraklık, 2018”
B. Erdoğu, “2018 Excavations at Gökçeada Uğurlu/Zeytinlik”
E. Özdoğan, “Kırklareli Mound 2018 Season”
İ. Özer, “Muğla and Çanakkale Survey, 2018”
B. Yükmen Edens, “‘Early Prehistory and Cilicia Basalt Areas Project’ Stage II: Work in 2018”
E. Güldoğan, “İstanbul Survey Project (İstYA) 2018: Beykoz I”
B. Ulaş, “Archaeobotanical Research on Istanbul’s Neolithic and Byzantine Sites”
I. Caneva, “The 2018 Field Works at Mersin-Yumuktepe”
M. Novak, “The Swiss-Turkish Excavation at Sirkeli Höyük 2018”
H. Erkanal, “Land and Underwater Excavations at Liman Tepe, 2018”
R. Tuncel, “Panaztepe Excavations in 2018”
V. Şahoğlu, “Excavations at Çeşme – Bağlararası, 2018”
S. Günel, “Excavations at Çine-Tepecik Höyüğü, 2018 Campaign”
G. Sazci, “Excavations at Maydos Kilisetepe Höyüğü 2018”
R. Aslan, “Troy Excavations in 2018”
H. Hüryilmaz, “Excavations at Gökçeada-Yenibademli Höyük 2018”
A. Özyar, “Tarsus-Gözlükule Excavation: 2018 Season”
V. Şahoğlu, “Rescue Excavations at Kömür Burnu (Karaburun), 2018”
T. Kaner, “The Kaymakçı Archaeological Project: 2018 Research at a Bronze Age Center”
F. Dedeoğlu, “Ekşi Höyük Excavations in 2018”
S.Yaylali, “Excavations at Çakırbeyli-Küçüktepe Höyük in 2018”
A. L. D'Agata, “Misis Höyük 2018 Excavations”
K. S. Girginer, “Tatarlı Höyük Excavation in 2018”
D. Yaşin, “Tepebağ Höyük/Adana Excavations in 2018”
Ç. Atakuman, “Bozburun Prehistoric Survey 2018”
Ç. Çilingiroğlu, “2018 Season of Karaburun Archaeological Survey”
Ş. Aydingün, “İstanbul Prehistoric Surveys: Büyükçekmece”
D. Yalçikli, “Archaeological Survey of Balıkesir (Burhaniye, Bigadiç and Dursunbey), 2018”
E. Özdoğan, “Neolithic Research at the East of Lake Manyas”
D. Sari, “Bilecik Archaeological Survey 2018”
Y. Kamiş, “2018 Eminler Höyük and Karaman Plain Surveys”
K. Özçelik, “Prehistoric Survey in Denizli, 2018”
B. Boz, “The 6th Millennium BC Burial Pit in Uğurlu /Gökçeada Island”
G. Y. Mavinil, “The Use of GIS in Archaeology: Troya”
C. Edens, “Prehistoric Landscapes and Geomorphology in Eastern Cilicia”
A. Karadaş, “Paleogeography and Geoarchaeology of Kadıkalesi (Ancient Anaia) (Kuşadası-Aydın)”
Y. Aydin, “Raw Material Analyses of the Lower Paleolithic Chipped Stone Finds from Karain Cave: Initial Results”
E. Fidan, “Prehistoric Archaeo-metallurgy Studies of Western Anatolia”
E. Aşkin, “Ancient Settlements and Settlement Organization in the Province of Karaman and the Mut Administrative District in the Province of Mersin: Archaeological Survey 2018”
F. Tülek, “Archaeological Investigations in Osmaniye Province, 2018”
T. E. Şerifoğlu, “Taşeli-Karaman Archaeological Project 2018 Fieldwork Season”
F. E. Dökü, “Uylupınar (Early Kibyra) Settlement Surveys in 2018”
R. Becks, “Şeref Höyük/Komama Survey 2018”
T. Caymaz, “The 2018 Survey in South of the Urla Peninsula”
R. İlhan, “Paleogeographical and Geoarchaeological Research of Panaztepe in 2018 (Menemen-İzmir)”
E. Öner, “Paleogeographical and Geoarchaeological Research of Tepecik Mound in 2018 (Çine-Aydın)”
D. Silibolatlaz Baykara, “Zooarchaeological Studies at Tatarlı Höyük in 2013-2014 Excavation Campaigns”
T. Maltas, “The Agricultural Origins of Urbanism and Inequality in the İzmir Region: Preliminary Results”
M. Ali Kaya, “Integrated Geophysical Application at Gökçeada-Uğurlu-Zeytinlik Mound in 2018”
Ü. Aydinoğlu, “Survey of Urbanization and Rural Settlements in Rough Cilicia in 2018”
D. Kaplan, “Survey Hinterland of Tarsus (2018)”
E. Koparal, “Urla, Çeşme, Seferihisar Archaeological Survey 2018 Season”
G. Coşkun, “Archaeological Survey of Lebedos and its Territory, 2018”
A. Baran, “Rhodian Peraia Survey 2018”
A. Kizil, “Survey at Euromos and Surroundings 2018”
U. Çörtük, “The Archaeological Survey at the Koinon of Pisye – Pladasa – 2018”
Ş. Gümüş, “Muğla Province, Islands, Bodrum Peninsula, Damlıboğaz, Sarıçay Plain, Pilavtepe, Kissebükü, Kedrai (Sedir Island) 2018 Survey of Lelegian Settlements at Mainland”
F. Demir, “Aigeai Survey 2018”
S. Gündüz, “Ancient Harbors and Underwater Surveys of Yalova Coasts – 2018”
A. Bilir, “Underwater Survey of Northeast Marmara 2018”
O. Dumankaya, “Balıkesir Province Marmara Coast Underwater Research-2018”
M. Şahin, “Archaeological Survey at the Bursa and Surrounding – 2018”
E. Erdan, “Tisna Archaeological Survey in 2018”
A. Büyüközer, “Archaeological Survey of Yatağan and Its Environment in 2018”
H. M. Özgen, “Archaeological Survey of Balıkesir – Burhaniye, Gömeç, Ayvalık & Edremit, The 2018 Campaign”
R. Körpe, “2018 Gelibolu Peninsula and Sestos Survey Project”
E. Aslan, “Kekova Island Underwater Protection / Rescue Excavations”
M. Şahin, “Underwater Excavations in the İznik Lake – 2018”
H. Özdaş, “Underwater Archaeological Survey in Aegean-Mediterranean Seas, 2018”
H. Öniz, “Underwater Archaeological Research at The Coast of Turkish Mediterranean – 2018”
E. Aslan, “Kekova Island Underwater / Surveys in 2018”
H. Öniz, “Archaeological Studies on Silifke Dana Island – 2018”


Bones, Bodies, Images

On 20 June 2019 an international conference entitled Bones, Bodies, Images: Shifting Identities at the Onset of the Mycenaean Era was held at the Groningen Institute of Archaeology. Further information is available at The program was:
E. Milka, “Buried Identities in the MH Argolid”
A. Philippa-Touchais, “The dynamics of the MH societies through their residential and funerary/ritual practices, with emphasis to Argos and the Argolid”
S. Voutsaki and I. Room, “Mortuary treatment in the MH period: Simple, static, homogeneous and dull?”
I. Moutafi, “My bones, your bones, our bones… Or how changing attitudes to the dead paved the way for a new era”
J. Wright, “Thoughts on Symbols in Action”
T. Verlaan, “Perceptions of Life: Imagery in Early and Middle Helladic periods”
M. Mina, “Constructing Identities in the Mortuary Arena: Imagery in the Shaft-Grave Era”
Y. van den Beld, “The Griffin is a composite beast. A look at the grave of the Griffin Warrior: context, wealth and personhood in the Mycenaean world”