Future Lectures and Conferences

Cypriot Archaeology, Pre-Modern Material Culture, and Cultural Heritage in the UK

On 5 April 2019 a symposium entitled Cypriot Archaeology, Pre-Modern Material Culture, and Cultural Heritage in the UK will be held at UCL Institute of Archaeology. Further information is available at https://maryjahariscenter.org/blog/cypriot-archaeology-pre-modern-material-culture-cultural-heritage-uk?fbclid=IwAR1XSbCX2iGqebdAySa2t1a46l-AnVIuya1q10P0birCliA1nIbBWJzBCtQ. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
G. Mut, “Textiles are in the details. Looking for a Chalcolithic ‘textile culture’”
L. Crewe, “Excavating a looted cemetery: methods and results from Chalcolithic Souskiou-Laona”
E. Cory-Lopez, “Picrolite: the chaîne opératoire in a practical approach”
M. Monaco, “Exploring changes in activity patterns among Cypriot Chalcolithic and Bronze Age communities”
R. Laoutari, “Is it an ‘elite’ world? Unfolding the deathways at the Prehistoric Bronze Age Cemetery of Vounous, Cyprus”
S. Douglas, “Burials, Bodies and Objects: Using the Mortuary Record to Interpret Bronze Age Identity on Cyprus”
M. Dikomitou-Eliadou, “Early and Middle Bronze Age Lapithos X-rayed: The ReCyPot project”
R. J. Stacey, R. K. Smith, and J. Thomas-Oates, “Of opium and oil: detection of alkaloids in a Cypriot base-ring juglet”
L. Bushnell, “Opium abuse in ancient Cyprus? Out of context, it’s just fake news”
T. Humphrey, “Hierarchy and heterarchy, a brief re-exploration of Cypriot socio-political organisation in the Late Bronze Age”
M. Dolan, “Shipshape: Re-examining the role of terracotta boat models in Late Bronze and Iron Age Cyprus”
G. Papantoniou, A. K. Vionis, and D. Nicolaou, “Unlocking the Sacred Landscapes of Cyprus (UnSaLa-CY) – Settled and Sacred Landscapes of Cyprus (SeSaLaC): Two interconnected Cyprus-based Projects”

SAA 2019

On 10-14 April 2019 the Society for American Archaeology 84th Annual Meeting (SAA 2019) will be held in Albuquerque, NM. Further information is available at https://www.saa.org/annual-meeting. Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:
P. N. Kardulias, “The Ethnoarchaeology of Stone Craft Production in Athienou, Cyprus”
P. Vaiglova and A. Bogaard, “The Nitrogen Challenge at Çatalhöyük”
E. Roditi and B. Starkovich, “Were Neandertals the Original Snowbirds? Zooarchaeological Evidence from Greece”
H. Tomas, “Early Bronze Age Burial Structures of the Eastern Adriatic and Their Possible Connections with the Aegean”
A. Simmons, “Neolithic Voyagers: Why Colonize the Mediterranean Islands—The Example from Cyprus”
G. Elezi, “Manufacture of Late Neolithic Pottery from the Southern Balkans: An Integrative Approach”
Z. Chovanec, “Over Land, Sea and the Space Between: Evidence for Multi-Scalar Interactions between Eastern Mediterranean and Central European Communities during the Bronze Age”
L. Swantek, “Local Actions and Long-Distance Interactions: Challenging the Paradigm for the Emergence of Social Complexity on Cyprus during the Bronze Age”
E. Booker, “Cypriot Clay Bodies: Contact, Corporeality, and Figurine Use in the Cypriot Late Bronze Age”
W. Weir, “The Development of Plain and Monochrome Wares in Protohistoric Bronze Age Cyprus”
W. Crist, “Social Approaches to Board Games in Mediterranean Archaeology”
N. Susmann, “Expanding the Boundaries of Cultic Space: An Investigation of Nature in Greek Cultic Spaces in the Argolid and Messenia (2800–146 BCE)”
R. Kulick, “Crisis in Geoarchaeological Context: Reassessing Bronze Age ‘Collapse’ at Palaikastro, Crete, Greece”
B. Lis, E. Kiriatzi, and N. Müller,”From Local to Regional Technological Landscapes – The Mobility of Aeginetan Potters”
S. Debowski and D. Doyel, “The World as His Oyster: Our Journey with Alan Simmons”
J. Cooper, “Neolithic Tales from the Eastern Mediterranean Basin: A Graduate Student’s Experience under Dr. Alan H. Simmons at the University of Nevada Las Vegas in the 1990s”
T. Davis, “Hippos, Cows and CAARI: Alan Simmons’ impact on Cypriot Archaeology”
A. McCarthy, “Signs of Shared Identity: Neolithic Incised Stones in Cyprus and Beyond”
L. Lucas, “Filling the Envelope: a History of Archaeobotanical Research in Cyprus”
K. DiBenedetto and L. Keach, “Landscape and Super-Regional Scale Interaction within the Aceramic Neolithic of Cyprus”
A. Osterholtz, “Becoming Cypriot: Identity Formation, Negotiation and Renegotiation on Bronze Age Cyprus”
R. Kolvet, “Characteristics of an Upland Cypro-PPNB Ground Stone Assemblage”
K. Twiss, J. Taylor, J. Issavi, S. Haddow and C. Mazzucato, “Assessing Inequality at Neolithic Çatalhöyük, Anatolia”
S. Allen and M. Wendel, “Landscape and Plant Use in High Albania: New Results from the Late Neolithic to Iron Age at Gajtan and Zagorës”
B. Starkovich, “Small Carnivore Use in the Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic of Kephalari Cave (Peloponnese, Greece): Opportunistic or Optimal?”

Middle and Late Helladic Laconia

On 12-13 April 2019 a conference entitled Middle and Late Helladic Laconia: Competing principalities? will be held at the Netherlands Institute at Athens, organized by the Netherlands Institute at Athens, the Ephorate of Antiquities of Laconia, and the University of Groningen. Further information is available at http://www.nia.gr/nl/nieuws-kalender/nieuws/522-conference-program-competing-principalities. The program will be:
E. Banou, A. Chapin, and L. Hitchcock, “The Eurotas Valley, Laconia, in the 2nd Millennium B.C.: The Area of Vapheio–Palaiopyrgi in Context”
W. Cavanagh, C. Gallou, I. Spondylis, and J. Henderson, “Southern Laconia in the Middle and Earlier Late Bronze Age: pottery from Pavlopetri and other sites”
K. P. Trimmis, “The curious case of an island: A preliminary account on the Northern Kythera Middle and Late Bronze Age Landscapes; Laconian, Cretan, or Kytherian?”
C. Wiersma and W. de Neef, “The Ayios Vasilios Survey Project. Results of the pedestrian field survey and geophysical research
S. Voutsaki, “The political geography of Mycenaean Laconia”
N. Karadimas, A. Vasilogamvrou, and E. Kardamaki, “Preliminary remarks on the stratigraphy of the West Stoa from the new Mycenaean palace at Ayios Vasileios, Laconia”
M. Tsouli, A. Kotsi, and D. Vlachakos, “A new Mycenaean settlement by the middle Evrotas valley: the site Vrysika of Xirokambi”
S. MacVeagh Thorne and M. Prent, “Middle Helladic Geraki”
J. Crouwel, “Geraki - from Middle to Late Helladic: ceramic evidence”
E. Banou, M. Tsouli, and G. Tsiaggouris, “Ceramic Evidence on the Transition to the Mycenaean Era in Southern Laconia: Prehistoric Pottery from Passavas near Gytheio”
D. Kondyli and I. Mathioudaki, “Throwing some light on the early history of the Mycenaean palace at Ayios Vasileios, Laconia: Examining three early Mycenaean pottery deposits from Building Alpha”
V. Hachtmann and S. Voutsaki, “The relationship between Central and South Laconia during the Early Mycenaean period: The pottery evidence”
M. Tsouli, A. Maltezou, and G. Tsiaggouris, “New evidence on the funerary landscape of Middle Helladic Laconia”
L. Souchleris, “A new cemetery of the Late Bronze Age at Pellana, in the northern part of the Eurotas valley”
T. Alušik, “Health status in Middle and Late Helladic Laconia”
S. Voutsaki, I. Moutafi, V. Hachtmann, and M. Dee, “The North Cemetery at Ayios Vasilios: austerity and differentiation in the Early Mycenaean period”
Y. de Raaff, T. Verlaan, S. Voutsaki, and G. Nobles, “Destruction, construction and reconstruction: the Built Chamber Tomb of the North Cemetery at Ayios Vasilios, Laconia”
Y. van den Beld, “Brick by brick: labour investment and processes of change in Ayios Vasilios”