Future Lectures and Conferences

Archaeological Research Unit

The spring 2018 schedule of lectures at the Archaeological Research Unit at the University of Cyprus is in progress. All lectures are held at 7:30 PM unless otherwise stated at the Archaeological Research Unit (Γλάδστωνος 12, Λευκωσία, 1095) and are livestreamed at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjTR724hymIJDuFEeOkWBug. Further information is available at http://www.ucy.ac.cy/aru/documents/Lectures/correctedspringsemester2019.pdf. Lectures of interest to Nestor readers will include:
21 January 2019: S. Menelaou, “A multi-scalar approach to ceramic production, consumption and distribution: the methodological paradigm of the Early Bronze Age Heraion on Samos, Greece”
11 February 2019: G. Papantoniou, “Unlocking the Sacred Landscapes of Cyprus (UnSaLa-CY) and Landscape Archaeology in the Xeros River Valley in Larnaca”
16 February 2019, 9:00 AM: Το Αρχαιολογικό Έργο του Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου, 2018
4 March 2019: J. Bintliff, “The Cambridge-Bradford (-Durham-Leiden-Edinburgh) Boeotia Project: the first 40 years of a Regional Landscape Survey in Central Greece”
15 April 2019: C. Vonhoff, “Metallic status symbols from Cypriot Early Iron Age élite burials (LC IIIB/CG) – Helmets, shepherd’s crooks, mace heads and tridents as indicators for social rank and élite self-conception within Cypriot society of the late 2nd and early 1st Millennium B.C.”
6 May 2019: Χ. Ντούμας, “Ακρωτήρι Θήρας: Ενδείξεις για την ιδεολογία των προϊστορικών κατοίκων του”
13 May 2019: L. Recht, “Equids in Bronze Age Cyprus”
20 May 2019: A. Karnava, “Perceptions of language and scribal practices in Cyprus during the 1st mill. BCE”
27 May 2019: Μ. Μηνά, “Ούτε εκμινωισμένη, ούτε εκμυκηναϊσμένη: η Κάρπαθος στην Εποχή του Χαλκού”

Cyprus Institute Colloquium

The colloquium program related to archaeology at the Science and Technology in the Archaeology and Culture Research Center of the Cyprus Institute in Nicosia has been announced for spring 2018. Further information is available at https://www.cyi.ac.cy/index.php/cyi-events.html. Lectures of interest to Nestor readers will include:
9 May 2019: V. Karagiorghis, “Aspects of Cypriot Archaeology today: Tradition, Innovation and Homeric Flavor”
16 May 2019: E. Kountouri, “The political geography of a Mycenean district: recent archaeological survey and excavations at the northeastern Kopais”
16 June 2019: A. Karnava, “The 1st mil. BCE Cypriot Syllabic Script: Current Studies and Research Perspectives”