Future Lectures and Conferences

Η αρχαιολογία του υφάσματος

On 4-18 December 2018 a conference entitled Η αρχαιολογία του υφάσματος will be held by the Εθνικό 'Ίδρυμα Ερευνών, Ινστιτούτο Ιστορικών Ερευνών in Athens. Further information is available at http://www.eie.gr/epistimiskoinonia/2017-2018/Morfotikes_Z.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0IVWemsKEbsW50UuBmjb1kXQs6SU0MNyAq8oHjNGWXXciObgQr4S1y5Mw. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
‘Ι. Τζαχίλη, “Mεταξύ τέχνης, τεχνικής και αρχαιολογικής μεθόδου: η πολυσημία των αρχαίων υφασμάτων”
Κ. Σαρρή, “Πολύχρωμα υφάσματα και ενδύματα στο προϊστορικό Αιγαίο: αισθητικές και τεχνολογικές προσεγγίσεις”
‘Α. Μιχαηλίδου, “Ο ρόλος του υφάσματος στις προ-νομισματικές οικονομίες”
Β. Πετράκης, “Η οργάνωση και διαχείριση της υφαντικής παραγωγής στα μυκηναϊκά ανάκτορα”
Σ. Βακιρτζή,, “ Τεχνίτρες της κλωστής στο προϊστορικό Αιγαίο: η αρχαιολογία ενός ‘επαγγέλματος’”

PeClA 2018

On 6-7 December 2018 the 7th International Postgraduate Conference PeClA 2018 (Perspectives on Classical Archaeology). Pólemos – Bellum: Archaeology of Conflict in the Antiquity will be held at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. Further information is available at https://ukar.ff.cuni.cz/cs/2018/10/22/pecla_2018/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
F. Franković, “Another One Bites the Dust – Iconography of Defeated Warriors in the Late Bronze Age Aegean”
M. Roháček, “War in Arzawa? Overview of weapons in Western Anatolia in 2nd Millenium BC”
M. Smisek, “Interception of the earthquakes in archaeological contexts during period of conflicts on LM IB Crete”


On 6-7 December 2018 an international workshop entitled OIKOS: Archaeological approaches to House Societies in the ancient Aegean will be held at the UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, organized by AEGIS. Further information is available at https://oikos.minoan-aegis.net/. The program will be:
J. Driessen and Q. Letesson, “‘On the House’. A diachronic look on the configuration of Minoan social relationships”
T. Whitelaw, “Houses, Households, families and corporate groups. Social Structures and their material representation in Minoan Crete”
M. Relaki, “Ecologies of belonging: Houses as commons in Bronze Age Crete”
C. Knappett, “The aesthetics of containment: concealing and revealing in Minoan houses”
S. Nanoglou, “There is no such thing as house society, or fetishising the house”
S. Todaro, “Residential mobility and ritual stability in Prepalatial Mesara: rebuilding Houses at Phaistos”
E. Gerontakou, M. Kyritsi, and A. Salichou, “‘Τα εν οίκω’: Tracing social identity and structure in the Minoan town of Zakros”
T. Brogan and C. Sofianou, “Darkness at the edge of town? Signs of inequality in the LM I Oikos at Papadiokampos”
T. F. Cunningham, “Scalar and temporal aspects of economic activities in Minoan Houses”
E. Hatzaki, “From the Neopalatial to Final Palatial: Knossian and Cretan ‘Houses in Motion’”
Υ. Papadatos, “Pottery consumption in Prepalatial domestic and funerary contexts: defining Houses through difference”
P. Militello, O. Palio, and M. Figuera, “Embedded Production: Elite Houses, Central Buildings and ideological co-operation”
E. Apostolaki, “Whom the House concerned: Land ownership and lines of descent in prehistoric Crete”
D. Puglisi, “Rites of Passage in Minoan Palatial Crete and their role in structuring a ‘House’ Society”
A. Simandiraki-Grimshaw, “The Body and the Ring: Metal Rings and Group Identities in the Late Bronze Age Aegean”
A. Peatfield and C. Morris, “Peak Sanctuary figurines: materializing issues of ritual personhood within community/House identity”
S. Finlayson, “The House Seal: examining seal-use and sealing practices in Proto- and Neopalatial Crete using Lévi-Strauss’ model of House Societies”
A. Karnava and I. Nikolakopoulou, “More oikoi at Akrotiri, Thera: physical and social landscape in the new north/northwest neighbourhood of the LB I settlement
E. Gorogianni, “Finding oikoi: Ayia Irini, Kea from the household perspective”
C. Wiersma, “Early Helladic III and Middle Helladic house (centric) societies”
K. Efkleidou, “Looking for Houses in the tombs. The evidence for House-societies in the Mycenaean Argolid”
S. Andreou and K. Efkleidou, “In quest of the ‘oikos’ in the Late Bronze Age tells of Central Macedonia: The evidence from Thessaloniki Toumba”
M. Ruiz-Galvez, “Women, Houses and House Societies”

Regional Approaches to Early Greek Society

On 14-16 December 2018 an international workshop entitled Regional Approaches to Early Greek Society, 1100–550 BCE will be held at Eberhard Karls University Tübingen. Further information is available at http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/fakultaeten/philosophische-fakultaet/fachbereiche/altertums-und-kunstwissenschaften/institut-fuer-klassische-archaeologie/konferenzen/early-greek-society.html. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
M. Kontopanagou, “The Athenian Society in the Transition to the Early Iron Age through Funerary Material Culture: the Case of the Herodou Attikou Street Cemetery”
B. Eder, “Between the Mycenaean and Greek Worlds: the Emergence of the Greek Sanctuary”
T. Keßler, “Regional (Id)entities. The Decoration of Early Iron Age Pottery around the Gulf of Corinth”
A. Livieratou, “From Mycenaean Periphery to ethne: the Complex Ways of Socio-Political Evolution in Phocis and East Locris in the Early Iron Age”
A. Stamoudi, “The Household Ceramics of the LHIIIC and Proto- Geometric Period from the Site of Kynos (Phtiotis). Its Character, Characteristics and Potentials”
I. Lemos, “Transformation, Tradition and Innovation: the Transition from the Late Bronze to the Early Iron Age”
E. Chatzinikolaou, “From the Individual to the Community: Re-Reading Domestic Space during the Transition from the Early Iron Age to the Archaic Period”