Past Lectures and Conferences

Household Archaeology in Old World Prehistory

On 21-22 November 2018 a conference entitled Household Archaeology in Old World Prehistory was held in Vienna. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:
K. Kotsakis, “Households in the mist. A central concept of Old World Archaeology revisited”
M. Röcklinger, “Spatial and Social Organisation at EBA 1 Çukuriçi Höyük”
C. Moser, “Insights into an Early Bronze Age Settlement in the Western Thessalian Plain”
O. Kouka, “Social Dynamics and Space Management in the EBA East Aegean”
G. Sofianos, “The Minoan Oikos in Pre- and Proto-palatial Crete”
S. Emra, “The Household at Çukuriçi Höyük through Patterns of Butchery, Consumption and Disposal”
P. Halstead, “Households(?) in Neolithic Greece: Production, Storage and Consumption of Food”
V. Tzevelekidi, “The Contribution of Zooarchaeological Analyses to the Interpretation of Ancient Societies: The Case of the Neolithic Greek Site of Toumba Kremastis-Koiladas”
S. Cveček, “Households in Transition? (Un)shared Household Practices in the Early Bronze Age Western Anatolia”

SOMA 2018

On 22-25 November 2018 the 22nd annual Symposium On Mediterranean Archaeology (SOMA 2018). From East to West: The mobility of people, goods and ideas in the ancient Mediterranean was held at the Museo del Mare e della Navigazione Antica, Santa Severa, Rome. Further information is available at Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers included:
E. Scarsella, “The private agency in the Late Bronze Age Mediterranean”
K. Youngs, “Digitizing Cypriot glass and faience: manufacture, mobility and interconnections in the Late Bronze Age Mediterranean”
S. Ruzza “From East to West: some observations on the introduction of Naue II swords in the Aegean”
G. Avola, “Mobility of people and goods between the Aegean and the central Mediterranean in the III millennium BC: the evidence from Southeastern Sicily and Malta”