Calls for Papers

The Connected Past 2018

On 14 May 2018 abstracts (250 words maximum) are due for a conference entitled The Connected Past 2018, to be held on 6-7 December 2018 at the University of Oxford. Further information is available at Submissions are invited on the topic of spatial and temporal network approaches, especially abstracts that address the challenges posed by the use of or apply network approaches in historical/archaeological research contexts and case studies drawn from all periods and places. Topics may include, but are not limited to:
Spatial networks
Temporal networks
Archaeological network research
Historical network research
Missing and incomplete data in archaeological and historical networks
What kinds of data can archaeologists and historians use to reconstruct past networks and what kinds of issues ensue?
Formal network analysis vs qualitative network approaches: pros, cons, potential, limitations

EuroMed 2018

On 31 May 2018 submissions for full papers (12 pages maximum), project papers (10 pages maximum), short papers (8 pages maximum), and proposals for showcases are due for the 6th International Euro-Mediterranean Conference (EuroMed 2018) on Digital Heritage, to be held on 29 October-3 November 2018 in Cyprus. Further information is available at

SAA 2019

On 6 September 2018 submissions, both session and individual (abstracts 200 words maximum), are due for the Society for American Archaeology 84th Annual Meeting (SAA 2019), to be held on 10-14 April 2019 in Albuquerque, NM. Further information is available at