Eleventh IEMA Visiting Scholar Spring Conference

On 7-8 April 2018 the Eleventh IEMA Visiting Scholar Spring Conference: Homo Migrans: Modelling Mobility and Migration in Human History will be held by the Institute for European and Mediterranean Archaeology at the State University of New York at Buffalo. Further information is available at http://www.iema.buffalo.edu/conference/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
A. Yasur-Landau, "Tool Kits and Adaptive Strategies of Mobility and Migration in the Eastern Mediterranean"

17th International Aegean Conference

On 17-21 April 2018 the 17th International Aegean Conference. Μνήμη / Mneme: Past and Memory in the Aegean Bronze Age will be held in Venice and Udine. Further information is available at https://mneme-aegaeum-17.uniud.it/17th-conference/programme/. The provisional program is:
J. Wright, "Mnemonics for Archaeologists: How did Aegean societies remember?"
P. Tomkins, "Vat Returns. Memory, Mediation and Manipulation in the Remaking of the Knossos 'Palace' in Middle Minoan IB"
S. Todaro, "Living with the Past. Ritual Practices and the Construction of Social Memory in the Bronze Age Mesara"

F. Carinci, "Phaistos and Ayia Triada from FN to EIA: Two Places for Memories"
J. S. Soles, "The Creation of Social Memory in Minoan Mochlos"
M. Devolder, "The 'Dungeon': In Search of Lost Time in the Palace at Malia"
J. McEnroe and M. Buell, "Architecture and Memory at Gournia (Crete)"
E. Hatzaki, "Seeing but not Remembering: the Use of Ashlar in LM IIIB late - LM IIIC Knossos, Crete"
A. Kanta, "The LM III Fetish Shrine in the Diachronic Religious Centre of the Knossos City"
M. Tsipopoulou and D. Rupp, "The final claims to the long-lived Minoan cultural landscape at Petras (Siteia)"
T. M. Brogan, "Rejecting the Past? LM II-IIIB settlements in the Mirabello"
F. Gaignerot-Driessen, "From Peak Sanctuaries to Hilltop Settlements: Reshaping the Cultural Landscape in Late Minoan IIIC Crete"
S. Triantaphyllou, M. Tsipopoulou, and S. Kiorpe, "Manipulating bodies, constructing social memory: ways of negotiating, re-inventing and legitimizing the past at the Kephala Petras cemeteries, Siteia, Crete"
K. Kopaka, "Neighbours in perpetuity. A lone prehistoric pithos burial at Gavdos - A link with long living collective memory"
B. Legarra Herrero, "A time to remember and a time to forget. The role of the past in the deep history of Knossos through its mortuary record"
E. Kyriakidis, "Memory, Ritual and Space"
I. Tournavitou, "Ritual breakage in Minoan peak sanctuaries. The disposal and manipulation of collective memory. Reality and Myth"
I. Caloi, "Visible and commemorative structured deposits. Keeping the memory of communal social practices at Minoan palaces"
P. P. Betancourt, S. Saracen, and L. Kolonauski, "Minoan Memories in the Cave of Eileithyia at Inatos, Crete"
C. Langohr, "In vino veritas? In search of the evidence for past Minoan wine rituals before the krater"
C. Doumas, "Early Bronze Age Memorial Practices in Thera (Santorini): the evidence at Akrotiri"
M. Marthari, "Memory and identity in LC I/LM IA Thera as reflected in settlement patterns and ceramic production"
J. Earle, "A memorable feast at Late Bronze Age Phylakopi"
K. Wardle and D. Wardle, "The citadel of Mycenae: a landscape of myth and memory"
C. Maggidis, "The Palace Throne at Mycenae: Constructing Collective Historical and Power Ideology"
E. Palaiologou, "Facing the Mycenaean past at Mycenae"
V. Aravantinos, "Memories of the Mycenaean 'Palatial System' in Post-palatial Boeotia"
L. Papazoglou-Manioudaki and K. Paschalidis, "Community and memory in the periphery of the Mycenaean world: Incidents in the life of the Mygdalia settlement near Patras"
J. Murphy, "Power plays at Pylos: The past and memory in the tombs and at the palace"
A. Philippa-Touchais, "Death in Middle Helladic period: variation in the construction of mnemonic landscapes"
M. Zavadil, "Remembering old graves? Jar burials in the Mycenaean period"
N. Papadimitriou, "Changing Mnemonic Processes in Early Mycenaean Greece"
R. Laffineur, "Monumentalizing Memory at Mycenae"
R. Fitzsimons, "Constructing a Legendary Past: Possible Archaizing Elements in the Funerary Landscape of Late Bronze Age Mycenae"
B. Burns and B. Burke, "Memorializing the First Mycenaeans at Eleon"
A. Van de Moortel, S. Vitale and B. Lis, "Remembering Past Heroes: the Long Afterlife of Built Chamber Tomb 73 at Mitrou"
K. Shelton and L. Kvapil, "Among the ancestors at Aidonia: accessing the past in Mycenaean mortuary contexts"
R. A. Smith and S. Triantaphyllou, "Remembering the Dead: Memory and Mortuary Ritual at the Mycenaean Cemetery of Ayia Sotira, Nemea"
T. Papadopoulos, "Honouring the ancestors and the particular role of social memory in Western Mycenaean Greece. The evidence of tombs and burial customs"
K. Aktypi, O. Jones, and M. Gazis, "Use and Reuse of the Past: Case Studies from Mycenaean Achaea"
E. Borgna, G. De Angeli, A. Licciardello, A. Mercogliano and A. G. Vordos, "Natural and human components shaping a landscape of memory during the long-term occupation of the Trapeza, Aigion, Achaea"
A.-L. Schallin, "Constructing Links with the Past - Post-Bronze Age Burials in Late Bronze Age Tombs at Dendra"
N. Sgouritsa, "Politics of mortuary respect in Mycenaean Attica"
J. Maran, "Between Remembering and Forgetting: Ruins of the Past and the 'Invention of Tradition'"
D. Panagiotopoulos, "From 'tradition' to 'cultural memory'. Towards a paradigm shift in Aegean archaeology"
L. Morgan, "Art, Culture and Memory"
T. Strasser, S. Murray, and C. Kolb, "The Asphendou Petroglyphs: Reading and Recording an Eye-Witness to the Stone Age"
H. Whittaker, "Memory and figured worlds in the Aegean Bronze Age"
L. Platon, "The uncertainties of the pictorial memory and the 'pulp' of ideas and actions drawn from a glorious past: the case of the post-palatial Minoan religious iconography"
C. von Rüden, "The Fish in the Bathtub. Evocating Memory through Post-Palatial Burial Practices"
A. Papadopoulos, "Mneme and propaganda in the early Late Bronze Age Aegean: the case of the 'Siege rhyton'"
H. Brecoulaki, S. Stocker, and J. Davis, "'Old fashioned' themes revisited: The iconography of Hall 64 at the Palace of Nestor in Pylos"
A. Yasur Landau, "The Memory Machine: How 12th BCE Century Iconography Created Memories of the Philistines"
F. Blakolmer, "The glory that was Knossos! Heirlooms, reception and the significance of development in the arts of the Aegean Bronze Age"
B. Davis, E. Banou, L. Hitchcock, and A. Chapin, "Curation in the Bronze Age Aegean: Objects as Material Memories"
A. Vlachopoulos, "Mneme and Techne at Akrotiri, Thera"
I. Nikolakopoulou, "Objects of memory or objects of status? The case of Cycladic bichrome ware vases as heirlooms in Aegean contexts"
L. Vokotopoulos, "Remembering and honouring the past at Choiromandres, Zakros"
N. Cucuzza and O. Palio, "Between memory and reuse in Late Minoan III Mesara: a glimpse on the stone vessels at Kannia"
A. Crowe, "Old things, new contexts: Bronze Age objects in Early Iron Age burials at Knossos"
O. Krzyszkowska, "Changing perceptions of the past: the role of antique seals in the Aegean Bronze Age"
J. Weilhartner, "The use of heirlooms in Mycenaean sealing practices"
M. Dabney, "Heirlooms for the Living, Heirlooms for the Dead"
M. Cultraro, "Sale of Antiques or Heirloom? Amber Spacer-Plates of Western Europe origin in the early Mycenaean Age"
A. Cazzella and G. Recchia, "Memories and legacies of cultural encounters and contacts with the Aegean in central Mediterranean (2500-1700 BC)"
L. Girella, P. Pavúk, and M. Pieniążek, "Past and Present: Defining Identities in the Eastern Aegean and Western Anatolian Interface"
E. Salavoura, "Prehistoric Arkadia as a landscape of memory for the ancient Greeks"
L. Hitchcock and A. Maeir, "Tomorrow Never Dies: Post-Palatial Memories of the Aegean Late Bronze Age in the Mediterranean"
E. Stefani and N. Merousis, "Space and Memory in Late Bronze Age Macedonia"
M. Georgiadis, "The use of memory and the past during the Mycenaean and Post Mycenaean periods in the South-Eastern Aegean"
S. Vitale and C. McNamee, "Utilitarian, Narrative, and Ideological Memory on Kos during the Late Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age: From Case Study to Archaeological Theory"
A. Karnava, "Minoan Archives"
T. Palaima, "The Importance of Memory in Mycenaean and later Greek Culture: The Linear B and Epic Evidence"
J. G. Younger, "Minoan Origins of Greek Myth"
K. Polinger Foster, "Two new Aegean memories and metaphors: Athena as a swallow, Herakles as a lion"
S. Privitera, "'Words are Stones'. Of Tombs, Walls, and the Memory of the Mythical Kings on the Athenian Akropolis"
R. Arnott, "Hippocratic medicine in the first millennium BC and its Bronze Age origins"
A. Kotsonas, "Monument and Memory: A Cultural History of the Cretan Labyrinth(s)"
N. Momigliano, "Models of memory and the reception of the Aegean Bronze Age"
A. MacGillivray, "The Artifice of Archaeology and the Making of Minoan Memories"
P. Militello, "Phaistos: a Memory for the Future. How to tell an archaeological site"
J. Driessen, "Claiming the bones, naming the stones? Appropriating the Minoan Past"