Neue Forschungen zu frühen griechischen Heiligtümern

On 19-21 April 2018 an international symposium entitled Neue Forschungen zu frühen griechischen Heiligtümern (12.-5. Jahrhundert v. Chr.) will be held by the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Athen. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
K. Kalogeropoulos, The Athenian Acropolis in the Late Geometric period - The beginning or the end of a development?"
A. Vordos and N. Hellner, "Το γεωμετρικό κτήριο στο ιερό της Τραπεζάς Αιγίου. Η σημασία του στη λατρεία και προτάσεις αναπαράστασης"
D. G. Romano, "The Sanctuary of Zeus at Mt. Lykaion from the Bronze to the Iron Age"
B. Eder, "Die Anfänge des Heiligtums von Olympia: Mykenische Festtraditionen und der Habitus früheisenzeitlicher Eliten"
W.-D. Niemeier, "Die Heiligtümer der Athena in Milet, der Hera auf Samos und des Apollon von Kalapodi/Abai - Kontinuität und Wandel zwischen der minoisch-mykenischen und der archaischen Epoche in drei griechischen Heiligtümern"
V. Vlachou, "Water, hydriae and sacred places. A view from the Early Iron Age Aegean"

6th Conference in Aegean Archaeology

On 14-15 June 2018 the Sympozjum Egejskie. 6th Conference in Aegean Archaeology will be held by the Department of Aegean Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw. Further information is available at The provisional program is:
D. Kofel, "Early Bronze Age agriculture in the Aegean: archaeobotanical studies of Keros"
T. Alusik, "Medicine in prehistoric Greece"
T. Claeys, "'Happy are they who value their privacy' The re-evaluation of reburial strategies as a possible bridge between heritage preservation and tourism consumption - an application to Bronze Age archaeological sites in Crete"

A. Labrude, "Late Minoan III funerary dynamics in Eastern Crete: between Minoan and Mycenaean traditions"
A. Filipek, "'From the single mother we both draw our breath' Some new perspectives for studies on the worship of the Great Mother Goddess on Crete"
C. Aamodt, "Practices for averting evil and the notion of ritual protection in Mycenaean Greece"
S. Müller, "Funerary and death rituals in the Argive Plain during the Mycenaean period"
S. Antonello, "Pictorial Style and Mycenaean wall paintings: some affinities in composition"
C. De Gregorio, "The emblems on the jugs in the Prepalatial Ayia Triada and the iconography of the seals: a comparison"
V. Taglieri, "Nesting boxes from Protopalatial Phaistos in context"
B. Morda, "The talismanic stones as an indicator of a transmission of a traditional craft specialization"
S. Aulsebrook, "Forging ahead or foiled again? The application of cross-craft analysis to Late Bronze Age metalworking"
D. Trusty, "Itinerants and impersonators: characterizing the producers of cooking vessels at Late Bronze Age Korakou"
A. Licciardello, "To repair, or not to repair: that is the question! The itinerary of a fragmented vessel during the Bronze Age Aegean"
K. Eckert, "Understanding the Milesian Peninsula in the Bronze Age: an integrated approach from a ceramic perspective - the settlement on Tavşan Adası"
C. Bahyrycz, "Place of Vardar and Struma river valleys in the cultural network of Central Macedonia in the Late Bronze Age - case study of Mycenaean and incised/encrusted pottery within Northern Aegean and beyond"
A. Papazovska, "Mycenae and Macedonia - Mycenaean imports and impacts in the Late Bronze Age"
W. Jenerałek, "Interdisciplinary research on gold mining at Amalara in Northern Greece and its European context"