ICCA 2018

On 22-26 May 2018 the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology (ICCA 2018). Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World will be held in Bonn and Cologne. Further information is available at http://www.aiac2018.de/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
K. Jazwa, “Comparing the Labor Investment and Production of Early and Late Bronze Age Ceramic Roofing Tiles in Mainland Greece”
R. Fitzsimons, “Laying the Foundations for the Mycenaean State: Labour Investment, Tomb Construction, and Early State Formation in the Bronze Age Argolid”
T. Keßler, “Reading connectivity on decorative grounds. A GIS-based approach to investigate interregional relations in Early Iron Age Greece”

N. Abell and E. Gorogianni, “Pottery Production on Late Bronze Age Kea: Organizational Perspectives”
E. Oddo, “Palatial and nonpalatial pottery production from domestic Neopalatial contexts: An inter-regional case study”
C. Langohr and I. Mathioudaki, “Ceramic traditions in Palatial Crete in the longue durée. Examining shifts in pottery consumption and production at Malia and Sissi, north-east Crete”
J. Hilditch, “As the world turns: technological approaches to assessing ceramic production within and beyond the palaces in the LB Aegean”
J. Hruby, “Using Mycenaean Palaces and Potters as a Mechanism for Understanding How Context and Intensity (Don’t) Work as Models with which to Describe Craft Production”
K. Shelton, “Decisions, decisions, decisions. Examining the role of choice in pottery production at Petsas House, Mycenae”
W. Gilstrap, “The protean potter. Economic strategy and social organization in prehistoric complex society”
K. Jazwa, “Non-Palatial Architectural Ceramics in LBA Mainland Greece: Design, Production, and Use”
G. van Wijngaarden, “Time and Place in Distance Value. The case of cylinder seals in Bronze Age Greece”
J. Smith, “Seals in the Economy and Culture of the Iron Age Mediterranean”
A. Brysbaert, “Logistics and infrastructure in support of building BIG in the Late Bronze Age Argolid, Greece”
K. Efkleidou, “Understanding large urban planning production in Mycenaean Greece”
D. Turner, “Constructing multi-use tombs in Late Bronze Age Attica and Achaea”
Y. Boswinkel, “Breaking down monumental constructions: people, costs and techniques”
S. Beckmann, “Built to last – Middle Bronze Age landscaping development in the region of Agios Nikolaos, Crete”
J. Webb, “Shifting centres: political, ideological and economic authority on the north coast of Cyprus over the longue durée of the prehistoric Bronze Age”
M. Iacovou, “From the Hinterland to the Coastal Landscape: the political economy of a Cypriot central place”
A. Bonnier, “GIS-based kernel density analysis and the re-evaluation of previously published survey datasets from the Peloponnese, Southern Greece”
V. Stissi, “A tale of five cities: comparing survey finds from Boeotian poleis from the Early Iron Age till the Roman takeover”
E. Margaritis, G. Tsartsidou, J. J. García-Granero, M. Ntinou, M. J. Boyd, and C. Renfrew, “On the rise of urbanism: agricultural practices, food choices and consumption in the Aegean Bronze Age at Dhaskalio, Keros”
V. Vaelske, “Experiencing Copper in the Phoenician Cities during Iron Age I/II”
M. Kiderlen, M. Bode, G, Mastrotheodoros, A. Hauptmann, Y. Bassiakos, A. Hein, N. S. Müller, and H. Mommsen, “Greek copper markets: Modelling the imports from Wadi Arabah, Cyprus, Rio Tinto and elsewhere to Greek central places ca. 1100 -700 BC”
G. Papantoniou and A. Vionis, “River as an economic asset: settlement and society in the Xeros Valley in Cyprus”
C. Dokos, K. Dokou, P. Liasidou, D. Manolopoulou, N. Solomou, and K. Manaridou, “Preliminary topographical and paleobiological data of the area Skales of the village Kato Pyrgos, Tyllirias district, Cyprus: Implications about Cyprus coastline cartography”
M. Schugk, “Between locality and regionality: Aspects of innercycladic networking, a view on the early Bronze Age settlement of Koukounaries on Paros”
D. Panagiotopoulos, “Unravelling the ancient and modern potential of (un-)central places: The case of Minoan Koumasa”
J. Zurbach, “Domestic vs commercial? Non-elite craftsmen between Mycenaean and Archaic times”
E. Panagiotopoulou and H. Sparkes, “Diet reconstruction in Early Iron Age and Hellenistic Halos”