Future Lectures and Conferences


Nilsson's work in retrospective

On 28 November 2017 A celebration of the work of Martin P. Nilsson will be held by the Swedish Institute at Athens at the Italian Archaeological School in Athens. Further information is available at http://www.sia.gr/topics/2017/10/16/celebration-work-martin-p-nilsson/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
M. Haysom, “Nilsson in the Bronze Age: the place of prehistory in the history of Greek religion”

AIA 2018

On 4-7 January 2018 the Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA 2018) will be held in Boston, MA. Further information is available at https://www.archaeological.org/annualmeeting. Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:
L. A. Hitchcock, A. P. Chapin, E. Banou, E. Pantou, J. Reynolds, and A. Tsatasaris, “The Vapheio-Palaiopyrgi Survey Project: Preliminary Results”
M. F. Lane and E. Kountouri, “MYNEKO 2017: Latest Results of Excavation of the MH–LH sites of Aghios Ioannis and Aghia Marina Pyrghos, and the Kopaic Plain”
R. Worsham and M. Lindblom, “The New Excavations at Malthi”
A. Van de Moortel, “A Middle Helladic III - Late Helladic I Phase 1 Pottery Kiln at Mitrou, Central Greece”
S. R. Stocker and J. L. Davis, “The Palace of Nestor at Pylos, 2017”
T. G. Palaima, “Iklaina-Traganes is Linear B a-pu2 but not Homeric Aipu, or is it??”
K. Stiles, “The Children’s Chamber Tomb: A Case Study of Unusual Juvenile Demography in a Late Bronze Age Cemetery in Central Greece”
O. A. Jones, A Paleodemographic Approach to Burial Exclusion in Mycenaean Achaia”
C. Donnelly, “The Daniel-Kober Correspondence and New (Again) Approaches to Cypro-Minoan”
M. J. Daniels, “The Gods of Kommos: Reconsidering the Deities of the Tripillar Shrine and Their Cross-Cultural Meanings in the Iron Age”
M. Carignano, “Locating the Minoan Kitchen”
S. Fachard, A. R. Knodell and K. Papangeli, “The 2017 Mazi Archaeological Project: Test Excavations and Site Investigations”
P. Christesen, “The Typology and Topography of Spartan Burials from the Protogeometric through Hellenistic Periods”
E. Miller Bonney, “Craft Crossover: A Creative Response to Social Change”
G. Doudalis, “What is Mine is Not Yours: Potters’ Marks as Indicators of Territoriality and Local Production in Protopalatial Mochlos”
G. P. Blasdel and T. F. Tartaron, “Mycenae’s Built-Road Network, Reconsidered”
P. Gheorghiade, “Connecting the Pots: Assessing Late Bronze Age Interaction in the Southern Aegean”
K. A. M. van den Berg, “Rewiring the Mediterranean Web: A Case Study in Italo-Aegean Connectivity during the Bronze Age—Iron Age Transition”
L. F. Nixon, “Using Resource Packages to Reconstruct Landscape Management in Sphakia, SW Crete”
C. Judson and A. Cabaniss, “Πεδίον Λαρισίον: Mapping Settlement Patterns on the Ierapetra Isthmus”
E. Baci, “Settlement Patterns in Albania from the Iron Age Through Greek and Roman Colonization and Integration (1100 B.C.E. - 395 C.E.)”
A. M. Ratigan, “‘Shared Objects of Thought’: Reconstructions of Late Minoan IB Architecture at Mochlos”
S. Czujko, “The Mycenaean Kylix at Mt. Lykaion: An Investigation into the Late Helladic III Vessel’s Appearance at the Ash Altar of Zeus”
B. Jones, “The Bronze Age Terracotta Statues from Ayia Irini, Kea and Their Costumes”
H. Wong, “Scanning for Wear on Ancient Base Ring I Juglets: Methodology and Processing”
G. Tsartsidou, K. Kotsakis, and P. Halstead, “Phytolith evidence for farming activities in the Early Neolithic site of Paliambela Kolindros in Macedonia, North Greece”
P. Vaiglova, A. Bogaard, P. Halstead, A. Gardeisen, and J. Lee-Thorp, “Assessing Diversity in Animal Management Practices in Northern and Southern Greece Using Sequential δ13C, δ18O Measurements of Tooth Enamel Carbonate of Domestic Herbivores”
A. Bogaard, A. Karathanou, V. Isaakidou, E. Kitsch, P. Vaiglova, and S. Valamoti, “From Speculation to Data? Using Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Studies to Test Land Use Models in the Prehistoric Aegean”
G. Price and J. S. Meier, “Renovative Modeling: Upgrading Faunal (Re)Distribution at Late Bronze Age Mycenae”
S. E. Allen, C. P. Shelton, C. McNamee, K. M. Forste, and A. Niekamp, “Mycenaean Agriculture from the Bottom Up: Integrating Macrobotanical, Microbotanical, and Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Evidence from Tsoungiza and Iklaina”
R. Palmer, “Agriculture in the Linear B Tablets: Data vs. Speculation”
C. Knappett, “The long term of the reduced scale: Aegean miniatures as temporal models”
C. Witmore, “On the Deep Time of Agrarian Entanglements: The case of the Argive Plain”
M. Eaby, T. M. Brogan, C. Sofianou, and Y. Papadatos, “Recent Excavations at Final Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Mesorachi, Crete”
O. Mouthuy, J. Driessen, S. Jusseret, M. Devolder, S. Déderix, T. Terrana, T Claeys, and E. Hayter, “Continuing Excavation of the Minoan Ceremonial Complex at Sissi (Crete)”
T. Brogan, V. Apostolakou, P. Betancourt, M. Eaby, K. Chalikias, K. Mountaki, C. McNamee, D. Mylona, and C. Sofianou, “Neopalatial House A.2 and Minoan Aquaculture on Chryssi”
E. Oddo, “The House of the Frescoes at Knossos: Preliminary Results of the First Study Season on the Pottery”
F. Gaignerot-Driessen, “Anavlochos, Crete: Preliminary Results of the 2017 excavations”
M. S. Mook, D. C. Haggis, C. M. Scarry, R. D. Fitzsimons, and W. F. Dibble, “Excavations at Azoria, East Crete, 2016-2017”
K. Fine, “New Investigations into Prehistoric Corinth: a Final Neolithic ‘Cult Vessel’ and Continuity of Ritual Practice”
A. Pearce, “Nilotic or Not? A Re-evaluation of the so-called Nilotic Scenes from Minoan Art and the Importance of Fresh Water in Minoan religion”
E. S. Hayter, “A Game of Stones: an Inventory and Distributional Analysis of the Consumption of Worked Stone at Neopalatial Knossos”
C. A. M. Gardner, and C. Fine, “Mycenaean Kourotrophoi Figurines and Lateralization Bias: How Recent Neurological Research Explains the Left-Cradling Phenomenon”
B. R. Jones, “The Dress on the New Tiryns fresco, Linear B reflections, and the Hagia Triada Sarcophagus”
A. M. Genova, “Heinrich Schliemann’s Knossos: A Failed Proposition for the Excavation of a Lifetime”
R. Kulick, “Neopalatial Urban Landscape Transformations at Bronze Age Palaikastro: A Microecological Narrative through Urban Micromorphology”
B. Burke and N. Herrmann, “Emerging Elites at Early Mycenaean Eleon”
H. Bertram, “Locally Stylish: The Terracottas of Eleon”
Y. Lam and M. Bullock, “Post-Palatial Faunal Assemblages from Eleon”
T. Van Damme, “A Smashing Good Time: Two Communal Drinking Deposits from Ancient Eleon”
B. E. Burns and J. Tynes, “Digital Eleon: Recording the Excavations and Recreating the Experience”
B. Lis and H. Barnard, “Investigating the Function of Mycenaean Pottery at Eleon”
K. Jarriel, “Maritime Mobilities in the Early Cycladic Period”
M. Prent and S. MacVeagh Thorne, “Beyond the Sea: Seven Early Helladic Fortifications in South-East Laconia”
A. Psimogiannou, “From an Egalitarian Neolithic to a Complex Early Bronze Age? A Reexamination of the ‘Eutresis Culture’ Based on New Evidence from Mitrou, East Lokris, Central Greece”
S. R. Stocker, E. Malapani, S. Vitale, C. McNamee, H. Öztürk, and A. Michopoulou, “Excavations at the Early Helladic II Site of Romanou near Pylos, Greece”
K. A. Jazwa, “The Early Helladic II Roofing Tiles from Zygouries (Corinthia, Greece): Form and Context”
M.-P. Montagné, “Use Wear Analysis on Obsidian Tools: Evidence for Fish Processing at Early Bronze Age Mitrou, Greece”
M. Beeler, “Seal Use and Social Change: Early Helladic Sealing Practices in Context”
D. M. Buell and J. C. McEnroe, “Populating the Protopalatial: Architecture and Society at Gournia”
S. Gallimore and K. T. Glowacki, “Stratigraphic Excavations within the Gournia Palace 2011-2014”
R. A. K. Smith, “Ritual Feasting in the Early Neopalatial Period: Middle Minoan III Pottery from the Gournia Palace”
J. T. Barnes, “An LM IA Metal Workshop at Gournia”
B. Kunkel, “A Late Minoan IA Kiln Complex at Gournia”
A. P. Chapin, “The Plasters of the Gournia Palace and Town”
L. V. Watrous, “The Minoan State of Gournia during the Neopalatial Period”