Future Lectures and Conferences

Mycenaean Seminars 2017-18

The University of London School of Advanced Study, Institute of Classical Studies has announced the following schedule of Mycenaean Seminars for 2017-2018, to take place in the Institute of Classical Studies, Senate House South Block Ground Floor G22 / 26, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU. Unless otherwise stated, Mycenaean Seminars begin at 3:30 pm. Further information is available at https://ics.sas.ac.uk/sites/default/files/files/Mycenaean%20Series%202017-18.pdf.

18 October 2017: M. Devolder, “Reconstructing the Architectural Sequence of the Palace at Malia”

15 November 2017: A. Nafplioti, “Bones, isotopes and life histories”

6 December 2017: I. Schoep, “A locational analysis of writing and sealing practices at Ayia Triada in the Late Minoan I period (ca. 1700/1675-1470/1460 BC)”

17 January 2018: B. Horejs, “Proto-urbanisation, rising elites and the role of metallurgy in the Early Bronze Age Aegean-Anatolian world(s)”

21 February 2018: B Burke and B. Burns, “Mycenaean Eleon in Eastern Boeotia: from the Shaft Grave Era through the Post-Palatial Period” (Seminar sponsored by INSTAP)

21 March 2018: L. Girella, “On the side of Rhadamanthus: Phaistos and its region at the beginning of the Neopalatial period”

16 May 2018: K. Paschalidis, “Shaft Grave IV in Grave Circle A. New and unexpected light in a very old story”


New York Aegean Bronze Age Colloquium 2017-18

The New York Aegean Bronze Age Colloquium has announced the schedule of lecturers for 2017-2018, to take place at the NYU Institute of Fine Arts, One East 78th Street, NY, New York at 6:30 pm. Further information is available at https://nyabac.tumblr.com/.

22 September 2017: P. Pavùk, “Cultural Encounters at the Center of the East Aegean–West Anatolian Interface in the Late Bronze Age”

1 November 2017: A. Kanta, “The Religious Center of the City of Knossos: Excavations of a Plot in the Modern Village”

2 March 2018: S. Hemingway

20 March 2018: N. Moeller

6 April 2018: J. Wright


Ancient Communities and Their Elites

On 6-8 October 2017 an international conference entitled Ancient Communities and Their Elites from the Bronze Age to Late Antiquity (Central Europe – Mediterranean – Black Sea) will be held in Trnava, Slovakia on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the re-established Trnava University in Trnava and the 20th anniversary of the Department of Classical Archaeology. Further information and the registration forms are available at http://klasarch.truni.sk/conference-2017. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

B. F. Steinmann, “Making Knossos Great Again: Changing Strategies in Minoan Elite Representation between LM I and LM II before and after the Destruction of the Palaces”

V. Dubcová, “Mastering a Griffin. The Agency and Perception of Near Eastern Images by the Aegean Bronze Age Elite”

F. Blakolmer, “What does the Iconography tell us about the Warrior-chiefs of the Shaft Graves at Mycenae?”

Ü. Aytan, “Mediterranean from another angle”


Making, Understanding, Storytelling

On 14 October 2017 a workshop on experimental archaeology entitled Making, Understanding, Storytelling will be held at the Irish Institute of Hellenic Studies at Athens. Further information is available at http://www.iihsa.ie/athensprog.html. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

G. Kourtessi-Philippakis, “Stone knapping in Prehistory and the contribution of Experimental Archaeology” (in Greek, summary in English)

K. Sarri and U. Mokdad, “Recreating Neolithic textiles: an exercise on woven patterns”

Υ. Papadatos and E. Venieris, “The manufacture of Early Cycladic figurines: experimental approaches and archaeological implications”

J. Day and M. Kobik, “Reconstructing a Minoan pottery kiln from Priniatikos Pyrgos, Crete”

Ε. Κοnstantinidi, N. Papadimitriou and A. Goumas, “Mycenaean jewellery: investigating questions of technology and craftsmanship”

E. Maragoudaki, “‘Cutting edge technology’: reconstruction and use of Late Bronze Age woodworking tools”


ASOR 2017

On 15-18 November 2017 the 2017 Annual Meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR 2017) will take place in Boston, MA. Further information is available at http://www.asor.org/am/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

A. M. Crandal, “Field ORA in the Storerooms of Tel Kabri”

B. Davis, “The Phaistos Disk: A New Way of Viewing the Language behind the Script”

N. Yahalom-Mack, I. Segal, and I. Finkelstein, “The Complexity of the Late Bronze Age Mediterranean Copper Trade: A View from the Southern Levant”

I. Kreimerman, “Destructions at the End of the Late Bronze Age: A Comparison between the Northern Levant, the Southern Levant, and Cyprus”

A. Maeir, “The 2017 Season of Excavations at Tell es-Safi/Gath”

A. Yasur-Landau, E. Cline, and A. Koh, “Preliminary Report on the Results of the 2017 Excavation Season at Tel Kabri”

A. Dagan and A. Maeir, “‘And the Gods of the Philistines’ (Judges 10:6): Understanding Philistine Cultic Practices in Light of Archaeological and Textual Evidence”

B. Horejs and A. Marciniak, “Connecting and Constructing: Pathways to the Late Neolithic of Central and Western Anatolia”

C. Schwall, B. Horejs, M. Numrich, and E. Pernicka, “The Early Bronze Age Gold Treasures of Troy and Related Finds: Indicators for the Connectivity of Rising Elites?”

E. Arnold, D. Fulton, and J. Fulton, “Feeding the Philistine City: An Isotopic Investigation of Animal Resources at Ashkelon in the Iron Age I”

R. Jung, “Exchange of Goods—Exchange of Commodities? Greece and the Levant in the Second Millennium B.C.E.”

G. Andreou, “The River Valley as a Study Unit and Conceptual Boundary in Settlement Studies: The Case of South-Central Cyprus”

L. Crewe, “Excavating Souskiou-Laona Chalcolithic Cemetery”

P. Fischer and T. Bürge, “Tombs and Offering Pits at the Late Bronze Age Metropolis of Hala Sultan Tekke, Cyprus: Results from the Excavations in 2016”

P. Waiman-Barak, A. Georgiadou, and A. Gilboa, “Early Iron Age Cypro-Phoenician Interactions: Cypro-Geometric Ceramics from Tel Dor and Cyprus, a Study of Ceramic Petrography”

L. Rahmstorf, “Hoards with Weights in the Third Millennium B.C.E. between the Aegean and the Indus”

M. Dorka Moreno, “Late Bronze Age Metal Hoards from Greece: Approaches to Identification and Interpretation”

A. Barclay, “New Thoughts on the ‘Syrianizing’ Bronzes from Mt. Ida, Crete, Ninth-Eighth Centuries B.C.E.”

K. DiBenedetto, “The First Permanent Settlers of Cyprus: Pushing the Neolithic Boundaries”

W. Crist, “Changing the Game: Bronze Age Gaming Stones from Cyprus”

L. Steel, “What Happened in Room 103 at Aredhiou?”

K. Fisher, “From Duplex to Courtyard House: Reassessing Bronze Age Social Change on Cyprus”

A. B. Knapp, “Piracy and Pirates in the Prehistoric Mediterranean”

J. S. Smith, “Facing a Crowd: Dedicatory and Museum Displays of Cypriot Art”

C. Fulton, A. Fulton, A. Viduka, and S. Manning, “Using Photogrammetry in Large-area Survey of the Late Bronze Age Anchorage at Maroni Tsaroukkas, Cyprus”

H. Wylde Swiny, “Why Cyprus?”

F. Chelazzi and A. Squitieri, “Settlement Archaeology in Bronze Age Cyprus: The Pioneering Legacy of Stuart Swiny in the Southwest Forty Years Later”

T. Davis, “The House of the Dancing Bird”

L. Swantek and W. Weir, “A Dig of a ‘Certain Kind’: Stuart Swiny and the Past and Future Potential of Sotira Kaminoudhia”

Z. Chovanec and S. M. Rafferty, “A Legacy of Education and Collaboration: Stuart Swiny’s Role in Cypriot Studies at the University at Albany”

A. Simmons, “Thinking Outside the Hippo: A Personal Tribute to Stuart Swiny”

V. Workman and A. Eliyahu-Behar, “Early Iron Workshops at Tel Megiddo and Tell es-Safi/Gath: Comparative Analysis of Working Debris and Paraphernalia”

E. Welch, “The Gats of Gath: Ninth Century Olive Oil Production in Area K at Tell es-Safi/Gath”

B. M. Gittlen, “An Enigmatic Death at Tel Miqne/Ekron, Stratum IB”

A. Chapin, “The Expert’s Eye: Theory, Method, and Connoisseurship in Aegean Fresco Studies”

E. Anderson, “Formulating Parallels: The Bodies of Man and Beast in Early Aegean Glyptic and Oral Narrative”

J. Verduci and B. Davis, “Adornment, Ritual, and Identity: Inscribed Minoan Jewellery”

P. Willett, R. Vandam, P. Biehl, and J. Poblome, “New Results from the Dereköy Archaeological Survey Project: Exploring the Cultural Past in the Marginal Landscapes of the Western Taurus Mountains, SW Turkey”

L. Nikolova, “Anatolia and the Balkans during the Early Bronze Age (ca. 3600–2000 cal. B.C.E.)”

L. Hitchcock, “Aged Tasmanian Whiskey in Boston Is the New Faience Rhyton in Cyprus: Globalization and Plutocracy, Populism, and Piracy”

C. Bergoffen, “A New Interpretation of Philistine Ashdoda Figurines as Anthropomorphized Chairs”

C. Sauvage and M.-L. Nosch, “The Fabric of the Sea—Sail Manufacture in the Late Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean”

E. Jean, “Between Late Bronze Age and Iron Age in Cilicia: The Painted Local Wares from a Regional Perspective”

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