Calls for Papers

The Connected Past 2017

On 21 May 2017 abstracts (250 words maximum) are due for a multi-disciplinary international conference entitled The Connected Past 2017: The Future of Past Networks? to be held on 24-25 August 2017 at Bournemouth University, preceded by a practical workshop offering hands-on experience with a range of network science methods on 22-23 August 2017. Abstracts should be submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; further information is available at Submissions are invited that address the challenges posed by the use of network approaches or that apply them in historical/archaeological research contexts, welcoming case studies drawn from all periods and places. Topics might include, but are not limited to:

Missing and incomplete data in archaeological and historical networks

Networks, space and place

Network change over time

What kinds of data can archaeologists and historians use to reconstruct past networks and what kinds of issues ensue?

Categories in the past vs categories in our analysis: etic or emic, pre-determined or emergent?

Formal network analysis vs qualitative network approaches: pros, cons, potential, limitations


On 15 June 2017 abstracts (400 words maximum) for papers and posters are due for the Β’ Επιστημονική Συνάντηση ‘Το Αρχαιολογικό Έργο στην Πελοπόννησο (ΑΕΠΕΛ 2). Second Scientific Meeting of the “Archaeological Work in the Peloponnese (AWOP 2), to be held on 1-4 November 2017 in Kalamata. Further information is available at

Η περιφέρεια του μυκηναϊκού κόσμου / The Periphery of the Mycenaean World 3

On 30 June 2017 abstracts (1 page maximum) are due for the Γ’ Διεθνές Διεπιστημονικό Συμπόσιο: Η περιφέρεια του μυκηναϊκού κόσμου - Πρόσφατα ευρήματα και πορίσματα της έρευνας. 3rd International Interdisciplinary Colloquium: The Periphery of the Mycenaean World - Recent discoveries and research results, to be held in May 2018 at the Archaeological Museum of Lamia (Castle of Lamia). Further information is available at

The Archaeological Review from Cambridge: 'Glocal Archaeology'

On 1 August 2017 papers (4000 words) are due for The Archaeological Review from Cambridge 33.1, which explores the theme of 'Glocal Archaeology'. Contributions are welcome from researchers at any stage of their academic career and from all related disciplines. Potential contributors are welcome to discuss their ideas with the editors or register their interest by sending an abstract to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Further information is available at

XVIIIe world UISPP congress

On 30 November 2017 abstracts are due for the XVIIIe world UISPP congress: Adaptation and Sustainability of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Societies Confronted to Climate Change, to be held from 4-9 June 2018 in Paris. Further information is available at Announced subthemes are:


Archaeological methods

Archaeological theory

Archaeological training

Archaeological prospection

Field archaeology

Computing archaeology

First Humans

Lower Palaeolithic

Middle palaeolithic

Middle Stone Age

Upper palaeolithic

Final palaeolithic




Metal ages

Bronze Age

Iron Age

Prehistoric art

Rock Art

Mobile Art

Functional studies

Manufacturing processes

Lithic industries

Bone industries



Flint mining

Raw material procurement

DNA studies



Funerary archaeology




Landscape archaeology

Archaeology in the mountains

Desert archaeology

Tropical archaeology

Absolute dating


Heritage site management

Rescue archaeology

Cross-cutting themes

The Intellectual and Spiritual Expressions of Non-Litterate Societies