
On 7-9 June 2017 the XIIIth International Meeting of Archaeozoology of Southwest Asia and Adjacent Areas (ASWA2017) will be held in Nicosia, Cyprus. Further information is available at Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include

K. Pappayiannis et al., "Mousetrack: tracking the earliest evidence for the house mouse dispersal in Cyprus and Anatolia using Geometric Morphometrics Analysis and aDNA"

J.-D. Vigne et al., "Evolution of the Cypriot vertebrate fauna during the Neolithic transition, 13th – 9th millennia BP"

S. Vitezović et al., "Exploitation of animal resources in the Early Neolithic of Thrace: preliminary results from the site of Nova"

B. De Cupeere et al., "Subsistence economy and land use during the Late Bronze Age and Iron Age in south-eastern Bulgaria"

S. Emra, "The archaeozoology of household activities from the Early Bronze Age site of Çukuriçi Höyük in western Anatolia"

A. Hadjikoumis, "Emergence of complexity in Neolithic-Early Bronze Age in Greece: new zooarchaeological evidence"

K. Safoora, "The Birth of the Private Household Economy in Aegean Anatolia: Spatial Analysis of Zooarchaeological Remains at the Later Neolithic site of Ulucak Höyük"

F. Slim, "Investigating the animal economy of Kaymakçı, a regional center of the Late Bronze Age, in Western Turkey"

A. Hadjikoumis et al., "Summer lovin means births in autumn and winter: sheep and goat seasonality of birth in recent and Neolithic Cyprus"

J. Gaastra, "Divergent variation in the spread of the Neolithic: a combined metaanalysis of south-west Asia and Europe"

M. Metzger, "Households, Feasting, and Community at a Middle Bronze Village on Cyprus"

K. Pawłowska, "Small carnivores from a Late Neolithic burial chamber at Çatalhöyük, Turkey: Pelts, rituals, and rodents"