Future Lectures and Conferences

Honouring Odysseus

On 3 March 2017 a conference entitled Honouring Odysseus: celebrating the work of Robert Laffineur will be held at the American School of Classical Studies in Athens. Further information is available at http://www.ascsa.edu.gr/index.php/news/eventDetails/honouring-odysseus-celebrating-the-work-of-robert-laffineur. The program will be:

J. Driessen, "Honouring Odysseus: celebrating the work of Robert Laffineur"

E. Kountouri, "Ερευνώτας τη μυκηναϊκή βόρεια Κωπαΐδα: επιφανειακές και ανασκαφικές έρευνες κατά την περίοδο 2011-2016 / Investigating the Mycenaean Northern Kopais: surface survey and excavation research during the period 2011-2016"

J. Wright, "Revolutionizing the social order and the creation of a Mycenaean visual culture"

J. Bennet, "ko-wi-ro-wo-ko (and other specialists in the Mycenaean documents)"

R. Laffineur, "Travelling the World. Thirty Years of Rencontres égéennes internationals/ International Aegean Conferences"

The Archaeology of Forced Migration

On 16-17 March 2017 a workshop entitled The Archaeology of Forced Migration: Conflict-induced Movement and Refugees in the Mediterranean at the End of the 13th c. BC will be held in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. Further information is available at https://sites.google.com/minoan-aegis.net/migration. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

J. Driessen and J. Bretschneider: Introduction

Y. Hamilakis, "A Migration Crisis? Displacement, materiality, and experience"

K. Nowicki, "The Late 13th Century BC Crisis in the East Mediterranean: Why the case of Crete matters"

S. Michalopoulou and L. Votokopoulos, "Megali Koryphi on Aigina and the fortified citadels of the 13th/12th c. BC"

A. Killebrew, "The Levant in Crisis: The Materiality of Migrants, Refugees and Colonizers at the End of the Bronze Age"

S. Mazzoni, "In Search of a Land. The age of migrations, exodus and diasporae across the Eastern Mediterranean (13th -11th c. B.C.)"

S. Ben Dor Evian, "Egyptian Historiography on the Mobility of (Sea) People at the End of the Late Bronze Age"

B. Lis, "Potters in captivity? An alternative explanation for the Italo-Mycenaean pottery of the 13th century BC"

R. Jung, "Push and Pull Factors of the Sea Peoples between Italy and the Levant"