SSB 2017

On 24-26 March 2017 a conference entitled Skeletons, Stories and Social Bodies Conference (SSB 2017) will be held at the University of Southampton, U.K. Further information is available at Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:

S. Kiorpe, "Commingled entities: the secondary manipulation of the dead in Early Bronze Age House Tomb 5, Kephala Petras, Siteia, Crete"


On 29 March - 2 April 2017 the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Society of American Archaeologists (SAA2017) will be held in Vancouver, British Columbia. Further information is available at Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:

L. Gonzalez Carretero and D. Q. Fuller, "9,000-Year-Old Cereal Meals: New Methods for the Analysis of Charred Food Remains from Çatalhöyük East (Turkey)"

B. Tung, "Excavation Narratives and Reflexive Practices at Çatalhöyük"

D. Lukas and C. Engel, "Changing Technologies, Changing Practices: The Transformation of the Çatalhöyük Research Database"

J. Wolfhagen, "More Than a Source of Data: The Benefits of Active Collaboration between Macrofaunal and Specialist Analyses at Neolithic Ҫatalhöyük"

S. Haddow, "(Re)new(ed) Perspectives on Mortuary Practices at Neolithic Çatalhöyük"

G. Busacca, "The Long Life of the Transient: Investigating Painted Plasters at Çatalhöyük"

B. Betz and J. Pearson, "Recontextualizing the Dead: A Geospatial Approach to Synthesizing Bioarchaeological Data at Çatalhöyük"

A. Lingle, "Reflexive Conservation Research at Çatalhöyük"

L. Der, "From Goddesses to Zoomorphs: Figuring Out Figurines at Çatalhöyük"

J. Issavi, "Trash Talk: (Re)evaluating External Spaces at Çatalhöyük, Turkey"

C. Mazzucato, "Weaving the Fabric of Society at Çatalhöyük: A SocioMaterial Network Approach to the Study of Early Agricultural Settled Life, Social Structure, and Differentiation"

T. Moutsiou, "Using pXRF to Unravel Raw Material Choices in Early Holocene Lithic Assemblages from the Island of Cyprus, Eastern Mediterranean"

J. Feathers, T. Carter, D. Contreras, C. Lahaye, and K. Campeau, "Luminescence Dating of a Paleolithic Site in the Aegean Islands"

J. Torpy, P. N. Kardulias, and D. N. Kardulias, "The Eye in the Sky: Use of an Aerial Drone to Record Landscape Alteration in the Malloura Valley, Cyprus"

B. Zhou, "Bioarchaeological Assemblages at Çatalhöyük: A Relational Examination of Porotic Hyperostosis and Cribra Orbitalia Etiologies and Transmissions"

P. F. Biehl and A. Marciniak, "The Entanglement of Nature and Culture in the Neolithic and Chalcolithic of Central Anatolia: The Transition of Çatalhöyük East to West"

N. Russell, "Wild Meets Domestic at Neolithic Çatalhöyük, Turkey"

A. Simmons, "Why Colonize? A Case Study of the Early Neolithic Colonization of the Island of Cyprus"

P. Day, "Refugees, Tradition, and the State: Malleable Materials and Plastic Practices in Ceramic Production on Lesvos, Greece"

L. Swantek, "Social Complexity and Wealth Inequality in Middle-Range Society: A Complex Systems and Network Science Approach to the Prehistoric Bronze Age on Cyprus"

K. Jarriel, "Modeling Maritime Travel in the Bronze Age Cyclades (Greece)"

J. Murphy, "Ritual and Tombs around the Decline and Collapse of the Pylian State"

F. Gaignerot-Driessen, "Old Deities for New Men? The Social, Cultural, and Political Role of Religion and Ritual Practices during the Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age Transitional Period on Crete"

B. Starkovich, P. Elefanti, and E. Panagopoulou, "Spatial Differences in Site Use at the Middle Paleolithic Site of Lakonis (Peloponnese, Greece)"

C. Broodbank, "Is Mediterranean Island Colonization Still Interesting?"

A. Smith and T. Leppard, "The Paleoenvironmental Impacts of Neolithic Colonization: Assessing Recent Palynological Data from the Mediterranean Islands"

C. Runnels, "Pleistocene Occupation of the Greek Islands: The Perspective from Crete"

A. Tremblay and D. E. Ehrlich, "7 × 105 Dimensions of Pottery: Multivariate Analyses of Pottery Assemblages from the Lower Town Site of Mycenae, Greece"

W. Ridge, "On We Sweep with Thrashing Oar: Interaction Networks in Aegean Prehistory"

J. Albanese, "Skeletal Evidence Suggesting Biological Continuity in the Ruling Lineage throughout the Late Helladic, Sub-Mycenaean, and into the Dark Ages on the Greek Island of Kefalonia"

T. Van Damme, "Transport Stirrup Jars in Context: Post-palatial Politics and Social Resilience in Late Bronze Age Greece"

M. Daniels, J. Leidwanger, E. Greene, and N. Tuna, "A Finer View of Regional Sociopolitical and Economic Change in the Southeast Aegean: Ceramic Production along the Datça Peninsula"

C. Kearns, "On Some Classical Roots of the Anthropocene: Where Does Mediterranean Archaeology Belong?"

A. Garcia, H. A. Orengo, A. Krahtopoulou, and A. Dimoula, "The Kambos Project: Remote Sensing Applications and Archaeological Approaches for the Reconstruction of the Disappeared Cultural Record of the Western Thessalian Plain"

J. Fu, S. Fox, R. Kalisher, K. Marklein, and A. Aja, "The Philistine Cemetery at Ashkelon: Funerary Remains and Mortuary Practice"

A. Mara, "Prehistoric Pottery Production and Distribution in the Shkodër Region of Northern Albania"

A. Sarris, T. Kalayci, and F.-X. Simon, "Neolithic Enclosures in Neolithic Greece: A Geospatial Approach"

A. Psimogiannou, "The 'Visible' Dead: Mortuary Patterns and Ceremonial Activities in the Dawn of the Bronze Age in Southern Greece"

R. Kulick, "Urban Micromorphology at Bronze Age Palaikastro, Crete: Evidence of Transitions"

D. Fallu and W. F. Dibble, "Answers in the Dirt: Taphonomy, Preservation Bias, and Pastoralism at Iron Age Nichoria, Greece"

R. Vandam, P. F. Biehl, P. T. Willet, and J. Poblome, "Past Communities in the Marginal Landscapes of the Western Taurus Mountains, Southwest Turkey: The First Results of the Dereköy Archaeological Survey Project"