Past Conference

CAARI Conference

On 17-19 February 2017 the Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute (CAARI) Conference. Environment, Landscape and Society: Diachronic Perspectives on Settlement Patterns in Cyprus was held in Nicosia, Cyprus. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:

J. C. Wright, "The longue durée: the piedmont of the Corinthia and cycles of regional occupation"

C. McCartney, "Ayia Varvara Asprokremmos, a Pre-Pottery Neolithic A taskscape on the Yialias River in central Cyprus: implications of focused resource exploitation for understanding early connections between Cyprus and the mainland"

P. Mylona, B. Devillers, and J.-D. Vigne, "Reconstructing the palaeoenvironment in southern Cyprus and its interaction with the Neolithic humans: the case of Klimonas (PPNA)"

J. Beck and P. Birchler Emery, "Choosing Kataliondas Kourvellos: a diachronic and contextual approach"

A. McCarthy, "Building a central place in Neolithic Cyprus"

A. Le Brun, "Weather forecast: heavy rains over Khirokitia"

S. Crooks, "The value of place in Chalcolithic Cyprus: a view from Souskiou"

Ch. Paraskeva, "Middle to Late Chalcolithic Cyprus: the landscape perspective"

F. Chelazzi, "Beyond the dots: the transformation of the settlement pattern and the strategies of land use in Bronze Age Southwestern Cyprus:"

J. Webb, "Marki Alonia: a long-lived Early and Middle Bronze Age settlement in the Alykos Valley"

L. Graham and A. McCarthy, "On the western front: the Dhiarizos Valley in the Early and Middle Cypriot periods"

C. Scirè Calabrisotto, E. Margaritis, M. Yamasaki, and L. Bombardieri, "Drifting down the big still river: Erimi Laonin tou Porakou in its ecological context during the Middle Bronze Age"

A. Antoniadou, "Preliminary geoarchaeological studies on the human-landscape spatial manifestation across the Yialias and Pedieos rivers before the dawn of city-kingdoms"

E. Monahan and D. Pilides, "The Ayios Sozomenos Survey 2016 preliminary results: exploring Bronze Age regional settlement patterns in a fortified landscape"

M. Brown and B. Devillers, "Environmental change and state-level agency in protohistoric Cyprus: infilling of the Yialias Ria"

J. Coenaerts, "Sites, rivers and hinterland: site organisation and interaction in SE Cyprus during the Late Bronze Age"

L. Steel, "Exploring the materiality of water in Late Bronze Age Cyprus"

Z. Chovanec, "Investigating the interplay between human society, environmental impact, and artistic production in Bronze and Iron Age Cyprus: preliminary results and future directions"

V. Kassianidou, "Mining landscapes of Solea changing through time"

O. Menozzi, E. di Valerio, S. Agostini, M. G. di Antonio, and S. Torello Di Nino, "MPM PROJECT: surveys, studies of landscape archaeology and geo-archaeological prospecting in the Moni Valley system"

M. Given, "The infinite web: interactions and mobilities along the Northern Troodos"