Future Lectures and Conferences

Aegean Seminar in Zagreb

On 2 November 2017 J. Hruby will deliver a lecture to the Aegean Seminar in Zagreb entitled " Poseidon's Impact on the Mycenaean Palace of Nestor." Further information is available from Helena Tomas at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

150 χρόνια μελέτης του ηφαιστείου της Σαντορίνης

On 3-5 November 2016 an international conference entitled 150 χρόνια μελέτης του ηφαιστείου της Σαντορίνης. Probing the Santorini volcano for 150 years will be held on Santorini. Further information is available at http://nemo.conferences.gr/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

N. Karadimas, "'I saw curious things ... marble figurines, which announce the infancy of art': the story of prehistoric archaeology of the Cyclades before the first excavations on Therasia and Thera in 1866-1867"

T. H. Druitt, C. Athanassis, A. Cadoux, F. Costa, E. Deloule, T. Flaherty, M. Mercier, P. Nomikou, and B. Scaillet, "New insights into the Late-Bronze-Age eruption of Santorini"

A. Cadoux, S. Bekki, B. Scaillet, C. Oppenheimer, and T. H. Druitt, "Atmospheric impact of the Bronze-Age 'Minoan' eruption of Santorini Volcano"

W. L. Friedrich, F. W. McCoy, M. Fytikas, S. Pavlides, A. Højen Sørensen, and S. Katsipis, "New light on the Minoan eruption of Santorini, Greece"

I. Bitis, "Akrotiri – Ancient Thera: Two cities built on the same volcano"

P. Bosineki Didoni, "Santorini, from myth to reality"