The Aegean and the Levant at the Turn of the Bronze and Iron Ages

On 27-28 September 2016 a conference entitled The Aegean and the Levant at the Turn of the Bronze and Iron Ages was held at the University of Warsaw. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:

A. Maeir, "The Philistines: 'Things ain't what they used to be'"

R. Oreshko, "Ahhiyawa - Danu(na) - Palasti(na). Aegean Ethnica in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Light of Old and New Hieroglyphic-Luwian Evidence"

Z. Simon, "What do we really know about the Philistine language?"

A. Gilboa, "Foci of Levantine Maritime Trade across the Late Bronze/Iron Age Transition: Sea People, Phoenicians and Other Problematic Entities"

J. P. Emanuel, "Warfare or Piracy? Describing and defining naval combat in the Late Bronze-Early Iron Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean"

S. Yordanov, "Potestary political cultures in change in the times of change: Interactions in Aegean Region and Eastern Mediterranean at the end of the Bronze Age and the beginning of the Iron Age"

A. Fantalkin, "The Goddess of Ekron in the context of Philistine Migration in the Early Iron Age"

M. Montesanto, "Aegeans in the Northern Levant? A view from Alalakh"

J. P. Crielaard, "Hybrid go-betweens: the role of individuals with multiple identities in cross-cultural contacts in the Late Bronze Age and Iron Age Mediterranean"

V. Vlachou, "New Images, Old Practices? An Imagery of Funerary Rituals and Cult between the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean"

L. Vilmos, "Pride and prejudice / Piracy and exchange of goods – warriors and craftsmen"

R. Vaessen, "An Ionian perspective on Aegeo-Levantine interactions at the end of the second millennium BCE"

S. C. Murray, "Imported Objects in the Aegean as Evidence of Elite Interaction: A Flawed Paradigm?"

O. A. Zolotnikova, "Elements of the Syro-Phoenician epic / mythic traditions in the Homeric concept of Zeus"

L. Trzcionkowski, "Tradition and Innovation in the Greek Sacrificial Ritual: Epics and the Prehistory of Ritual in the East Mediterranean Context"

I. Rutherford, "Mons Kasios and Early Greek Mythology"

I. Gezgin, "The Making of Ionian Identity in Asia Minor"

J. M. Millek, "Destruction and the Cessation of Trade between the Aegean and the Levant at the End of the Late Bronze Age"

F. J. Núñez Calvo, "The impact of the Sea Peoples in Central Levant. A revision"