(Social) Place and Space in Early Mycenaean Greece

(Social) Place and Space in Early Mycenaean Greece

On 5-8 October 2016 a conference entitled (Social) Place and Space in Early Mycenaean Greece, organized by the Institute for Oriental and European Archaeology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Cooperation with the Austrian Archaeological Institute will be held in Athens. Further information is available at http://www.orea.oeaw.ac.at/place-and-space.html. The program will be:

J. C. Wright, "Early Mycenaean Greece: what we still don't know"

B. Eder, G. Hatzi-Spiliopoulou, and B. Horejs, "Strategies in space: the Early Mycenaean site of Kakovatos in Triphylia"

C. de Vree, "The tholos tombs of Kakovatos – their place in Early Mycenaean Greece"

J. Huber, G. Kordatzaki, E. Kiriatzi, and H. Mommsen, "Consuming local and imported pots at Kakovatos: regional and interregional connections"

K. Nikolentzos and P. Moutzouridis, "The archaeological site of Samiko: an Early Mycenaean settlement in Northern Triphylia reconsidered"

G. J. van Wijngaarden, "Of macro, meso and micro regions. Regional space in the Middle and early Late Bronze Age Ionian Islands"

A.-V. Karapanagiotou, D. Kosmopoulos, S. R. Stocker, and J. Davis, "General introduction: Archaeological investigations and research associated with the construction of the new roof at the Palace of Nestor"

S. Vitale, S. R. Stocker, and E. Malapani, "A new Late Helladic IIB pottery deposit from the Ano Englianos ridge at Pylos in Western Messenia"

E. Egan, "Early Mycenaean wall paintings from the palace of Nestor"

J. M. A. Murphy, "Outside and inside: mortuary rituals in Early Mycenaean Pylos"

M. Zavadil, "Mycenaean Messenia in the making: the evidence from the tombs"

A. G. Vlachopoulos, "The Early Mycenaeans of Chora, Pylia: the evidence from the chamber tombs at Volimidia"

M. Cosmopoulos, "The monumental architecture of Iklaina"

V. Petrakis, "Transforming expressions and perceptions of prestige in the Early Mycenaean Southwestern Peloponnese"

A. Vasilogamvrou and E. Kardamaki, "Social space at Ayios Vasileios and the building programs of the Early Mycenaean period in Laconia"

S. Voutsaki, V. Hachtmann, and I. Moutafi, "Space, place and social structure in the North Cemetery, Ayios Vasileios, Laconia"

E. Kiriatzi and C. Broodbank, "Kythera's space and place in the Second Palace Period: exploring the island's landscape and connectivity"

L. Papazoglou-Manioudaki and K. Paschalidis, "The foundation and rise to local prominence of the settlement on Mygdalia hill, near Patras, in the Early Mycenaean era"

P. Pavúk, "The Northern Peloponnese in the MH III‒LH II periods"

E. Salavoura, "Early Mycenaean Arkadia: space and place(s) of an inland and mountainous region"

S. Voutsaki, "Social change and human agency: The Argolid at the onset of the Mycenaean era"

A. Philippa-Touchais and G. Touchais, "The dynamics of Argos in a constantly changing landscape (MH II‒LH IIIA1)"

S. Keramidas, S. Spiropoulou, and A. Vassilopoulou, "Placing the Kazarma tholos tomb within the Early Mycenaean Argolid"

E. Konstantinidi-Syvridi, "Artisans at the service of the royalty at Dendra and their role in the formation of fashion trends"

W. Gauß, "Kolonna on Aegina. The development of a fortified late Middle Helladic and early Late Helladic settlement"

O. Dickinson, "The significance of developments in Peloponnesian pottery over the MH‒LH transition"

J. Rutter, "An explosion of polychromy: establishing regional ceramic identities at the dawn of the Mycenaean era"

J. Weilhartner, "The construction of Mycenaean metaphysical space"

Y. Galanakis, "Chamber tombs and the monumental mortuary landscapes of Early Mycenaean Greece"