Bronze Age Aegean - South Caucasus Workshop

On 23-25 September 2016 an international workshop entitled Aegean World and South Caucasus: Cultural Relations in the Bronze Age will be held in Tbilisi. The program will be:

Z. Bragvadze, "Colchis-Aegean Relations in the Middle Bronze Age"

M. Kvachadze and G. Narimanishvili, "Late Bronze-Early Iron Ages Beads from Trialeti"

N. Shanshashvili and G. Narimanishvili, "Dynamics and Nature of the Relations Between South Caucasus and Aegean World in the Bronze Age"

M. Cultraro, "Undercurrents: Cultural Interactions Between Southern Caucasus and Northen Aegean During the Early and Middle Bronze Age"

S. Di Paolo, "Making Distance Approachable. The Migration of Images between Ancient Near East and Caucasus in the 2nd millennium BC"

M. Işikli and G. Altunkainak, "The Role of Eastern Anatolia in Relationships Between Southern Caucasus and Aegean World: Some Metallurgical Evidence from Highland of Erzurum-Kars"

S. Paz, "Caucasian Connections: Early Transcaucasian Migration and Diaspora at Tel Bet Yerah (Khirbet Kerak)"

Т. И. оглу Ахундов, "Некоторые данные о связях Азербайджана с  Эгейским миром. Some data about the Relations of Azerbaijan with Aegean world in the Bronze Age"

Z. Makharadze, "Cultural Transformation on the Territory of Eastern Georgia in the Second Half of the 3rd millennium BC"

A. Piliposyan, "Zorats Karer: Megalithic monument in Southern Armenia"

A. Bobokhyan, "Round about the Eya Tree: Towards South Caucasian-Aegean Interactions in the 2nd Millennium BC"

M. Badalyan, M. Iskra, V. Kzlyan, A. Mikayelyan, and H. Kyureghya, "Odzaberd (Tsovinar): A Brief Prelimenary Report on the 2014-2015 Investigations"

E. Kvavadze, M. Jalabadze, and A. Sagona, "Tetritskaro (Nadarbadzevi) Burial Mound 2: Bread, Rusk and the Bedeni period"

M. Puturidze, "Some Evidences for the South Caucasian – Aegean World Relationship"

M. Abramishvili, "South Caucasia and the Aegean before the Argonauts"

D. Narimanishvili, "The Cyclopean Settlements of South Georgia and the Prospects for its Study"