Past Lectures and Conferences

Commemorative Symposium for Professor Oliver Rackham

On 13-14 August 2016 a Commemorative Symposium for Professor Oliver Rackham was held at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:

P. Warren, “Oliver Rackham and the Ancient Landscapes of Crete”

WAC-8 Kyoto

On 28 August - 1 September 2016 the Eighth World Archaeological Congress (WAC-8 Kyoto) was held at Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan. Further information is available at Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers included:

E. Aspöck, “Digitizing Early Farming Cultures: sharing data on Neolithic sites and finds in Greece and Anatolia”

K. Lorentz, “Archaeologies of Childhood in the Mediterranean: The case of Cyprus”

D. Pullen, “Entrepreneurs, the Market, and Craft Production in Mycenaean State Economies”

J. Hruby, “Mycenaean potters, the state, and the problems of defining production context and intensity”

T. Leppard, “The Palaeoenvironmental Impacts of Neolithization on the Mediterranean Islands: Assessing the Palynological Data”

A. Bevan, “Comparative approaches to long-term population, settlement and land use: an introduction to the ‘Changing the Face of the Mediterranean’ project”

L. Nikolova, “Archaeological Evidence as Encoding and Decoding of Social Status (Wealth in Prehistory)”

S. Ünlüsoy, “Safe, Competitive and Wealthy: Patterns of Prehistoric Warfare in the Eastern Aegean”

K. Lorentz, “Birthing and childcare in ancient Cyprus: Bioarchaeology and beyond”

M. Radivojevic, “Complex networks analyses and dynamics of the earliest metal production in the Balkans”

K. Lorentz, “Bioarchaeology in reconstructing socio-cultural context and behaviour: Perspectives from Chalcolithic Souskiou, Cyprus”

P. Wallace, “Emergent Urbanism and Material Traditions: A Case Study from Late Bronze Age Cyprus”

A. Oflaz, “The Middle to Late Holocene human-environment interactions in western Turkey: A review of multi-proxy evidences”

A. Krieger, “The Entangled Sea – Maritime Interactions in the Eastern Mediterranean from the Late Bronze Age to the Archaic Period”

L. Hitchcock, “Migration, Mobility, and Piracy in the Mediterranean at the End of the Bronze Age”

R. Hristova, “Interpretation of prehistoric anthropomorphic plastic art from the territory of Bulgaria”

D. Gheorghiu, “Using land-art in archaeology”

M. Pareja, “Exploring the Foreign Roots of the Blue Monkey in the Minoan Crocus Ceremony”