Past Lectures and Conferences

38th Annual Excavation, Survey & Archaeometry Symposium

On 23-37 May 2016 the 38th Annual Excavation, Survey & Archaeometry Symposium organized by the Turkish Ministry of Culture was held in Ankara. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:

M. Özdoğan, "Excavations and Underwater Investigations at Liman Tepe, 2002"

N. Karul, "Excavations at Aktopraklık, 2015"

S. Özdöl Kutlu, "Çatalhöyük Excavations 2015"

F. Gerritsen, "The 2015 Excavations at Barcın Höyük"

H. Tekin, "Domuztepe: A Mesopotamian Late Neolithic Settlement in Turkish Eastern Mediterranean"

Z. Derin, "The Prehistoric Settlement of İzmir, The Yeşilova Höyük Excavations in 2015"

Ö. Çevik, "Excavation at Ulucak Höyük in 2015"

G. Umurtak, "Hacılar Büyük Höyük Excavations – 2015"

H. Taşkiran, "Karain Excavations 2015"

I. A. Yaman, "Chronology Study of Paleolithic Settlements in Turkey"

O. Özbek, "Neolithic and Chalcolithic Ground Stone Cutting Edge Tools from Aktopraklık Settlement (Bursa)"

K. S. Girginer, "Tatarlı Höyük Excavation, 2015"

I. Caneva, "The 2015 Campaign of Excavation at Mersin-Yumuktepe"

B. Erdoğu, "Gökçeada Uğurlu-Zeytinlik Excavations 2015"

H. Hüryilmaz, "Excavations at Gökçeada-Yenibademli Höyük 2015"

F. Dedeoğlu, "Ekşi Höyük Excavations in 2015"

S. Günel, "Excavations at Çine-Tepecik, 2015 Campaign"

V. Şahoğlu, "Excavations at Çeşme – Bağlararası, 2015"

A. Erkanal, "Panaztepe Excavation 2015"

H. Erkanal, "Land and Underwater Excavations at Liman Tepe, 2015"

G. Sazcı, "Excavations at Maydos Kilisetepe Höyüğü 2015"

A. Özyar, "Tarsus-Gözlükule Excavation: 2015 Season"

A. L. D'Agata, "2015 Excavations at Misis Höyük"

M. Novak, "Turkish-Swiss Excavations in Sirkeli Höyük"

F. Şahin, "Adana/Tepebağ Höyük Excavations - 2015

H. Özdaş, "Hisarönü Bronze Age Shipwreck Excavation, 2015"

T. Caymaz, "The 2015 Survey in South of the Urla Peninsula"

Ç. Çilingiroğlu Ünlüsoy, "Karaburun Archaeological Survey: 2015 Research"

K. Özçelik, "Prehistoric Survey in Denizli, 2015"

D. Yalçikli, "Archaeological Survey of Balıkesir (Altıeylül, Karesi and Dursunbey), 2015"

O. Özbek, "Gökçeada Island (Çanakkale) 2015 Survey Results"

B. Irvine, "Stable Isotopic Analysis of Dietary Habits at Early Bronze Age Bakla Tepe"

B. Ulaş, "Reconstruction The Neolithic Diet Culture in the Marmara Region through İstanbul-Yenikapı Archaeobotanical Research"

H. Çakan, "The Magic Plant Investigated from the Archaeobotanical Studies of Tatarlı Höyük; MANDRAGORA (ĜIŠNAM.TAR)"

C. H. Roosevelt, "The Kaymakçı Archaeological Project: 2015 Excavations and Research at a Bronze Age Center"

T. E. Şerifoğlu, "Results of the 2015 Season of the Lower Göksu Archaeological Salvage Survey Project"

E. Beksaç, "The Studies on the Rock Sanctuaries and Related Cultistic Places. The Survey of the Provinces of Edirne and Kırklareli in the Project of the Early Cultistic ( Rock-Cut and Megalithic ) Monuments and Early Cultistic Places in the Northwest Anatolia and the Thrace"

E. Beksaç, "İstanbul Survey Project, Works in 2015"

E. Güldoğan, "

R. Körpe, "Gelibolu Peninsula, Sestos and its Vicinity Survey 2015"

A. Çalik Ross, "Archaeological Survey of Kocaeli and its Environs 2015"

E. Erbil, "The Knapped Stone Industry of Ege Gübre Settlement"

M. Erdalkiran, "An Investigation into the Neolithic Bone Tools in Barcın Höyük in 2015"

H. Özbal, "Archaeometric Research on 2015 Barcın Höyük Materials"

A. Ü. Erdem, "Bronze Age Studies in the İzmir-Bayraklı Mound in 2015"

M. Dirican, "Production Technology and Raw Material Resources of Ceramics from the Late Neolithic-Halaf Settlement of Domuztepe"

Ş. Aydingün, "İstanbul Prehistoric Surveys"

M. Şahin, "Surveys in Bursa – 2015"

Z. Koçel Erdem, "Tekirdağ Şarköy and Çanakkale Gelibolu Peninsula Archaeological Survey – 2015"

E. Aşkın, "Ancient Settlements and Settlement Organization in the Province of Karaman and the Mut Administrative District in the Province of Mersin: Archaeological Survey 2015"

A. Diler, "Muğla, Islands, Halicarnassus Peninsula, Damlıboğaz, Sarıçay Plain, Pilavtepe, Kissebükü, Cedreae (Sedir Island) Lelegian Settlement in Mainland"

H. Öniz, "Archaeological Underwater Research at the Coast of Mersin-Silifke and Antalya – 2015"

G. Varinlioğlu, "Boğsak Archaeological Survey 2015"

E. Aslan, "2015 Kekova Island and Environment Survey / Underwater Research"

N. Kizildağ, "Underwater Survey in Aegean-Mediterranean Seas, 2015"

F. Özcan, "Survey in Northern Pisidia 2015"

H. Metin, "Surveys in and Around Kremna in 2015"