4th Students and Young Researchers' Conference

7-8 April 2016 The 4th Students’ and Young Researchers’ Conference in Aegean Archaeology will be held at the Archaeological Museum in Poznań, Poland. Further information is available at https://aegeanconference.wordpress.com/. The program will be:

P. Zeman, “Strategies of a Pottery Acquisition in the Mycenaean Palace at Pylos”

D. Mroczek, “Archaeometric Studies of Mycenaean Pottery”

M. Kosowicz, “Stan badań nad metalurgią Centralnej Macedonii na przełomie epoki brązu i żelaza (1400-1000 r. p.n.e.)”

S. Żyłka, “Nietypowe zabytki bursztynowe w świecie egejskim”

M. Brzezińska, “Tarcze w eposach Homera. Przekazy poety a znaleziska archeologiczne”

B. Schoenradt, “Evidence of Mycenaean Feasts from Palace of Nestor at Pylos: Pottery, Linear B Tablets and Frescoes”

E. Akimova, “Cremations vs Inhumations in LH IIIC”

M. Napierała, “The Inhabitants of Crete in Egypt during the XVIII Dynasty”

M. Avramova, “Mycenaean Gold Funeral Masks in the Context of Balkan Gold Funeral Masks”

K. Dudlik, “Observations on the Phenomenon of Multiple Burials in Northern Greece”

C. Bahyrycz, “Between ‘civilization’ and ‘barbarians’? Northern Aegean in the Bronze Age - preliminary pottery studies”

J. Niebieszczański, “Geomorphological and Environmental Changes in Relation to Neolithic/Bronze Age Site of Nea Raidestos in the Anthemous Valley”

K. Nowicki, “The Final Neolithic to Early Bronze Age Transition in Crete and the Southeastern Aegean”

C. V. Alonso-Moreno, “Knossos, Pylos, Mycenae: Changes in Palatial Architecture from a Comparative Perspective”

S. Aulsebrook, “Crisis at the Cult Centre: Evidence from the Megaron Basements”

S. Müller, “The Phase Late Helladic IIB – IIIA:1 (c. 1450 – 1375 BC). On the Basis of Selected Settlements”

K. Żebrowska, “Old and New Evidence for the Tholos-Type Chamber Tombs from Thapsos in South-Eastern Sicily”

A. Ulanowska, “Chaîne Opératoire, Organisation of Production or Cross-Craft Interactions. Overview of Archaeological Approaches to Textile Technology in Bronze Age Greece”

G. Muti, “Apart from Tools. Investigating the Symbolic Values of Textile Tools in Bronze Age Cyprus”

B. Kaczmarek, “Craft Specializations, Their Gender Differentiation in the Mycenaean Civilization and Their Degrees of Dependence on Palace Centers”

O. González Herrero, “Evidences of Warfare in the Cyclades during Early Bronze Age”

J. Binnberg, “Animist Notions in Minoan Crete – the Evidence from Bird Depictions”

K. Bigoraj, “The Dog and His Warrior. A Brief History of Dogs in Mycenaean Rituals”

M. Hirschler, “Wine for Snakes? Animal Names in Linear B-Texts and Their Possible Cultic Interpretation”

F. Tropea, “The Phenomenon of Miniaturisation in Late Bronze Age Aegean (16th-11th c. BC)”

M. E. Masano, “Dynamics of Contacts during the Bronze Age: Aegean and Near East”

M. Roháček, “Between Crete and Anatolia. The Metallurgy of the So-called Lower Interface in the LBA”

M. Koźlakowska, “Heracles, Teshub, Enlil, Ninurta, Gilgamesh, Zeus... – Just the Many Faces of the Liminal Hero?”