On 25-29 April 2016 the 10th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (10th ICAANE) will be held in Vienna, Austria. Further information is available at http://www.orea.oeaw.ac.at/10icaane.html. Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:

B. Horejs and S. Schwall, "Permanent or Seasonal? Evidence of Settlements in Late Chalcolithic Western Anatolia"

B. Milic and B. Horejs, "Finding 'East' on the 'West' – alien elements and common repertoires in lithics of 7th millennium BC Çukuriçi Höyük in Aegean Turkey"

M. Montesanto, "Evidence of Transformation: The Early Iron Age Aegeanizing Pottery Assemblage at Alalakh"

L. Peloschek, "Bridging Craft Activities at Cukurici Höyük: The Ceramic Evidence"

M. Bartelheim, B. Kızılduman, and Uwe Müller, "No God, No King? Temples and Administration in Late Bronze Age Cyprus"

T. Bürge, "Two Late Bronze Age offering pits from Hala Sultan Tekke, Cyprus"

F. Blakolmer and I. Hein, "A 'Special Procession' in Minoan Crete as a Ritual of Rulership? A Comparative Look from Egypt"

F. Chelazzi, "Strategies of production, strategies of interaction: the transformation of the settlement pattern in Bronze Age southwestern Cyprus (2400-1100 B.C.)"

A. García-Suárez, "Re-evaluating the socio-economic role of small buildings at Neolithic Çatalhöyük"

J. Pearson, "Showing Your Age: Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis and dietary reconstruction through the life course at Neolithic Çatalhöyük"

L. Hulin and S. German, "Alternative worlds: mariner networks in ports across the LBA Aegean"

C. Ioannou, "The Phoenician presence in Cyprus: New reflections"

S. Crooks, "The Construction of Value in Chalcolithic Cyprus: The Picrolite Figurines and Pendants"

L. Morgan, "Symbolic Images and Ceremonial Space: Hunt Scenes in Context"

U. Günkel‐Maschek, "The other side of Creto‐Egyptian artistic interconnections in the early LBA: a reconsideration of the Throne Room at Knossos"

J. Weilhartner and M. Vetters, "Conceptions of gender and body images in the Aegean world and contemporary East Mediterranean societies in the Late Bronze Age"

C. Bergoffen, "Philistine, Cypriot or Aegean? A New Approach to the Ashdoda Figurine as Anthropomorphized Object"

C. Hart, "Ancient Flower Power? An Analysis of the Rosette Motif in Visual Representations of Warfare and Violence: A Case Study"

V. Dubcova, "Approaching a Deity: Introduction and Adoration Scenes in the Bronze Age Aegean and in the Ancient Near East"

M. Brami, “From the origins of agriculture to the spread of the Neolithic: Contextualizing the Central/Western Anatolian farming frontier”

C. Çakırlar, “When pigs fly: Understanding subsistence diversity at the AnatolianEuropean frontier”

J. Burger, A. Hofmanovà, S. Kreutzer, G. Hellenthal, C. Sell, Y. Diekmann, D. Díez-del-Molino, L. van Dorp, S. López, A. Kousathanas, V. Link, K. Kirsanow, L. M. Cassidy, R. Martiniano, M. Strobel, A. Scheu, K. Kotsakis, P. Halstead, S. Triantaphyllou, N. Kyparissi-Apostolika, D.-C. Urem-Kotsou, C. Ziota, F. Adaktylou, S. Gopalan, D. M. Bobo, L. Winkelbach, J. Blöcher, M. Unterländer, C. Leuenberger, Ç. Çilingirolğlu, B. Horejs, F. Gerritsen, S. Shennan, D. G. Bradley, M. Currat, K. R. Veeramah, D. Wegmann, M. G. Thomas, and C. Papageorgopoulou, “Early farmers across Europe descended directly from Neolithic populations in northern Greece and northwestern Turkey”

T. Carter, “New Mesolithic discoveries in Crete and the Cyclades: What significance for our understanding of neolithisation processes in the insular Aegean?”

B. Horejs, “Migrating social memories: Arrival and adaptation of Neolithic in Aegean Anatolia”

F. Gerritsen and R. Özbal, “Neolithic Barcin Höyük in regional perspective”

M-L. Bech Nosch, “Male labour in the Mycenaean textile industries”

K. Sarri, “In the mind of early weavers: perceptions of geometry, metrology and value in the Neolithic Aegean”

M. Siennicka-Rahmstorf, “Craftspeople, craftsmanship and textile production in the Early Bronze Age Greece”

C. Britisch, “Agencies of Textile Production in Western Anatolian and Aegean Prehistory”

A. Ulanowska, “Contemporary Actors and Bronze Age Textile Techniques from Greece. Experience Approach to Textile Work, its Specialisation and Apprenticeship”

L. Peyronel, “Mediterranean interconnections: Weaving technologies during the Middle Bronze Age”

C. McCartney, “Ayia Varvara Asprokremmos a PPNA Neolithic taskscape on Cyprus – implications of focused resource exploitation for understanding early connections between Cyprus and the mainland”

A. McCartney, “Decapitation cult in Cyprus: evidence from Neolithic Prasteio-Mesorotsos in a Near Eastern context”

J. Clarke, “Was Cyprus on the periphery of the Levant in the Yarmoukian? How new excavations in the Jordanian badia may shed light on insularity”

D. Bolger, “Identities and materialities in prehistoric Cyprus: evidence of foreign cultural interaction before the Bronze Age”

S. Bourke, “The Revised Mainland Radiocarbon Record and the Earliest Cypriot Bronze Age: Some Questions that Remain to be Answered”

E. Ünlü, “Interaction between Cilicia and Cyprus during the 3rd Millennium BCE Based on Ceramic Analysis from Tarsus-Gözlükule”

L. Crewe, “Settlement structure and international connections at the transition to the Late Bronze Age on Cyprus”

H. Charaf, “Representation and distribution of Cypriot pottery in Lebanon during the Middle Bronze Age”

S. Vilain, “The MBA and LBA Cypriote pottery in the Northern Levant”

I. Hein, “The frame of Late Bronze Age Cyprus and Egypt”

E. Peltenburg, “Luxury without diplomacy: Egyptian faience in Late Bronze Age Cyprus, c. 1400-1200 BC)

A. Özyar, “Cpyriot Themes in Cilician Imagery: The Citadel of Azatiwataya/Karatepe-Aslantaş”

K. Bacvarov and K. McSweeney, “Jar burial tradition in later prehistory of the Balkans (sixth to third millennium BC)”

B. Perello, “Early Bronze Age pot-burials in Western Anatolia: common features and diversity”

P. J. P. McGeorge, “Pot Burials from Pre-Eruption Thera”

M. Pomadere, “Pot-burials in mainland Greece: a selective use for a small part of the population”

H. Whittaker, “Pithos Burials on the Greek Mainland during the Bronze Age”

K. Christakis, “Housing the dead: production and distribution of burial pithoi in the Isthmus region, East Crete”

V. Watrous, M. Kaye, and P. J. P. McGeorge, “Minoan burials under the Phylakeio at Gournia”

L. Girella, “The long life of pithos-burials during the Palatial period of Crete”

S. Müller Celka “Iconographic evidence of burial pithoi and the question of burial practices in Neopalatial Crete”

A. Paule, “Near Eastern Materials, Near Eastern Techniques, Near Eastern Inspiration: Examples of Colourful Jewellery from Prehistoric, Protohistoric and Archaic Cyprus”

E. Aspöck, A. Masur, and S. Štuhec, “Digitizing Early Farming Cultures: Making new use of digital and analogue sites in Greece and Anatolia resources from Neolithic”

C. Tully and S. Crooks “Enthroned Upon Mountains: The Construction of Power in the Aegean Bronze Age”

C. R. Johnson “To Sit in Splendor: The Ivory Throne as an Agent of Identity in Tomb 79 from Salamis, Cyprus”

H. Brecoulaki, E. Egan, and S. Stocker, “Colors and Painters at the Palace of Pylos: A Technological Investigation of Materials and Painting Techniques”

M. Haysom, “The Find Contexts of Knossian Palatial Wall-Paintings: Some Ramifications”

S. Sotiropoulou, Z. E. Papliaka, P. Aggelidis, E. Hamaoui, E. Kalampouki, and A. Vlachopoulos, “Technical Aspects of the Wall Paintings of Akrotiri/Thera”

J. Bertsch, “Preliminary Remarks on the Technical and Iconographical Aspects of the Middle Bronze Age Wall Paintings from Tell el-Burak (Lebanon) in Relation to the Aegean and Egypt”

A. Di Ludovico and M. Ramazzotti, “Wall Painting Techniques in Early Bronze Syria: Clues of Parallelisms with the Traditions of the Mediterranean and Mesopotamian Regions”

J. Becker, “How to Paint a Landscape” Technical Perspectives on the ‘Aegean’-style Landscape Paintings from Tell elDab’a”

J. Jungfleisch, “For Further Information Please See the Back of the Plaster: Real and Imaginary Architecture in the ‘Aegean’-style Wall Paintings from Tell el-Dabca”

C. von Rüden and T. Skowronek, “Tracing Technical Choices and Knowledge in the Production of Stucco Reliefs from Tell el-Dab’a”

S. Bunimovitz, “A Recently Dixcvered Late Bronze Age Palace at Tel Beth-Shemesh”

B. Brandl, “Commemorative Scarabs of Amenhotep III from Beth-Shemesh and Sellopoulo: Minoan – Egyptian Synchronization, Mycenaean – Egyptian Contacts and Canaanite – Egpytian Network”

E. Boaretto, “One day, one event and one Pharaoh: radiocarbon dating, Amenhotep III scarab from Tel Beth-Shemesh, and implications for Early Aegean chronology”

P. W. Stockhammer, “Aegean-type pottery from Tel Beth-Shemesh: Chronological and Social Perspectives”

Z. Chovanec, “International Opium trade in the Amarna Age? Organic Reidue Analysis (ORA) of Cypriot Pottery from Beth-Shemesh and Late Bronze Age Sites in Cyprus”

E. Weiss, “Foreign Plant Food at the Late Bronze Age Palace at Beth-Shemesh – ‘Prestige Materials’ for Ceremonial Feasts?”