
On 18-21 May 2016 the 16th International Aegean Conference ΕΣΠΕΡΟΣ / ΗESPEROS: The Aegean Seen From The Westwill be held at the University of Ioannina. Further information is available at http://hesperos-aegaeum-16.conf.uoi.gr/. The program will be:

E. Agolli, “Models of Social Networks of Southeast Albania in Late Prehistory”

P. Bellintani and F. Gonzato, “Luxury Production. Amber and Glass from the Recent and Final Bronze Age Italy. A Northeastern Perspective”

L. Bejko, “Interactions of the Albanian prehistoric communities with the Aegean, Revisited: old data and recent fieldwork”

M. Bettelli, M. Cupitò, R. Jones, G. Leonardi, and S. T. Levi, “Po Plain, Adriatic and Eastern Mediterranean in the Late Bronze Age: fact, fancy and plausibility”

F. Blakolmer, “Spirals from Malta and ‘ropes and pulleys’ from the Eurasian steppe? On the origin of some ornaments of the Aegean Bronze Age”

E. Borgna, “The Last Mycenaeans and the Adriatic connection: a view from the Trapeza cemetery, Eastern Achaea”

A. Bunguri, “Relation between Mycenaean world and Albania during Middle and Late Helladic (as reflected from imported Mycenaean weapons and tools)”

A. Cazzella and G. Recchia, “Getting in touch with the eastern world: socio-economic developments in the central Mediterranean during the 3rd millennium BC”

D. Constantinidis, “Making connections: Westward trade in purple dyed textiles”

M. Cultraro, “Rock-cut Tombs in Context: Parallel trajectories between Aegean and South Italy in the Fourth millennium BC”

M. Cultraro and C. Marconi, “Western Sicily before the Greeks: Mycenaeans and Others along the Mediterranean Seaboard”

B. Davis, A. Chapin, L. Hitchcock, and E. Banou, “Like Dolmen, Like Dromos: Contextualizing the Solar Orientations of Some Mycenaean Tholoi”

S. De Angelis, “Between Italy and the Aegean: Context and Distribution of the Handmade Burnished Ware”

A. Depalmas, C. Bulla, and G. Fundoni, “Some Observations on Bronze Productions in Nuragic Sardinia Between Aegean Influences and Autonomous Creations”

M. Galaty and R. Ruka, “The Position of Albania in Mediterranean Obsidian Exchange Spheres”

S. Gashi, “Relations between Mycenean world and Kosova, as reflected from imported vessels”

M. Gazis, “Teichos Dymaion, Achaea. An acropolis-harbour of the Ionian Sea looking westwards”

C. Giardino and C. Merkouri, “Adriatic and Aegean connections with Southern Italian metallurgy during the Late Prehistory: a technological interaction sphere”

M. Gori, “Overcoming Old Interpretative Frameworks: a Revised Chrono-cultural Sequence for Late Early Bronze Age Macedonia”

C. Haywood, A. Sotiriou, and E. Papafloratou, “Southwestern Kephalonia, an island region in the context of the western Aegean world. Old and new evidence for the transition between the collapse of the Mycenaean palaces and the Early Iron Age”

F. Iacono, “The exception and the rule. Making sense of the diversity in patterns of Aegean interaction in LBA Central Mediterranean”

R. Jung and M. Pacciarelli, “Western Greece and Southern Italy 1250–1050 BCE: Manifold Patterns of Interaction”

C. Kleitsas, “Prehistoric Dodona, Epirus: Towards the identification of a sacred place”

L. Kolonas, M.-L. Nosch, and K. Sarri, “Protogeometric Funerary Textiles from Stamna, Aitolia, Greece”

T. Krapf, “From Central Greece to the North and then Westwards? Tracing Influences in Matt Painted Pottery Styles from MBA to EIA”

G. Kourtessi-Philippakis, “From the fringes to the center: new perspectives in the Early Prehistory of the Ionian Islands, Greece”

R. Kurti, “Carnelian and amber beads as evidence of Late Bronze Age contacts between the present territory of Albania and the Aegean”

P. Lera, S. Oikonomidis, A. Papayiannis, and A. Tsonos, “The settlement organization and the distribution of tumuli along the Eastern Adriatic and Ionian coasts during the transitional period between the 2nd and the 1st millennia BC”

S. Levi, M. Bettelli, V. Cannavò, A. Di Renzoni, F. Ferranti, and M. C. Martinelli, “Stromboli: Gateway for the Mycenaean Early Connections through the Messina’s Strait”

S. Levi, A. Vanzetti, and E. De Miro, “Cannatello, Sicily: the connective history of the LBA Central Mediterranean hub”

A. Mederos Martìn, “The Mycenaean contacts with the Iberian Peninsula during the Late Bronze Age”

G. Metallinou, “The position of Corfu in the Adriatic network of contacts in the second half of the third millennium BC”

P. Militello and K. Zebrowska, “The Aegean influence in Sicily: A landscape approach”

K. Nikita, G. Nightingale, and S. Chenery, “Mixed-alkali glass beads from Elateia-Alonaki: tracing the routes of an alien glass technology in the periphery of post-palatial Mycenaean Greece”

V. Nikolopoulos, “The Aegean itself or its reflection? Absence and presence of Aegean cultural elements in the Bronze Age Balearic Islands and the Iberian Peninsula”

S. Oikonomidis, “Adriatic and Ionion: geographic landmarks and cultural crossroads between the 2nd and the 1st millennia BCE”

E. Onnis, “Funeral customs in Albania and Greece: differences and similarities”

T. Palaima, “Facing west but looking east? Place references in the Linear B data from the Pylos archives”

T. Papadopoulos, “Mycenaean citadels of Western Greece: Nature, purpose and their intricate role in the local communities and their relations with the West”

A. Papayiannis, “Animal husbandry in Albania, Epirus and Southern Greece during the Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age: Questions of quantity, seasonality and integration to the economy and social structure”

L. Papazoglou-Manoudaki and K. Paschalidis, “A society of merchants and warriors to the East of the West. The case of the Mycenaean settlement on Mygdalia hill, near Patras, in Achaea”

K. Peche-Quilichini, L. Bellot-Gurlet, J. Cesari, B. Gratuze, J. Graziani, F. Leandri, and H. Paolinisaez, “From Shardania to Læstrygonia… Eastern origin prestige goods and technical transfers in Corsica through Middle and Final Bronze Age”

M. Ruiz-Gálvez and E. Galán, “From shepherds to heroes: Mediterranean iconography of power in the far West”

A.-L. Schallin, “The Handmade Burnished Ware – a Reflection of Immanent Change in the Late Bronze Age Argolid?”

A. Sotiriou, “Documents of the Late Neolithic and Early Helladic period from the island of Kefallinia”

K. Soueref, “Epirus and the Mycenaean World: Versions and dimensions of ‘immanentia’”

S. Todaro, O. Palio, and M. Turco, “The site of Valcorrente at Belpasso (Catania) and the links between the Aetnean area and the Aegean world between the end of the III and the first half of the II millennium BC”

H. Tomas, “Early Bronze Age Sailors of the Eastern Adriatic”

A. Tsonos, “Albania Meets the Aegean: The West Mainland Koine Revisited”

S. Tusa, “Relations between the Central Mediterranean, the Aegean and the Levant during the 3rd and 2nd millennia BC”

A. Usai, “Sardinia and the Aegean world: advances in understanding”

G. J. Van Wijngaarden and N. Pieters, “Between the Aegean and Adriatic. Zakynthos and the Ionian Islands in the Bronze Age”

A. Vanzetti, M. A. Castagna, A. Di Renzoni, N. Ialongo, L. M. Magno, S. Marino, and F. Porta, “The Oinotrian side of the LBA Mediterranean network”

O. Vikatou, “Meganissi Lefkas, a new site of the end of the Mycenaean era at the crossroads of the maritime routes of the Ionian Sea”

S. Vitale, “Kos, Italy, and Europe during the Late Mycenaean Period: Evidence for a Special Connection and Its Possible Significance”

P. Yiouni and E. Vasiliou, “Production and consumption of kylikes in Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age mainland Epirus (Prefecture of Ioannina)”

E. Agolli, O. Aslaksen, E. Ilieva, S. Ivanov, C. Kleitsas, T. Krapf, G. Papadias, A. Papazovska Sanev, E. Tsafou, A. Tsonos, and E. Vliora, “Balkan Bronze Age Borderland: Along Ancient Routes from the Aegean to Albania, F.Y.R.O.M. and SW Bulgaria”

M. Cultraro and F. Genovese, “Intercultural Contacts in the ancient Far West: New and old evidence from the Bronze Age cemetery at Plemmyrion, Syracuse (Sicily, Italy)”

L. A. Hitchcock and A. M. Maeir, “Hesperos and Phosphoros: How Research on Aegean-Eastern Interactions Can Inform Studies of the West”

E. Kolia and A. Spiroulias, “Keryneia, Achaia. A Recently Excavated Bronze Age Site in Northern Peloponnese. Aspects of Cultural Connections to the West”

K. Luci, “Mycenaean Culture in Bronze Age Kosova”

C. Marini, “The Elephant in the Room: Migration, Trade and Diffusion. Some Thoughts on Post-Palatial Achaea”

C. Oberweiler, P. Lera, G. Touchais, T. Krapf, and M. Gori, “The Korce Area (SE Albania): Local Cultures and External Influences from the West, the Balkans and the Aegean World during Prehistory”

F. Saranti, “Prehistoric Naupaktos: A missing link on the northern shore of the Corinthian Gulf”