Calls for Papers

12th International Congress of Cretan Studies

Extended deadline: on 31 December 2015 abstracts (500 words maximum) are due for papers, posters, and workshops at the 12th International Congress of Cretan Studies, to be held in Heraklion, Crete, Greece on 21-25 September 2016. The form for submitting abstracts and further information are available at

International Obsidian Conference

On 31 January 2016 abstracts (300-500 words, with up to 2 figures) are due for oral papers and posters at the International Obsidian Conference, to be held in Lipari, Italy on 1-3 June 2016. The form for submitting abstracts and further information are available at

ASOR 2016

On 15 February 2016 abstracts are due for papers at the American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meetings (ASOR 2016), to be held in San Antonio, TX from 16-19 November 2016; on 1 August 2016 abstracts for posters are due. Further information is available at