Future Lectures and Conferences

BANEA 2016

On 6-8 January 2016 the 2016 Annual Conference of the British Association for Near Eastern Archaeology (BANEA 2016): Land, Sea and Sky in the Near East will be held at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Lampeter. Further information is available at http://www.banea2016.org/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

M. Amadio, "Architectural Narratives in Middle Bronze Age Cyprus: Buildings, Materials and Social Representation"

C. Morris and A. Peatfield, "Minoan Peak Sanctuaries between Heaven and Earth"

L. Steel, "Mind, Body, Object..."

E. Govier, "Vital Materialisms at Çatalhöyük"

A. L. d'Agata, "A contested city in a contested periphery: the exemplary case of Misis in the Cilicia Plain"

Aegean Seminar in Zagreb

On 18 January 2016 W. Waal and B. Montecchi will deliver lectures to the Aegean Seminar in Zagreb entitled, respectively, "Sealed secrets and cryptic signs: The origins of writing in the Aegean from an Anatolian perspective" and "A fresh look at Linear A administrative practices: counting, sealing and writing in Neopalatial Crete." On 19 January 2016 W. Waal will deliver a lecture entitled "War and Peace: International relations between the Aegean and the Near East in the Late Bronze Age." Further information is available from Helena Tomas at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Technology in Crisis

On 18-19 February 2016 an international workshop entitled Technology in Crisis. Technological changes in ceramic production during periods of trouble will be held by ARC 'A World in Crisis?' and Aegis (UCL-INCAL-CEMA) in Louvain-la-Neuve. Further information is available at https://www.uclouvain.be/530391.html. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

S. Todaro and R. Mentesana, "Technological changes in the period of transition from Neolithic to Early Minoan: a view from Phaistos"

E. Nodarou and T. Brogan, "The times they are A-changin': pottery production and technological change at Mochlos in the Prepalatial period"

M. Choleva, "A phenomenon of craft behavior in a period of mutation: the introduction and the adoption of the potter's wheel during the EB2b and EB3 in the Aegean"

I. Berg, "Technological changes in a period of trouble and mutation: Middle and early Late Bronze Age Cyclades"

S. Vitale, "The Troubled Century: Pottery Technology and Socio-Political Changes at Mitrou, East Lokris, During the 13th Century B.C."

B. Lis, "Handmade pottery in Mainland Greece during the 13th and 12th century BC as a sign of an economic crisis?"

A. Georgiou, "Technological changes in periods of transformation: Re-examining the Late Cypriot ceramic industry during the 13th to 12th century BC transition"