Past Lectures and Conferences

Bridging the Gap

On 23-25 October 2015 the 12th Biennial Graduate Student Forum Bridging the Gap: Connecting Different Scales of Human Interaction was held at Boston University. Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:

A. Belza, "The Imagined Boundary: Mycenaean Hither and Further Lands"

The Idea of Writing

On 29 October-1 November 2015 the joint conferences 12. Mainz International Colloquium on Ancient Hebrew (MICAH) and The Idea of Writing were held at Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:

A. R. Pottorf, "A Regional Analysis of the Epigraphic Data from the Philistine Sites in the 8th and 7th Centuries BCE: Economic and Political Influences on the Varieties of Philistine Script Characteristics"

Cyprus: Its Archaeology and Heritage

On 30 October 2015 a conference entitled Cyprus: Its Archaeology and Heritage: Effects on Politics, Identity, Tourism and Education was held at London Metropolitan University. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:

M. Given, "The Landscape Heritage of Cyprus"

A. McCarthy, "A recipe for public archaeology: experimental Neolithic cooking in Cyprus"

L. Crewe, "Prehistory and the public: Engaging non-specialist audiences with ephemeral archaeological remains on Cyprus"

T. Kiely, "We are here, because you were there – Cypriot antiquities in the UK"

A. Reeve, "Exploring Ancient Cyprus in Yorkshire"

A. C. Smith, "Figurines, lamps & poppy vases: involving students in publishing the Ure Museum's Cypriot collection"

C. Partheni, "The Cypriot collections of National Museums Liverpool: challenges and opportunities for their interpretation"

A. Ulbrich, "The collection of Cypriot Antiquities at the Ashmolean, Oxford - History, content, digitisation and educational use"