Cycladic Seminar

On 15 December 2015 W.-D. Niemeier and Ο. Κουκά will address the Cycladic Seminar on "'Cycladica' από το Ηραίο και τη Μίλητο" at 7:00 pm at the Archaeological Society (22 Panepistimiou, Athens). Further information is available at

AIA 2016

On 7-9 January 2016 the Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA 2016) will be held in San Francisco, CA. Further information is available at Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:

R. Worsham, M. Lindblom, and R. Opitz, "Malthi Mapping Project Preliminary Results

D. M. Nagle, "Spatial Analysis and the Study of Mycenaean Architecture"

C. Maggidis and A. Stamos, "Reinterpreting Glas and Mycenaean Regional Political Geography in the Light of Recent Field Discoveries"

N. G. Blackwell, "The Mycenaean Pendulum Saw: Application, Adaptation, and Reconstruction"

S. L. Hogue, "A New Reconstruction of the Upper Story of the Palace of Nestor"

W. A. Parkinson, A. Papathanasiou, D. J. Pullen, P. Karkanas, M. L. Galaty, and G. Papathanassopoulos, "The Diros Project: Multidisciplinary Investigations at Alepotrypa Cave and Ksagounaki Promontory, 2010-2015"

A. Papathanasiou, "Neolithic Alepotrypa Cave: 6000-3200 BC"

B. Katsipanou, "Trial Trench B1 in Alepotrypa Cave in Diros Laconia: Structures, Stratigraphic and Pottery Sequence"

S. Katsarou, "The Diros Cave Alepotrypa, Greece, Ossuaries: Performances of Memory in front of the Dead"

A. Psimogiannou, "The Dark Side: Acts of Deposition in Chamber Z of Alepotrypa Cave during the Neolithic Period (Sixth-Fourth millenium B.C.E.)"

G. Tsartsidou, "Use of Plants and Use of Space in Alepotrypa Cave: A Microscopic Approach"

M. Ntinou, "Firewood Use at Alepotrypa Cave. Domestic Hearths and Ritual Fires"

D. J. Fallu, "From 'Good Condition' to 'Dry and Barren': the Geoarchaeology of Climate and Post-palatial Landscape Change at Mycenae, Greece"

C. S. Jazwa and K. A. Jazwa, "Settlement Ecology in Bronze Age Messenia"

K. A. Jazwa, "Crisis Building: Social Implications for Domestic Architectural Change in Mainland Greece during LH IIIC and PG"

J. Hruby, "Burning Down the House: Arson, Accident, or Natural Disaster?"

S. C. German and L. Hulin, "Alternative Worlds: Mariner Networks in Ports Across the Late Bronze Age Aegean"

I. Tzonou-Herbst, "Korakou, the Port City of Mycenaean Corinth"

C. M. Hale, S. Vitale, and A. Van de Moortel, "The Late Helladic I Ceramic Sequence at Mitrou, East Lokris: Chronology and Wider Cultural Implications"

M. Kramer-Hajos, "Towards an Explanation for the Primacy of the Euboean Gulf Coasts during the Bronze Age - Early Iron Age Transition"

S. Manning, "Climate Change and Human Society: Beyond Crisis to Opportunity and History"

T. Van Damme, "'Our TSJs are Sealed': A New Methodology for the Study of Ceramic Stoppers in the Late Bronze Age Aegean"

T. Krapf, E. Agolli, O. Aslaksen, E. Ilieva, S. Ivanov, C. Kleitsas, G. Papadias, A. Papazovska Sanev, E. Tsafou, A. Tsonos, and E. Vliora, "Southern Balkan Regional Variety and Connectivity: Results of a New International Collaboration"

L. A. Kvapil and K. S. Shelton, "Revealing the Potters of Petsas House, Mycenae"

B. B. Wilemon, Jr., "PXRF Analysis of the Pylos Linear B Tablets"

A. N. Niekamp, "Crop Growing Conditions at Bronze Age Tsoungiza: A Stable Isotope Analysis of Archaeobotanical Remains"

R. Vykukal, "Organic Pottery Residues at Agia Triada Cave: A Preliminary Analysis"

L. F. Kaiser, "Hosting and Toasting as an Arena for Cooperation and Competition"

G. Doudalis, "A New Protopalatial Ceramic Deposit: Exploring Local Pottery Production and Consumption in Mochlos from the Middle Minoan I-IIB"

M. Devolder, "The Western Magazines and the West Facade of the Palace at Malia (Crete) during the Protopalatial Period"

C. Knappett, N. Momigliano, A. Livarda, T. Cunningham, Q. Letesson, and H. Orengo, "Excavations at Palaikastro 2014-15"

A. Murock Hussein, "The Magic and the Mundane: the Function of Talismanic Class Stones in Minoan Crete"

S. Jusseret, S. Déderix, M. Devolder, and J. Driessen, "Edifis at Work? A New Court-Centered Building at Sissi. Results from the 2015 Excavation Campaign"

M. Devolder and I. Caloi, "The Dessenne Building in the Protopalatial Settlement at Malia (Crete)"

E. Gorogianni, "Storage and Socio-Political Complexity in Middle and Late Bronze Age Ayia Irini Kea"

T. Carter, D. Athanssoulis, K. Campeau, D. Contreras, J. Holcomb, and D. Mihailović, "Early Humans in the Aegean Basin: First Excavation Results from the Palaeolithic Site of Stélida, Naxos"

S. C. Ferrence, A. Kanta, L. Bonga, D. Mylona, T. Carter, and C. Davaras, "Preliminary Report on the 2014 and 2015 Excavation Seasons in the Pelekita Cave, Zakros, Crete"

L. Bonga, "Mavropigi-Filotsairi. An Early Neolithic Settlement in Western Macedonia"

A. Sarris, T. Kalayci, F.-X. Simon, J. Donati, I. Moffat, C. Cuenca García, M. Manataki, G. Cantoro, N. Nikas, N. Argyriou, S. Dederix, G. Karampatsou, E. Kalogiropoulou, C. Manzetti, K. Vouzaxakis, V. Rondiri, P. Arachoviti, K. Almatzi, D. Efstathiou, and E. Stamelou, "New Perspectives on Neolithic Agricultural Villages in Eastern Thessaly (Greece) Through Remote-Sensing Applications"

S. James, D. Nakassis, and S. Gallimore, "The Western Argolid Regional Project: Results of the 2015 Season"

Y. Lolos, S. Gallimore, S. James, N. Nenci, M. Maher, S.-M. Price, and M. Wells, "Sikyon Excavations: 2013 and 2014 Seasons"

W. D. Gilstrap and P. M. Day, "Rub-a-dub-dub: Organic Temper and Shared Practice in the Production of Bathtubs in the LHIIIB-IIIC Saronic Gulf"

D. Tanasi, S. Hassam, F. Pirone, A. Raudino, P. Trapani, R. H. Tykot, and A. Vianello, "Chemical Characterization of EBA/MBA Pottery from Ognina (Sicily): A Comparison of XRF and pXRF for Analysis of Ancient Pottery"

S. Votruba, "Provenance Determination of Mycenaean Pottery from Alalakh"

N. Abell and M. Georgakopoulou, "Metals and Metallurgy at Bronze Age Ayia Irini, Kea"

J. Obert, "Alloying with a Purpose: Comparing Object Typologies and Chemical Compositions at Neopalatial Mochlos"

I. G. Vetta, "Slags and Ores: Archaeometallurgy and the Geometric Settlement of Zagora, Andros, Greece"

M. L. Galaty, L. Bejko, S. Deskaj, R. Yerkes, S. Allen, and R. Bolus, "The Projekti Arkeologjikë i Shkodrës (PASH), Northern Albania: Results of the 2014 Excavation Campaign"

K. S. Shelton, K. Kissas, and L. Kvapil, "TAPHOS, Tombs of Aidonia Preservation, Heritage, and Exploration Synergasia: the 2014 pilot survey and 2015 excavation seasons"

B. Burke, B. E. Burns, and A. Charami, "Eleon 2015: Discovery of a New Early Mycenaean Funerary Structure in Eastern Boeotia"

O. A. Jones, "Bones of Contention: The Biocultural Process of Mycenaean Burial"

C. McNamee and S. Vitale, "Burial Landscape, Spatial Organization, and Societal Changes at the Mycenaean Cemeteries of Eleona and Langada on Kos"

Z. Tankosic and K. Psoma, "Prehistoric Finds from the Survey of the Katsaronio Plain, Southern Euboea, Greece: A Preliminary Assessment"

A. R. Knodell, S. Fachard, and K. Papangeli, "The 2015 Mazi Archaeological Project: A Report on the Second Field Season"

J. Whalen, "Political Cuisines: the Aegean-West Anatolian Interface through the Lens of Late Prehistoric Drinking Practices"

S. Vitale, T. Marketou, N. Blackwell, A. Iacobelli, I. Iliopoulos, C. McNamee, J. Morrison, and K.-S. Passa, "The Serraglio, Eleona, and Langada Archaeological Project (SELAP): Report on the 2012 to 2015 Study Seasons"

E. H. Cline, A. Yasur-Landau, and A. J. Koh, "Results of the 2015 Excavation Season at Tel Kabri, Israel"

S. Jusseret, J. Bretschneider, J. Driessen, and A. Kanta, "C-PEPL: Renewed Excavations at Pyla-Kokkinokremos (Cyprus). Preliminary Results of the 2014-2015 Campaigns"

G. Bourogiannis, "Cypriote Evidence in the Early Iron Age Aegean: An alternative view from the Cyclades"

M. S. Mook, D. C. Haggis, R. D. Fitzsimons, C. M. Scarry, and W. F. Dibble, "Excavations at Azoria, East Crete 2013-2015"

J. K. Papadopoulos, S. P. Morris, and M. Bessios, "Ancient Methone Archaeological Project: An Overview of the First Two Seasons of Fieldwork (2014-2015)"

R. A. K. Smith, "Death on the Isthmus: Late Minoan III Tombs of the Mirabello Bay and Ierapetra Areas"

P. P. Betancourt, "The Early Minoan I Fortified Hilltop Site at Aphrodite's Kephali"

K. Nowicki, "The Final Neolithic - Early Minoan I Transition in the Southern Ierapetra Isthmus, Crete"

T. M. Brogan, "A Bronze Age Fishing Village on Chryssi"

K. Chalikias, "Exploring the Marginal Lands: Investigating Minoan Land Use Patterns and Landscape Transformation in the Mountains of the Ierapetra Area"

Y. Papadatos, "The Minoan Peak Sanctuary at Anatoli Stavromenos: Preliminary Evidence from the Excavation of the Peak Sanctuary of Minoan Hierapetra"

C. Knappett, "Myrtos Pyrgos and the Malia-Lasithi state revisited"

E. Oddo, "Consuming in Style: Patterns of (in-)variability among Tablewares at Neopalatial Myrtos Pyrtos Cistern 2 and Tomb"

B. Legarra Herrero, "Knossos and its Immediate Hinterland from the Neolithic to the End of the Prepalatial Period"

A. Shapland, "Protopalatial Knossos: the Development of a Major Urban Community"

J. Cutler, "Neopalatial and Mycenaean Knossos: Urban Expansion and Collapse"

A. Kotsonas, "Early Iron Age Knossos and the Development of the City of the Historical Period"

T. Whitelaw, "The Long-term Urban Dynamics of Knossos in Context"