Aegean Lecture

On 9 October 2015 G. Kourtessi-Philippakis will address the Aegean Lecture series on "Middle Kalamas Archaeology Project, Thesprotia: 2011-2015" at 7:00 pm at the Swedish Institute at Athens (Mitseon 9). Further information is available at

Animals in Ancient Material Cultures

On 15-16 October 2015 a conference entitled Animals in Ancient Material Cultures will be held by the Allard Pierson Museum in Amsterdam. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

A. Shapland, "Animals in the Material Cultures of the Aegean Bronze Age (3000 BC-1100 BC)"

A. Patay-Horváth, "Greek Geometric Animal Figurines and the Origins of the Ancient Olympic Games"

Mycenaean Seminar series in Athens

On 20 October 2015 Ά. Τσώνος will address the Mycenaean Seminar series in Athens on "Αλβανία και Αιγαίο κατά την Εποχή του Χαλκού" at 7:00 pm at the A. Argiriadis Amphitheatre (Central building of the University of Athens, Panepistimiou 30).

Crisis to Collapse

On 29-30 October 2015 an international workshop entitled Crisis to Collapse: The Archaeology of Social Breakdown will be held by the Université catholique de Louvain. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

T. Cunningham, "Introduction: The Archaeology of Societal Breakdown"

S. O'Brien, "Boredom with the Apocalypse: Resilience, Regeneration, and Their Consequences for Archaeological Interpretation"

A. Højen Sørensen, "Hierarchies in Late Bronze Age Eastern Crete before and after the Thera eruption"

G. D. Middleton, "The Late Mycenaean period – an age of anxiety?"

22nd Neolithic Seminar

On 6-7 November 2015 the 22nd Neolithic Seminar: Modelling the Processes of Neolithisation will be held by the Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. Further information is available at Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:

B. Horejs, "A model for maritime colonization in early 7th millennium Aegean"

M. Brami and A. Zanotti, "Modelling the initial expansion of the Neolithic out of Anatolia: a follow-up"

P. Flohr, D. Fleitmann, R. Matthews, W. Matthews, and S. Black, "Did rapid climate change around 8200 calBP affect Neolithisation processes in and nearby Southwest Asia?"

Ç. Atakuman, "Rethinking the concepts of Neolithic and Neolithization in South West Asia: The case of the figurines"

Cycladic Seminar

On 10 November 2015 C. Broodbank will address the Cycladic Seminar on "A comparative Mediterranean perspective on the Early Bronze Age Cyclades" at 7:00 pm at the Archaeological Society (22 Panepistimiou, Athens). Further information is available at

ASOR 2015

On 18-21 November 2015 the American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meetings (ASOR 2015) will be held in Atlanta, GA. Further information is available at Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:

L. Mazow and D. Cassuto, "Did Goliath Carry an Aegean Long Sword? On Reading menor orgim (weaver's beam) as a Weaving Sword"

E. Cline, A. Yasur-Landau, and A. Koh, "Results of the 2015 Excavation Season at Tel Kabri, Israel"

Z. Chovanec, S. Bunimovitz, and Z. Lederman, "Was There Indeed a Late Bronze Opium Trade? New Evidence from Organic Residue Analysis (ORA) of Base Ring I Juglets from Tel Beth-Shemesh, Israel"

M. Steiner, "The Case of Enigmatic Cypro-Phoenician Juglets"

S. Karacic and A. Weil, "Estimated Firing Temperatures for Pottery from Tarsus-Gözlükule Using Magnetic Susceptibility"

A. McCarthy, "Playing with Fire: Experimental Neolithic Cooking in Cyprus"

E. M. Bonney, "An Object of Desire: The Faience Votary from Knossos"

L. Steel, "Enchanting Objects: Exploring the Biography of Gaming Stones at Arediou, Cyprus in the Late Bronze Age"

L. Keach, "Refining the Spatial Accuracy of the Ais Giorkis Geodatabase using a Low-Cost UAV: Results of the 2015 Aerial Survey Project"

S. Whitcher Kansa, E. C. Kansa, and W. Caraher, "Connecting the Dots: Data Publishing and Synthesis for the Archaeology of Cyprus"

A. Chapin, "The Expert's Eye: Theory, Method, and Connoisseurship in Aegean Fresco Studies"

K. DiBenedetto, "Examining Possible Medicinal Plant Usage for Humans and Animals at the Early Vegas Neolithic Site of Kretou Marottou (ʿAis Giorkis)"

L. Swantek, "The Emergence of Social Complexity on Cyprus during the Prehistoric Bronze Age: A Complex Systems and Network Science Approach"

K. Fisher, "Investigating Late Bronze Age Urban Landscapes on Cyprus: The 2015 Season at Kalavasos-Ayios Dhimitrios"

G. Bourogiannis, "Cypriote Evidence in the Early Iron Age Aegean: An Alternative View from the Cyclades"

S. Yalçin, "Tarsus-Gözlükule during the Late Bronze–Early Iron Age Transition: Its Ceramics and Architecture"

A. Lillethun, "Recreation of Dress of the Ancient Near East and Bronze Age Aegean: Assessing the Barriers"

A. Simmons, "Original Immigrants and Settling New Lands... Island Colonization and Land Management: Neolithic Lessons for the Present?"

A. Bursali, E. Baysal, R. Özbal, H. Özbal, and B. Yagci, "Neolithic Blue Beads in Northwest Turkey: The Social Significance of Skeuomorphism"

C. Fulton, A. Viduka, D. Sewell, and S. Manning, "Assessing the Anchorage of Late Bronze Age Maroni-Tsaroukkas, Cyprus"