Past Lectures and Conferences

Οξυδερκειν at Korakou

On 4-6 September a conference entitled Οξυδερκειν at Korakou: A Centennial Celebration of C. W. Blegen's 1915-1916 Excavations was held in Athens and Corinth. Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:

C. Burke, P. Day, A. Hein, and V. Kilikoglou, "Scale and Diversity: Examining Early Helladic Ceramic Production and Distribution in the NE Peloponnese, Greece"

L. Rahmstorf, "A Spool-shaped Potential Balance Weight from Korakou"

M. Siennicka, "Textile Implements from Early Helladic Corinthia"

N. Thomas, "An Overview of Helladic Abrasion Stone Tools and Whetstones Based on the Field Research in Archaeological Settlements of Peloponnese"

W. Gauss, "How Similar / Different? Korakou and Kolonna were in EBA III and MBA"

M. Lindblom, "Marks and Makers Revisited: Aeginetan Potters' Marks in the Light of Recent Work at Kolonna"

I. Mathioudaki, "The Mainland Polychome Matt-Painted Pottery Style of Korakou"

O. T. P. K. Dickinson, "The Korakou Sequence, the Definition of Early Mycenaean Pottery Phases, and their Historical Significance"

J. Davis and N. Abell, "Before and after Blegen: The State of LH I Studies Today and Then"

J. Rutter, "The Floor Deposits of LH IIIC Early at Korakou: Some Unconventional Approaches to Ceramic Analysis Made Possible by More Fully Preserved Pots"

D. Trusty, "Counterfeit Cooking Pots? Imitating Aegina at Korakou"

K. Theodoridis, "The 'Unknown' Mycenaean Presence in the City of New Corinth (In Greek: Η 'Άγνωστη' Μυκηναϊκή Παρουσία στην Πόλη της Νέας Κορίνθου)"

Y. Kassimi, "The Tholos Tomb of Corinth and Korakou (In Greek: Ο Θολωτός τάφος της Κορίνθου και το Κοράκου)"

V. Tassinos, "Mycenaean Corinth (In Greek: Μυκηναϊκή Κόρινθος)"

D. J. Pullen and T. F. Tartaron, "The Ports of Mycenae: Kalamianos and Korakou in the LBA Mediterranean"

I. Tzonou-Herbst, "Korakou, Port City of Mycenaean Corinth"

J. Wright, "After Korakou: Blegen at Nemea, Phlius, and Zygouries and the Extension of his Stratigraphical Inquiries beyond Coastal Corinthia"

M. Boyd and I. Tzonou-Herbst, "Korakou's Enclosure Wall: Geophysical Survey and Archival Data"

J. Herbst, "Happy Birthday Korakou: New Technology on Old Ephyra"