MAC 2015

On 24-26 September 2015 the 13th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics (MAC 2015) was held at the New Acropolis Museum in Athens, Greece. Further information is available at or from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers included:

C. Makarona, A. Jacobs, P. Claeys, and K. Nys, "The elemental dimensions of ceramic fabrics: re-evaluating Late Bronze Age Cypriot pottery recipes using micro-XRF elemental mapping"

R. Mentesana, P. M. Day, V. Kilikoglou, and S. Todaro, "Exploring technological variability in pottery manufacturing: How, why and what for? A case study of Final Neolithic-Early Bronze Age ceramics from Phaistos, Crete"

E. Nodarou and Y. Papadatos, "From the Far East to the Far West: Patterns of pottery production and consumption in the Final Neolithic sites of Petras Kephala and Nerokourou (Crete)"

G. Kordatzaki, K. Sbonias, E. Farinetti, and I. Tzachili, "Local and imported pottery in prehistoric Therasia: Preliminary petrographic results"

I. Whitbread, R. E. Jones, and C. Zerner, "Ceramic consumption at Middle Bronze Age Lerna (Argolid, Greece): Local, regional and remote networks"

E. Vliora, Y. Papadias, E. Kiriatzi, and S. Andreou, "Tradition, transmission and innovation in the ceramics of Central Macedonia during the Late Bronze-Early Iron Age transition"

X. Charalambidou, E. Kiriatzi, N. S. Müller, M. Georgakopoulou, S. Μüller Celka, T. Krapf, S. Verdan, S. Huber, K. Gex, G. Ackermann, M. Palaczyk, and P. Maillard, "Eretrian ceramic production through time: An interdisciplinary approach"

C. Makarona, M. Dikomitou-Eliadou, C. Xenophontos, K. Nys, and P. Claeys, "Putting clays on the map: An interactive tool for identifying pottery raw materials from Cyprus per geological context"

N. S. Müller, M. Georgakopoulou, A. Hein, V. Kilikoglou, and E. Kiriatzi, "The effect of inter- and intra-source variation: A comparison between WD-XRF and NAA data from Cretan clay deposits"

A. Hein, M. Kiderlen, N. S. Müller, and H. Mommsen, "Residues of casting ceramics found at Early Iron Age bronze tripods"

E. Minina, A. Mazina, and S. Sokolov, "Restoration and study of the Cyprus ceramics collection"

S. Relaki, E. Anaplioti, C. Knappett, and E. Kardara, "The conservation of a Middle Bronze Age 'patitiri' from Crete"

V. Valantou, V. Aravantinos, G. Fappas, G. Galanakis, and N. Zacharias, "Analytical and technological examination of Thebes Mycenaean roof tiles"

K. Manteli, "A piece of ceramic evidence for beekeeping in Neolithic Thessaly from the National Archaeological Museum (NAM)"

T. Van Damme, "Reworked ceramic sherds as stoppers: Reassessing a neglected find class as a proxy for Late Bronze Age Aegean consumption patterns"

A. Philippa-Touchais, N. Papadimitriou, K. Paschalidis, N. Müller, and V. Kilikoglou, "Tin-covered vases from the Mycenaean cemetery of Deiras Argos"

L. Phialon, "Does the capacity of goblets matter? Exploring consumption practices in Middle Helladic and Late Helladic Greece"

V. Ivrou, "Metohi: An underwater Middle Helladic site in the Pagasitikos Gulf, Central Greece: Remarks on the pottery"

S. Menelaou, O. Kouka, and P. M. Day, "A technological assessment of ceramics from the Early Bronze Age Heraion settlement of Samos, Greece: Towards an integrated approach"

F. Liard, "Petrographic analysis of an ophiolite tempered fabric at Late Bronze Age Malia, in north-east Crete: Towards the identification of a long-lasting tradition of clay selection and use by local potters"

S. Hacıosmanoğlu, G. M. Kibaroğlu, G. Sunal, and E. Kozal, "Geochemical and petrographic analysis of Late Bronze Age Cypriote ceramics from Tell Atchana/Alalakh (Hatay), in the Amuq valley"

P. Pınarcık, "History of the Karaburun peninsula: According to Survey"

S. Prillwitz, "Expounding some problems of chemical analysis versus stylistic workshop attributions: The example of Argive Late Geometric Pottery"

S. Dalsoglio, "The production and the use of the amphorae of the Kerameikos cemetery at Athens from the Submycenaean to the Protogeometric period"

S. Vivdenko and A. Panti, "Early Iron Age and Archaic pottery from Karabournaki in the centre of the Thermaic Gulf: Archaeometric analysis of local and imported pottery samples"

A. Dimoula, "Early pottery mobility: The cases of Early Neolithic Thessaly and Macedonia"

N. Saridaki, D. Urem-Kotsou, V. Kilikoglou, and K. Kotsakis, "Pots and analytical techniques: An intimate relationship"

M. Dikomitou-Eliadou, M. Roumpou, A. K. Vionis, N. S. Müller, and V. Kilikoglou, "Cooking up a tradition: The earliest Cypriot cooking pots under thorough analytical examination"