Future Lectures and Conferences

EAA AM 2015

On 2-5 September 2015 the 21st Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA AM 2015) will be held in Glasgow, Scotland. Further information is available at http://www.e-a-a.org/ or http://eaaglasgow2015.com/. Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:

P. Ramirez Valiente, "Were Mycenaeans living abroad? Anthropological approaches in the study of cross-cultural trade between Central and Eastern Mediterranean"

K. Kostanti, "'Missing infants'. Giving life to aspects of childhood in Mycenaean Greece via intramural burials"

N. Calliauw, "What it means to be young in Bronze Age Crete"

B. Tibbetts, "Perinatal Death and Cultural Buffering in a Neolithic Community: Case study of a neonatal individual from Çatalhöyük"

P. Mylona, J. Wattez, and J. Vigne, "Geoarchaeological approach on PPNA site of Klimonas in Cyprus: micromorphological analysis of construction techniques and the use of space"

L. Bombardieri, M. Amadio, and F. Dolcetti, "Entry and Exit Strategies. Security and control systems at Middle Bronze Age industrial site of Erimi-Laonin tou Porakou (Cyprus)"

M. Toffolo, "An integrative approach to the study of Iron Age living surfaces at Ashkelon, Israel: the macro and microscopic archaeological records"

M. Lorenzon, "Macroscopic observations on Minoan earthen constructions"

S. Demesticha and A. Knapp, "Maritime Transport Containers in the Bronze-Iron Age Eastern Mediterranean: Introduction"

P. Day and D. Wilson, "Dawn of the Amphora: The Emergence of Maritime Transport Containers in the Early Bronze Age Aegean"

R. Martin, "The Development of Canaanite and Phoenician Style Maritime Transport Containers (MTCs) and Their Role in Reconstructing Maritime Exchange Networks"

M. Artzy, "The Maritime Transport Amphorae from Tell Abu Hawam"

H. Haskell, "Seaborne Maritime Transport Containers from the Beginning: Transport Stirrup Jars"

E. Kardamaki, P. Day, M. Tenconi, and A. Papadimitriou, "Maritime Transport Containers in Late Bronze Age Tiryns"

C. Cateloy, "Trade and Capacity Study in Eastern Mediterranean: The First Amphorae from Coastal Levant"

C. Monroe, "Measure for measure: connecting text to material through Late Bronze Age shipping jars"

A. Gilboa, P. Waiman-Barak, and R. Jones, "On the Origin of Phoenician Transport Jars at Iron Age Kommos, Crete: A Diachronic View"

J. Hilditch, M. Gori, and M. Betelli, "Round and round it goes (or evolution of the revolution in ceramic production): the potter's wheel in the ancient Mediterranean"

V. Roux and J. Baldi, "The invention of the potter's wheel: conditions and consequences in terms of diffusion"

M. Türkteki, "When the wheels started to turn in western Anatolia: The early use of potter's wheel in the Anatolian peninsula"

M. Choleva, "Assessing the use of the potter's wheel in the EBA Aegean: The techno-morphological pottery types as indicators of the craft knowledge"

I. Berg, "To throw or not to throw: The utilisation of the potter's wheel in prehistoric Greece"

E. Kiriatzi and S. Andreou, "The introduction of the potter's wheel in the north-western Aegean: Exploring ceramic technological innovation in the contexts of local social realities and inter-Aegean interactions"

M. Gori and T. Krapf, " From the hub to the wheel's rim. The adoption of potter's wheel in the south-western Balkans"

B. Dimova, "The adoption of the potter's wheel in Thrace: Models and evidence"

S. Rückl, "Deconstructing the potter's wheel: Investigating ceramic technology in Early Iron Age Greece through macro-trace analysis"

E. Weiberg, "The rise and fall of palatial societies: Synchronous diversity in Late Bronze Age Aegean"

L. Kvapil, "Growth and Change in the Prehistoric Landscape: The Mycenaean Terraces of Kalamianos"

V. Antoniadis, "Scarab in a jar: Egyptian and hybrised amulets in Early Iron Age Knossian and Tyrian funerary context"

F. Heil, "Cyprus in the Bronze Age - A 'Cultural Conglomerate?'"

A. Cinquatti, "Conceptualizing hybridization: the case of the iconography of the Mistress of Animals in the Eastern Mediterranean of the 2nd millennium B.C"

N. Kuch, "The transformation of Taweret into the Minoan Genius - Conceptualizing hybridity and alterity"

T. Silva, D. Urem-Kotsou, K. Kotsakis, A. Chondrogianni-Metoki, and S. Kotsos, "What Others Can See: variability, style, and community in Late Neolithic Northern Greece"

E. Miller Bonney, "Moving Beyond Myth"

D. Kriga, "Was the Late Cycladic I settlement of Akrotiri (Thera) a colony of Crete or was it an independent urban centre of the Aegean? Towards an interpretation of the cultural identity of the Late Bronze Age Cycladic city, through a survey of the finds"

A. Schallin, "Agamemnon's Neighbors – Expressions of Local Identities in the Mycenaean Core Area"

B. Feuer, "Peripheral Identities"

M. Gleba and S. Harris, "A new spin on fibre revolution: plants, textiles and technology in the ancient Mediterranean"

O. Aytek and U. Oguzhanoglu-Akay, "The Role of Coastal Anatolia within Mediterranean Network in Prehistory"

F. Chelazzi, "From self-sufficiency to interdependence: changes in the Cypriote socio-economic structure in the light of mobility during the II millennium B.C"

J. Mokrisova, "Material Connections and Mobility at Local Scales: The Case of Southwest Anatolia"

C. Tsoraki, H. Barton, J. Garcia-Granero, and M. Madella, "Houses and households at Neolithic Çatalhöyük: the contribution of microwear and microbotanical analyses of ground stone tools to the understanding of household activities"

E. Kalogiropoulou and D. Kloukinas, "How many stories for home? Tracing diverse household configurations in Neolithic Greece"

I. Siamidou, K. Kotsakis, D. Urem Kotsou, S. Perić, and P. Halstead, "The House(hold) in the Neolithic of Greece: Insights from Pottery"

M. Lymperaki, D. Urem Kotsou, K. Kotsakis, and S. Kotsos, "Household scales: what cooking pots can tell us about households in the Late Neolithic Stavroupoli (Northern Greece)"

N. Calliauw, "Re-tracing identity: the materialisation of multiple identities in funerary contexts of Bronze Age Crete"

M. Pavlacky, "Reconfiguring the elites and the nature of society in late Prepalatial East Crete"

H. Whittaker, "Collapse and Continuity on the Greek Mainland in the last Phase of the Bronze Age"

A. Schallin, "Before and after the catastrophe - 1200 B.C. at Midea in the Argolid"

D. Bolger, "Gender, identity and social interaction in prehistoric Cyprus: a multi-scalar approach"

A. Dakouri-Hild, "Towards an archaeology of failure: flawed and recycled artifacts from Late Bronze Age Thebes, Greece"