14th Mycenological Colloquium

On 2-5 September 2015 the 14th Mycenological Colloquium will be held in Copenhagen, Denmark. Further information is available at http://ctr.hum.ku.dk/conferences/2015/Aegean_Scripts._Programme_2015.pdf_copy. The program will be:

M. del Freo, "Rapport 2011-2015 sur les textes en écriture hiéroglyphique crétoise, en linéaire A et en linéaire B"

M. Egetmeyer, A. Karnava, H. Landenius Enegren, and M. Perna, "2011-2014 report on the Cypriot syllabic inscriptions"

M. Egetmeyer, A. Karnava, H. Landenius Enegren, and M. Perna, "IG XV 1, Inscriptiones Cypri Syllabicae: the completion of Pars I, Inscriptiones Amathuntis, Curii et Marii"

F. Aura-Jorro, "The Supplement ('Suplemento') to the Diccionario Micénico (DMic.)"

F. Aurora, "pa-ro, da-mo. Studying the Mycenaean Case System through DĀMOS (Database of Mycenaean at Oslo)"

D. Nakassis and K. Pluta, "Vorsprung durch Technik: Imaging the Linear B Tablets from Pylos"

P. Steele and T. Meissner, "Linear A and Linear B: Structural and contextual concerns"

J. Weilhartner, "'Les idéogrammes archéologiques': Does variation matter?"

V. Petrakis, "Figures of speech? The non-phonographic component in the Linear B writing system"

H. Tomas, "From Minoan to Mycenaean palmleaf-shaped tablet"

E. Hallager, "LM IIIB Linear B at Knossos and Khania"

M. Perna and A. Kanta, "Deux tablettes en écriture chyprominoenne de Pyla Kokkinokremos"

A. Vasilogambrou, "The West Stoa Archive at Ayios Vasileios: Archaeological Context, Chronology and Preliminary Study of the Documents"

V. Aravantinos and Y. Fappas, "Miscellaneous 'first hand' notes on Theban Linear B texts and archive contexts"

T. Palaima, "Emmett L. Bennett, Jr., Michael G. F. Ventris, Alice E. Kober, Sir Arthur Evans, Cryptanalysis, Name Structures (and the Phaistos Disc) and the Decipherment of Linear B"

F. Carraro, "The signs of the Linear B and their 'use' during the decipherment: A. Kober, E. L. Bennett and M. Ventris."

R. Firth, "Re-evaluating the find-spots of the Linear B tablets in the Archive Complex at Pylos"

L. Bendall, "Where was da-wo?"

S. Lupack, "The Ea Series: It Takes A Village"

S. Nikoloudis, "Tracking Eumedes, the unguent-boiler: Mycenaean textual and archaeological clues"

C. Shelmerdine, "Exceptional Women: Female Roles and Power in the Linear B Tablets"

J. Killen, "Notes on Linear B tablets concerning wool, cloth and textile workers"

A. Sacconi and M. Cultraro, "La tablette PY Ta 716 et Homère"

R. Palmer, "Agrimia in the Knossos tablets"

E. Kiriakidis, "Ownership and governance in Mycenaean Kingdoms"

N. Vittiglio, "Evidences of the presence of words ἄλευρα and ἄλφιτα in Mycenaean texts"

A. Judson, "Palaeography, administration, and scribal training: a case-study"

O. Panagl, "Some Paradoxa and Paralipomena in the Mycenaean Dialect"

A. Bernabé and R. Pierini, "What, When, Why
Tablet Functions and o-te Expressions in Context"

J. M. Jimenez-Delgado, "The particle ἄρα from the second to the first millenium"

I. Serrano, "ma-ka"

C. Varias, "Mycenaean Terms with the Stem *ξένϝος: 'Foreigner, Guest, Host'"

J. Garcia Ramon, "From the Files of a New Mycenaean Grammar"

D. Kölligan, "Mycenaean Onomastics and Phraseology"

M. Buzalkovska-Aleksova, "Mycenaean Greek Preposition pa-ro revisited"

R. Thompson, "The Mycenaean thematic genitive singular in : methodological observations on constraints on the interpretation of Linear B texts"

E. Dzukeska, "Semantics of Mycenaean Genitive: A Tentative Analysis of the Genitive Singular Forms Ending in -o, /-os/"

N. Guilleux, "La valeur du syllabogramme *65: un réexamen"

E. R. Luján, J. Piquero, and F. Diez Platas, "What did Mycenaean sirens look like?"

F. Rougemont and J. P. Vita "Les 'gens du roi' dans le monde mycénien et à Ougarit"

J. Bennet, "On comparison in Linear B: genetic, historical or analogical?"

J. Zurbach, "Slaves, Debt and Money in Mycenaean Greece and the Near East"

J. Gulizio, "di-u/wi-ja and po-si-da-e-ja: Examples of Indo-European Female Consorts?"

A. Greco, "From Middle Assyrian to Mycenaean Archives: some comparative and theoretical considerations on the economic and politic elites of a Mycenaean polity"

W. Bibee and A. Wilson-Wright, "A Laryngeal in Linear B: Evidence from Ugaritic and Egyptian"

Y. Duhoux, "Aides à la lecture
dans les écritures égéennes et orientales de l'âge du Bronze"

M. Jasink, "One-sided Hieroglyphic seals"