Future Conferences and Lectures


On 30 June – 2 July 2015 a conference entitled GEOMEDISLANDS 2015 International Colloquium on Geoarchaeology of the Mediterranean Islands will be held at the Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse, Cargèse, Corsica-France. Further information is available at http://geomedislands.org/index.php?page=register and www.geomedislands.org. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

M. R. Palombo, F. Antonioli, V. Lo Presti, F. L. Chiocci, M. A. Mannino, R. T. Melis, and P. Orru, "On the colonization of Mediterranean islands by anatomically modern humans: current knowledge and future perspectives"

R. Mandel and A. Simmons, "Geoarchaeology of Ais Giorkis, an upland early Aceramic Neolithic site in southwestern Cyprus: evidence for human-environment interactions"

A. Simmons and R. Mandel, "The geoarchaeology of Akrotiri Aetokremnos, Cyprus and its contribution to Pleistocene extinctions of island fauna: why is it so controversial?"

J. F. Berger, N. Combourieu-Nebout, C. Delhon, D. Ertlen, A. Barra, G. Metalinou, J. Guilaine, G. Philipakis, and R. Guilbert, "Les enregistrements continentaux des changements climatiques rapides de l'Holocène ancien/moyen sur l'île de Corfou (Grèce). Correspondance avec les archives marines de l'Adriatique et interactions avec le développement et la mobilité des derniers chasseurs et des premiers paysans néolithiques"

T. Carter, D. Contreras, and K. Freund, "The Nature and Use of Giali Obsidian: New Geo-Archaeological and Characterization Studies"

R. Mentesana, V. Amato, P. M. Day, M. Ghilardi, F. Longo, and S. Todaro, "Looking for the invisible: transformation in the landscape and the ceramics manufacturing in the Final Neolithic-Early Bronze Age at Phaistos, Crete"

M. Ghilardi, S. Müller Celka, T. Theurillat, S. Fachard, M. Vacchi, "Human and Holocene landscape dynamics: the case study of Eretria (Euboea, Greece)"

G. Papatheodorou, M. Geraga, C. Agouridis, M. Iatrou, M. Prevenios, D. Zoura, D. Christodoulou, H. Kaberi, S. Kordella, and E. Fakiris, "A marine geoarchaeological survey in the vicinity of a Late Bronze Age shipwreck in Modi islet, South Argosaronic Gulf, Greece"

G. Bony, N. Carayon, C. Flaux, N. Marriner, and C. Morhange, "Palaeo-environmental evolution of the Kathari-Lichines marine bay (Kition, Larnaca, Chypre)"

N. Argyriou, A. Sarris, and R. Teeuw, "The influence of landforms and geodiversity in the settlement patterns of Bronze Age Crete"

C. Papoulia, "Late Pleistocene to Early Holocene Sea-Crossings in the NE Mediterranean: Unravelling the Evidence – Discussing Future Prospects"

A. Karkani, N. Evelpidou, M. Vacchi, C. Morhange, S. Tsukamoto, and M. Frechen, "Using beachrocks to reconstruct Holocene paleoshorelines in Central Cyclades"

A. Chalkioti, "Reconstructing the configuration of ancient coastlines with the aid of GIS applications: the case study of Lemnos Island in the Northeast Aegean"

A. Çiner, "Late Quaternary glaciers and inferred paleoclimate of the Eastern Mediterranean"

F. Stock, M. Kerschner, A. Herda, and H. Brückner, "Transformation of Archipelagos into Floodplains – The Examples of Miletus and Ephesus in Turkey"

Z. Zomeni, "Pleistocene and Holocene history of Palaipafos, SW Cyprus"

S. Cordier, M. L. Schützler, N. Evelpidou, K. Pavlopoulos, M. Bouchet, and M. Frechen, "Morphology and OSL-based geochronology of the Holocene coastal dunes fields of Naxos Island (Cyclades, Greece): preliminary results"

N. Evelpidou, A. Karkani, I. Kampolis, and P. Pirazzoli, "Late Holocene shorelines in East Attica (Greece)"

N. Evelpidou and P. Pirazzoli, "Multiple submerged tidal notches: A sea-level indicator of sequences of coseismic subsidences in the Aegean region"

M. Geraga, G. Papatheodorou, J. Wünderlich, M. Iatrou, D. Christodoulou, E. Fakiris, K. Baika, G. Pantopoulos, and D. Gregory, "A marine geo-archaeological remote sensing survey in the South Attica coastline, Greece"

F. Mosca and P. Puppo, "Historical sources and reconstruction of Ancient landscapes: the northwest portal of Nea Paphos (Cyprus) and its fortification"