37th International Symposium of Excavations, Surveys and Archaeomtry

On 11-15 May 2015 the 37. Uluslararası Kazı, Araştırma ve Arkeometri Sempozyumu, 11-15 Mayıs, Atatürk Üniversitesi, Erzurum. 37th International Symposium of Excavations, Surveys and Archaeomtry organized by the Turkish Ministry of Culture was held at Ataturk University, Erzurum. The program is available at http://ukaas.atauni.edu.tr/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/sem2015prENG.pdf. Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:

I. Hodder, "Çatalhöyük Excavations 2014"

M. Özdoğan, "Kırklareli Mound 2014 Activities"

F. Gerritsen, "2014 Excavations at Barcın Höyük"

N. Karul, "Excavations at Aktopraklık, 2014"

Z. Derin, "The Prehistoric Settlement of İzmir, The Yeşilova Höyük Excavations in 2014"

Ö. Çevik, "Excavation at Ulucak Höyük in 2014

B. Alpagut, "Paşalar Excavation 2014"

I. Yalçinkaya, "Karain Cave Excavations – 2014"

E. Güleç, "Üçağızlı Cave Excavation, 2014"

H. Taşkiran, "Suluin Excavation-2014"

İ. Özer, "Muğla and Çanakkale Survey, 2014"

F. A. Demirel, "Survey of Neogene and Pleistocene Fossil Localities of Burdur-2014"

T. Efe, "The Küllüoba Excavations, 2014"

I. Caneva, "Excavations at Mersin-Yumuktepe"

A. Engin, "Oylum Höyük, 2014"

B. Erdoğu, "Gökçeada Uğurlu-Zeytinlik Excavations, 2014"

G. Sazci, "Excavations at Maydos Kilisetepe Höyüğü 2014"

H. Hüryilmaz, "Excavations at Gökçeada-Yenibademli Höyük 2014"

S. Günel, "Excavations at Çine-Tepecik, 2014 Campaign"

V. Şahoğlu, "Excavations at Çeşme – Bağlararası, 2014"

A. Erkanal, "Excavation at Panaztepe, 2014"

H. Erkanal, "Land and Underwater Excavations at Liman Tepe, 2014"

E. Akdeniz, "Excavations at Thyateira (Thyatira) and Hastane Höyük, 2014"

E. Ünlü, "Tarsus-Gözlükule Excavation: 2014 Season"

A. L. D'Agata, "Misis Höyük Excavations 2014"

K. S. Girginer, "Tatarlı Höyük Excavation, 2014"

F. Şahin, "Tepebağ Höyük Excavations, 2014-2015"

D. Beyer, "Zeyve Höyük - Porsuk 2014"

L. D'Alfonso, "The Project Kınık Höyük: Results of the Campaign 2014"

İ. Özgen, "Hacımusalar Excavations 2014"

O. Özbek, "Latest Discovery of a Paleolithic Site on the Gallipoli Peninsula; Üçdutlar"

E. Beksaç, "The Rock-Cut and Megalithic Monuments and Cultistic Places in the Northwest Anatolia and the Thrace. 2014 Studies in the Provinces of Edirne and Kırklareli"

E. Güldoğan, "İstanbul Survey Project, Works in 2014"

N. Kolankaya Bostanci, "İzmir Province, Menemen District, Prehistoric and Protohistoric Periods 2014 Archaeological Survey"

F. Dedeoğlu, "The Archaeological Survey Project of Highland Area of Upper Meander Basin in 2014"

H. Bulut, "Techno-Typologıcal Evaluatıon Regarding to Bone Tools Work of Western Taurus Mountains: Karain Cave Sample"

G. Kartal, "Middle Paleolithic Knapped Stone Industries of Karain B"

M. Erdalkiran, "An Investigation into the Neolithic Bone Tools in Barcın Höyük in 2014"

R. Körpe, "The 2014 Campaign at Troia"