Future Lectures and Conferences

SAA 2015

On 15-19 April 2015 the 80th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology (SAA 2015) will held in San Francisco, CA. Further information is available at http://www.saa.org/. Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:

K. DiBenedetto and L. Keach, "Playing with Fire at 'Ais Giorkis: A Geospatial Analysis of Prehistoric Fire Residue"

L. Keach, "Geospatial Analysis of Areal (Polygonal) Units: Applications at the Site Level in Neolithic Cyprus"

A. Basiran and C. M. Erek, "Direkli Cave: Aerial Photography of an Epipaleolithic Site"

S. Abatis, "Perpetually on the Move from the Lowlands to the Highlands in Northern Greece"

R. Joyce, "Interrogating 'Property' at Neolithic Çatalhöyük"

N. Lercari, "Virtually Rebuilding Çatalhöyük History Houses"

C. Tsoraki, "Ritual Consumption? Exploring the Staging of Ritual Acts through the Deposition of Ground Stone Tools in Building 77 at Neolithic Çatalhöyük"

E. Anderson, "In the Trail of Dancing Lions: Iconography and Community on Early Crete"

M. Daniels, "The Queen of Heaven in Iron Age Greece: Analyzing Religious Ideology and Symbolism on Multiple Scales"

J. Hilditch, "Fabrics of Space and Time: Multiscalar Analytical Approaches to Social Process in the Middle Bronze Age Aegean"

V. Kilikoglou and A. Hein, "Petrography and Chemistry Live Together in Perfect Harmony"

M. Tenconi, P. Day, E. Kardamaki, J. Maran, and A. Papadimitriou, "Transport Jars at the Mycenaean Citadel of Tiryns, Greece: New Evidence from Petrographic Analysis of Trade in the Late Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean"

N. Munro and M. Stiner, "Faunal Evidence for the Neolithic Colonization of Franchthi Cave, Greece (ca. 7000–6500 cal BC)"

E. Banning, S. T. Stewart, P. Hitchings, and S. Edwards, "Sweep Widths in the Evaluation of Coverage by Archaeological Surveys in Jordan and Cyprus"

L. Swantek, "Understanding Changes in Social Complexity during the Prehistoric Bronze Age on Cyprus: A Bottom-Up Approach"

M. Gurova and C. Bonsall, "Environmental Change and the Neolithization of Southeast Europe: A Bulgarian Perspective"

R. Mentesana, P. M. Day, V. Kilikoglou, and S. Todaro, "Technological Variability in Ceramics of the Neolithic to Early Bronze Age Transition at Phaistos, Crete: An Integrated Approach"

W. Gilstrap and P. M. Day, "'A Burden of One's Own Choice is Not Felt': Observing Ceramic Production Technology, Exchange and Consumption in the Late Mycenaean Saronic Gulf"

C. Burke, P. Day, E. Alram-Stern and K. Demakopoulo, "Crafting Choices: Neolithic–Early Helladic II Ceramic Production and Distribution, Midea, Mainland Greece"

J. Morgan and T. Carter, "Obsidian Source Selection in the Early Bronze Age Cyclades"

S. Martin, "The Late Bronze Age Theran Eruption: A Spatial Analysis Study of Permanent Abandonment Processes"

V. Muros, N. Zacharias, W. Shelley, and I. Kakoulli, "The Technology and Trade of Glass in SE Europe: Analysis of 12th–9th c. BC Beads from Lofkënd and Methone"

M. Ivanova and E. Marinova, "Heading North: Landscape Use and Food Technology at the Initial Stage of Farming Expansion in the Balkans"

L.-M. Shillito, "Technological Choice or Environmental Constraints? Fuel Use at Boncuklu and Çatalhöyük"

I. Gatsov and P. Nedelcheva, "Lithic Assemblages in NW Turkey during the 7-6 mill BC"

S. Doyle, T. Carter, and D. Contreras, "Archaeological Visibility at Stélida, Naxos: Identifying Activity Hubs at a Palaeolithic Chert Quarry in the Cyclades"

N. Karul and M. B. Avci, "Heritage and Sustainable Tourism In Turkey: The Case Study of Aktopraklık"

C. Curtis and P. Biehl, "Çatalhöyük and Localized Universality: The Challenge of Sustaining Heritage Post-UNESCO"

T. Carter, D. Contreras, D. Mihailovic, T. Moutsiou, and S. Doyle, "Neanderthals on Naxos? New Work at the Early Prehistoric Chert Source of Stélida"

S. Allen and K. Forste, "On the Periphery of Collapse: An Archaeobotanical View from the Mycenaean Hinterland at Tsoungiza"

P. Kardulias, "Stone Tool Use in Late Prehistoric and Historic Contexts in the Eastern Mediterranean Region"

M. A. Kontonicolas and C. M. Chykerda, "The Ancient Methone Intensive Survey Project: New Research at a Harbor City in the North Aegean"

P. Hristova, "In the Twilight of a Brave New World: From Multimedia Work Areas to Material Transformations in the Late Chalcolithic and Neolithic in Bulgaria and North Greece"

J. Marcum, "A Peircean Analysis of Bucrania at Catalhoyuk"

B. Starkovich, "Systematic Butchery of Small Game at Kephalari Cave (Peloponnese, Greece)"

G. Price, K. Shelton, G. Kamenov, and J. Krigbaum, "Following the Herd: Isotopic Access to Faunal Commodity Chains in LBA Mycenae, Greece"

M. Forte and N. Lercari, "Digital Archaeology at Çatalhöyük: New Inferential Methods for the Interpretation of Neolithic Buildings"

P. Day and V. Kilikoglou, "Revealing the Common Ground: Technological Practice, Intrusive Shapes and Hybrid Pastes in the Kampos Group Pottery of Crete"