New York Aegean Bronze Age Colloquium

On 17 April 2015, 6:30 pm, S. Lupack will address the New York Aegean Bronze Age Colloquium at the NYU Institute of Fine Arts, One East 78th Street, NY, New York on "The Mycenaean Worship of an Ancestral Wanax." Guests are always welcome; please R.S.V.P. 212-992-5803 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Social Dimensions of Food

On 30 April - 2 May 2015 an international conference entitled Social Dimensions of Food in the Prehistory of the Eastern Balkans and Neighbouring Areas will be held at the Akademie der Wissenschaften in Heidelberg. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

T. Popova and K. Leshtakov, "Early Neolithic House (Family) Farming. Yabalkovo Case Study"

M. Gurova, "Prehistoric Agriculture Toolkits in Diachronic Perspective: Case Study from Bulgaria"

D. Urem-Kotsou, "Breath of Change: Food and Pottery in the Course of the Neolithic in Northern Greece"

K. Kotsakis, "Eating Out: Places of Consumption and Food Preparation in Neolithic Settlements"

V. Isaakidou and P. Halstead, "Ceramics, Carcasses, and Cooking in Neolithic Greece: Towards an Integrated Approach"

S. M. Valamoti, "Plant Foods in Daily Meals and Feasting in Prehistoric Northern Greece"

S. Andreou, "The Politics of Food Production and Consumption in the Bronze Age Communities of Northern Greece"

K. Nikov, E. Marinova, I. Hristova, and H. Popov, "Food Supply and Disposal at Late Bronze and Iron Age Ada Tepe: Archaeobotanical Aspects of Diet, Plant Economy, and Waste Management"

E. Marinova, H. Popov, and I. Hristova, "Spätbronzezeitliche und Eisenzeitliche pflanzliche Nahrung aus der Höhensiedlung Kusch Kaja, Ostrhodopen, Bulgarien"

J. Gorczyk, B. Athanassov, and P. Stockhammer, "Food from the Forest: Social Aspects of Hunting at a 12th century BC Fortified Site in Southwestern Bulgaria"