Conference in Honour of Prof. Dr. Jan Bouzek

On 19-23 May 2015 the conference Contacts, Migrations and Climate Change: Conference in Honour of Prof. Dr. Jan Bouzek will be held in Prague. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

P. P. Betancourt and J. D. Muhly, "New Evidence for the Trade Routes for Metals Imported into Crete during the Early Minoan Period"

F. Blakolmer, "A 'Special Procession' in Minoan Seal Images: Observations on Ritual Dress in Minoan Crete"

J. Czebreszuk, "Amber in Minoan and Mycenaean: A Comparative Approach"

K. Kopanias, "Deconstructing Achilles/Pyrisoos. The Stories about Piyamaradu and the Making of a Homeric Heros"

A. Yasur-Landau, "Axe in the Water: Bronze Axes between the Aegean, Cyprus and the Levant ca. 1800-1000 BC"

D. Malamidou, "Bronze Age Pottery from Dikili Tash, Northern Greece : Tracing Continuities and Contacts"

S. C. Murray, "Imports as Proxy Data for Change in Greek Trade after the Mycenaean Collapse: A Quantitative Analysis"

S. Wallace, "Movement Mad: Perspectives on Movement in the Ancient Aegean"