Calls for Papers


On 30 November 2014 abstracts are due for the 43rd Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Conference: "Keep the Revolution Going" (CAA 2015 SIENA), to be held on 30 March – 3 April 2015 in Siena, Italy. Abstracts (500 words including title, affiliations, and key words) must be submitted online. Further information and the form for abstract submission are available at The main themes will be:

Field and laboratory data recording

Sematic, data modelling, management, and integration

Data analysis and visualisation

3D modelling, visualization, and simulations

Spatio-temporal modelling and GIS

Remote sensing

Users and interfaces: education, museums and multimedia

Cultural heritage interpretation and modelling past urban and rural contexts

Theoretical issues and the relation of CAA with the Digital Humanities

Open software, open data

CIG 2015

On 30 November 2014 proposals are due for the 2015 Biannual Graduate Student Conference of the Canadian Institute in Greece (CIG 2015), to be held on 6-7 February 2015 at the University of Windsor (Ontario, Canada). Papers on the theme of Reproduction and Repurposing in Antiquity will be particularly welcome although all aspects of Greek and Roman antiquity pertaining to Greek culture and the Greek world are invited. A professional workshop on drawing archaeological ceramics and understanding pot sherds will be conducted by Tina Ross, archaeological illustrator and publication artist at projects at Mitrou, Livatho Valley, Pylos, Nestor's Palace, and Eleon; to reserve a place in the workshop, contact Jeffrey Banks (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Abstracts (300-500 words) and a brief summary of qualifications (name, institution, current degree(s) and program, etc.) should be sent by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..