AIA/CSC 2015

On 8-11 January 2015 the 2015 Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America and the Society for Classical Studies will be held at in New Orleans. Further information is available at the AIA web-site at Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:

A. Van de Moortel, "Rubble Architecture and Flooring Practices: Evidence for Social Practice and Societal Change at Mitrou"

K. Jazwa, "A Diachronic Perspective of Architectural Fragments from Mitrou as Evidence of Construction Traditions and Social Practice"

L. B. Anderson, "Geological Study of Building Materials and Ground Stone Tools at Mitrou, East Lokris"

C. Hale, "Ceramic Evidence for Societal Changes at Mitrou in the Middle Helladic and Late Helladic I Phases, and the Impact of Inter-Regional Interactions"

S. Vitale, "Wining and Dining at Mitrou, East Lokris: Ceramic Consumption and Political Context from the Early Prepalatial to the Final Palatial Period"

A. Karathanou, "Exploring Societal Changes at Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Mitrou Through Social and Economic Practices. What the Macrobotanical Evidence Can Tell"

C. McNamee, "Starches and Grains: Reconstructing Subsistence within a Changing Bronze Age Sociopolitical System at Mitrou, East Lokris"

S. Deskaj, "Biological Anthropology, Nationalism, and Archaeological Interpretation in Albania: The Search for an Illyrian Past"

D. Nakassis, S. James, S. Gallimore, and W. Caraher, "The Western Argolid Regional Project: Results of the 2014 Season"

S. Fachard, A. R. Knodell, and E. Banou, "The Mazi Archaeological Project: Regional Survey on the Borders of Attica"

N. T. Arrington and T. F. Tartaron, "Molyvoti, Thrace Archaeological Project, 2014"

O. A. Jones and D. J. Fallu, "Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Preservation Issues of Human Remains in a Mycenaean Tholos"

E. Nikita, "Dust to Dust and What is Left? The Impact of Partial Preservation in the Calculation of the Number of Individuals from Commingled Assemblages"

W. F. Dibble and D. J. Fallu, "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly at the Dark Age Ranch: Taphonomical Reinterpretations of Pastoralism at Nichoria, Messenia"

I. Moutafi, "Preservation Patterns of Human Remains and their Role in Reconstructing Aegean Mortuary Practices: Some Methodological Concerns"

T. Theodoropoulou, "Fish Tails...and their Heads? Differential Preservation vs. Preparation Methods of Fish in Aegean Prehistoric Sites"

S. E. Allen and C. Shelton, "So Many Samples, So Few Seeds: The Search for Plant Remains at Bronze Age Iklaina"

T. Silva, D. Urem-Kotsou, K. Kotsakis, and A. Chondrogianni-Metoki, "Consuming Style: Decoration and Consumption in Late Neolithic Northern Greece"

T. McCullough, "'Recovering' Anatolian Drinking Sets from the Middle Minoan Ceramic Assemblages of Knossos and Phaistos on Crete"

G. Doudalis, "Fine Ware Pottery as an Indicator of Social Stratification in the Mirabello Area during the Middle Minoan II"

E. Oddo, "Stylistic Regions And Cultural Regions? Contextualizing Neopalatial Myrtos-Pyrgos Within the Southeast of Crete"

A. Panagiotou, "The Banquet and the Feast: Social Complexity and Ceramic Elaboration in Second Millennium Egypt and Minoan Crete"

P. Pavúk, "Before Pergamon: Kaikos Valley in the Middle and Late Bronze Ages"

A. Dakouri-Hild, J. Mason, S. Schneiderwind, and Y. Fappas, "A LIDAR application at the House of Kadmos in Thebes, Greece"

A. M. Crandall, A. J. Koh, P. P. Betancourt, M. N. Pareja, T. M. Brogan, and V. Apostolakou, "The Minoan Dye Industry on Crete: Organic Residue Analysis of Pottery from the Workshop at Alatsomouri-Pefka"

R. DeLozier and E. Hasaki, "Bronze Age Terracotta Statues of Ayia Irini, Kea: An Experimental Reconstruction and Technical Examination"

D. Vickers, "Perpetual Lament: Anthropmorphic Mycenaean Figures in Funerary Context"

R. A. K. Smith and A. M. Wagner, "Breaking Ground: Foundation Feasts in the Minoan Palace at Gournia, Crete"

D. Pickel and E. Hasaki, "Cycladic 'Frying Pans' Reexamined: A Hands-On Approach"

K. Stiles, "First Recorded Case of Mycenaean Headshaping from Central Greece"

M. G. Clinton, "New Light on an Old Building: 3D Modeling and Architectural Analysis at Pseira"

Z. Bartholomew, J. M. L. Newhard, N. S. Levine, K. Pluta, and D. Nakassis, "The Development of a Legacy GIS for the Contextualization of the Linear B Deposits from the Palace of Nestor at Pylos"

T. Cullen, "Responses to Death at Franchthi Cave"

J. S. Soles and C. Davaras, "Old and New Discoveries in Prepalatial Mochlos"

E. Miller Bonney, "To Build a Cave: Accounting for Projecting Slabs on Later Prepalatial Tholoi"

L. Girella and A. Marini, "Roofing a Minoan Tholos Tomb: New Perspectives on Kamilari A Tomb in the Western Mesara Plain (Crete)"

S. Linn, "Personal Adornment and Group Identity in the Archanes-Phourni Cemetery: A Quantitative Approach"

A. J. Koh and M. G. Clinton, "Contextualizing the Late Minoan Tombs of the Western Siteia Mountains"

J. Murphy, "Fluctuations in the Power of the Dead at Pylos"

T. Carter, D. Contreras, D. Mihailović, T. Moutsiou, N. Skarpelis, and S. Doyle, "Neanderthals on Naxos? New work at the early prehistoric chert source of Stélida"

C. Runnels, "The Early Palaeolithic in the Greek Islands: When and How did Early Hominins Reach Them?"

T. F. Strasser and E. Panagopoulou, "The Excavation at Mesolithic Damnoni Cave: Its Implications on Early Holocene Obsidian Trade and Lithic Procurement"

S. Manning, Timing and Context of Human Activity on Cyprus before the Cypro-PPNB period"

H. Dawson, "Missing Links: Colonisation Horizons and Cultural Transitions in Mediterranean Island Archaeology"

J. F. Cherry and T. P. Leppard, "Known Unknowns of the Mediterranean Insular Palaeolithic"

M. Kaczanowska and J. K. Kozłowski, "The Early Settlement on the Aegean Islands in the Context of the Eastern Mediterranean"

N. Mac Sweeney, "The Ionian Migration: Myths, Texts, and Assemblages"

A. Anagnostopoulos and E. Kyriakidis, "Public Archaeology as Collaborative Work in Out-of-the-way Places: the Example of Gonies, Crete"

A. Simandiraki, "An Archaeology of/for the Disenfranchised in Greece"

A. Kotsonas, "Beyond Colonization and Peripherality: The Archaeology of Coastal Macedonia and the Thermaic Gulf in the Iron Age"

G. Bourogiannis, "What Role for Rhodes? Contacts, Exchange and Interaction in Early Iron Age Aegean"

K. S. Shelton, "The Excavation of Petsas House: Current Research, New Finds, and New Insights into LH IIIA 2 Mycenae"

K. S. Shelton, "The 2012 and 2013 seasons at Petsas House, Mycenae: architecture, industry, and early settlement features"

J. S. Meier, "A Zooarchaeological Investigation of Variation in Animal Use at Petsas House, Mycenae"

G. C. Price, "Isotopic Contributions to Mycenaean Faunal Economy During the Late Bronze Age"

D. A. Trusty, "Cooking Pots and Politics at Petsas House"

L. A. Kvapil, "Pots of Clay in the Age of Bronze: The Production of Undecorated Fine Ware Vessels from Petsas House, Mycenae"

D. Mellican, "Frescoes 'Got Back': Revealing the Untapped and Undecorated Side of Frescoes from Petsas House"

R. M. Bartusewich, "The Maintenance of Identity: Prehistoric pottery from Idalion, Cyprus and 19th/20th century Cypriot Pottery Traditions."

J. S. Smith, "Seal Stratigraphies from Late Bronze Age Enkomi, Cyprus"

S. Diakou, "Material Culture and Identity in Geometric Cyprus: the View from Lapithos"

A. Sarris, C. Cuenca-García, J. C. Donati, T. Kalaycı, M. Manataki, F.-X. Simon, and K. Vouzaxakis, "New Perspectives on Neolithic Agricultural Villages in Eastern Thessaly (Greece) Through Remote Sensing Applications"

M. Kramer-Hajos, "Palace-Province Interactions in Mycenaean Central Greece: a Network Perspective"

T. F. Tartaron, "Locating the Maritime Coastal Communities of Mycenaean Greece: An Ethnoarchaeological Contribution"

K. A. M. van den Berg, "Italo-Aegean Network Dynamics During the Bronze Age–Iron Age Transition (ca. 1250-1000 B.C.E.): the Case of Achaia and the Argolid"

S. C. Murray, "Trade, Power, and Commodity Distribution in Early Greece: Truly an Age of Bronze?

C. Kearns, "Problematic Proxies of Paleoclimate in the Eastern Mediterranean: a View from Cyprus"

L. Kennedy, "Isotopic Investigation of Late Antique Human Population Movement in Cemeteries from Corinth, Greece"

E. Nitsch, "Integrated Stable Isotope Study of Human, Faunal and Botanical Remains from the Aegean Neolithic to Bronze Age: Implications for Land Use and Dietary Practice"

E. Panagiotopoulou, A. Papathanasiou, E. Nikolaou, and F. Tsiouka, "Integration of Stable Isotopic and Contextual Analyses of Mortuary Data from Early Iron Age Halos, Greece"

D. J. Fallu, "'Disturbing Agents' and the Decay of the Palace: a Geoarchaeological Comparison of Human and Natural Impacts on Erosion following Palatial Collapse at Mycenae, Argolid, Greece"

A. Stamos and C. Maggidis, "Mycenae's Lower Town During the Geometric Period"

B. Lis and T. M. Van Damme, "Bridging the 1200 B.C.E. Divide in Boeotia: A Preliminary Report on the Late Bronze Age Pottery from Ancient Eleon"

B. Burke, B. Burns, and A. Charami, "2014 Excavations at Ancient Eleon: Memorializing the Past"

J. K. Papadopoulos, S. P. Morris, and M. Bessios, "Ancient Methone Archaeological Project"

J. Hilditch, M. Boyd, N. Brodie, and J. Wright, "The Methodology and Ceramic Study of the Keros Island Survey 2012-13"

R. Worsham, "The 'Squatter Building' at the Bronze Age Menelaion: Questioning Narratives of Abandonment and Reuse"

M. Voyatzis and D. G. Romano, "Sanctuaries of Zeus: Mt. Lykaion and Olympia in the Early Iron Age"

E. Hatzaki, I. Serpetsidaki, A. Bogaard, and G. Ayala, "New Excavations at Knossos-Gypsades: Report on the First (2014) Season"

C. Sofianou, Y. Papadatos, and K. Chalikias, "Defining Cultural and Political Entities through Religious Spaces: The Case of Stavromenos Peak Sanctuary in Anatoli, Ierapetra (Crete)"

I. Caloi, "Feasting or Not? A Neopalatial Ceramic Deposit from Sissi (Central Crete)"

S. Privitera, "Monumental Architecture, Political Economy, and Religion at Hagia Triada on Crete: Making Sense of a Late Bronze Age Hiera Polis (Late Minoan IIIA-B, 14th–13th c. B.C.E.)"

R. E. Kulick, "Geoarchaeology and Landscape Change in Bronze Age East Crete: The Case of Post-Theran Palaikastro"

D. M. Buell and J. C. McEnroe, "Where was the Protopalatial Palace at Gournia?"

J. G. Younger, "Seals and Documents from the Recent Excavations at Gournia, Crete"

F. W. McCoy and R. Suka, "Marine Geoarchaeology at Gournia, Crete, Greece"

L. A. Hitchcock, A. M. Maeir, and B. E. Davis, "The 2008-2013 University of Melbourne and Bar-Ilan University Excavations of the Philistine Sector at Tell es-Safi/Gath, Israel"