ASOR 2014

On 19-22 November 2014 the 2014 Annual Meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR) will take place in San Diego, CA. Contact and registration information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

A. Faust, "The 'Philistine Tomb' at Tel 'Eton: Culture Contact, Colonialism and Local Responses"

M. Novak and S. Kulemann-Ossen, "The Iron Age I to II at Sirkeli Höyük: An Elusive Transition?"

M.-H. Gates and G. Lehmann, "The Iron I-Iron II Transition at Kinet Höyük"

J. Smith, "Seal Stratigraphies from Late Bronze Age Enkomi, Cyprus"

L. Hitchcock and L. Kolska Horwitz, "The Elephant in the Room: A Super Ivory Bowl from Tell es-Safi/Gath"

B. Davis, "Re-embodying Minoan Ritual through Data-Constrained Narratives"

A. Marciniak, "The Late Neolithic Çatalhöyük Community and its Neighbors"

L. Campbell, "Bronze Age Iconographies and Interconnections: Comparative Analyses of Aegean and Egyptian Representations"

C. Sauvage, "Late Bronze Age regional identities and distribution of motifs: Mycenaean Pictorial Ceramics in their Cypriot and Levantine contexts"

G. Ludvik, J. M. Kenoyer, W. Aylward, and M. Pieniazek, "New Insights into Trade and the Production Technology of Stone Beads at Bronze Age Troy"

S. Karacic, M. D. Glascock, and M. T. Boulanger, "The Late Bronze IIA Pottery from Goldman's Excavations at Tarsus-Gözlükule, Turkey: The Results of Archaeometric Analyses"

B. Janeway, "Imported Late Helladic Pottery from Tell Tayinat: A Preliminary Analysis of Petrography and Style"

A. Simmons, "The ever expanding Cypriot Neolithic"

K. DiBenedetto, "Archaeological and Ethnographic Evidence: A Powerful Duo for the Issue of Animal Transportation to Cyprus"

L. Swantek, "Old Data, New Tricks: A Bottom-Up Approach to Understanding Changes in Social Complexity during the Prehistoric Bronze Age on Cyprus"

P. Fischer, "The New Swedish Cyprus Expedition 2010-14: Excavations at Hala Sultan Tekke"

W. Crist, "Games of Thrones: Board Games and Social Complexity in Bronze Age Cyprus"

M. Forte, "Immersive Archaeology: The Case of Çatalhöyük"

N. Lercari, D. Zielinski, S. Matthiesen, and R. Kopper, "Towards an Immersive Interpretation of Çatalhöyük at DiVE"

J. White, "Betwixt Mycenae and Hattusa: Late Bronze Age Cyprus and its Relationships with the Mycenaeans and the Hittites"

H. Charaf, "A new account of the corpus of Bronze Age Cypriot ceramics from the excavations at College-Site in Sidon"

J. Palermo, "The Development of Ironworking in Cyprus and the Aegean during the Transition from the Late Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age (ca. 1500-1000 BCE)"

J. Tabolli and O. Cerasuolo, "The Legacy of Cyprus: a New Picture from Recent Discoveries in Etruria"

G. Bourogiannis, "Cypriot Diversity in Egypt: A View from the Nile Delta"

R. King, C. Deltas, K. Voskarides, D. Hadjipanagi, P. Underhill, S. Mazieres, J. Di Cristofaro, and J. Chiaroni, "Crossroads to the Mediterranean: A Y Chromosome Study of Cyprus"

K. D. Fisher and S. W. Manning, "The 2013 and 2014 Seasons of the Kalavasos and Maroni Built Environments Project (Cyprus)"

L. Keach, "Intra-site Applications of Geographic Information Systems: Lessons from Krittou Marottou Ais Giorkis, Cyprus"

M. Pilloud, S. Haddow, C. Larsen, C. Knusel, and J. Sadvari, "Bioarchaeological interpretations of vulture defleshing and mortuary practices at Neolithic Çatalhöyük"

E. M. Bonney, "Towards a Semiotics of Early Minoan Pottery"