Past Lectures and Conferences


On 1-7 September 2014 the XVII World UISPP. XVIIe Congrès Mondial de l'Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques (UISPP). XVII Congresso Mundial de UISPP was held in Burgos, Spain. Further information is available at Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers included:

J. Gil Fuensanta, A. J. James, A. Mederos Martín, and E. Boynikoglu, "On Culture and Genetics: Some Observations on the First Inhabitants of Anatolia"

C. Papoulia, "The Northeastern Mediterranean and the Origins of Seafaring"

D. Delfino, "War Psychology in European Copper and Bronze Age and Its Marks in Fortified Settlements"

A. Cruz and A. Graça, "Singularities of the Bronze Age Funerary Phenomena in the Middle Tagus Area"

D. Gergova, "Thracian Archaeology in Bulgaria. Revolution in the Investigations and in the Knowledge about the Thracians"

C. Cuenca-Garcia, A. Sarris, T. Kalayci, F.-X. Simon, G. Cantoro, J. Donati, M. Manataki, K. Vouzaxakis, V. Rondiri, P. Arachoviti, K. Almatzi, D. Efstathiou, and E. Stamelou, "Walking Over Magoulas: Mapping Neolithic Tell Settlements in Thessaly (Greece) Using Integrated Archaeo-Geophysical Techniques"

A. S. Fogel and K. M. Lowe, "A Developmental Sequence? Heritage Management to Research to Heritage Tourism at a Middle Bronze Age Settlement in Cyprus"

C. Schuster, "About the Connections during the Bronze Age between the Carpatho-Danubian Area and the Eastern Mediterranean Space. Possible Funerary Proves"

M. Gurova and C. Bonsall, "Prehistoric Drilling and Bead Production: Experimental Case Study from the Balkans"

N. Skakun, "Experimental and Use-Wear Research of Production Inventory of Aeneolithic Sites in Bulgaria"

V. Tourloukis, N. Thompson, C. Garefalakis, P. Karkanas, E. Panagopoulou, and K. Harvati, "New Middle Paleolithic Sites from the Mani Peninsula, Southern Greece"

D. Stojanovski, "White-Painted Pottery in the Neolithic Balkans as a Proxy for Homogeneity, Diversity and Exchange"

M. Gurova, "Neolithic Flint Industry from Bulgaria: Raw Material and Techno-Typological Perspective"

G. Dragos, "Exotica, Skeuomorphs, and the Problem of Materiality in the South East Europe Chalcolithic"

P. Edwards, "The Chronology and Dispersal of the Prepottery Neolithic B Cultural Complex"

J.-D. Vigne, "New Insights from Cyprus on the Beginning of Animal Domestication and on the Neolithisation in the Near East"

M. Charles, "Overlooked Crops: Early History of Barley Varieties in Western Asia"

N. Tardy, "Identification of Knapping Techniques for Micro-Blade Production Applied to Hyaline Quartz during the Late Neolithic in Northern Greece (Dikili Tash and Promachonas-Topolnica)"

D. Gheorghiu, "The Ritual Decoration of Ceramic Vases in the Chalcolithic South Eastern Europe Societies"

J. Vieugue, "The Adoption of Pottery in Eastern Mediterranean: A Look through the Use of Ceramic Vessels"

C. Perlès, "Food and Ornaments: Changing Patterns of Exploitation of Marine Molluscan Resources at Franchthi Cave (Argolid, Greece) during the Upper Palaeolithic and the Mesolithic (36,000-9,000 BP)"