Grants and Fellowships


On 1 November 2014 applications are due to the Institute for Aegean Prehistory (INSTAP) for 2015 New or Renewal Research Grants, the Post-Doctoral Fellowship, the INSTAP Study Center for East Crete (SCEC) Librarian Fellowship, Six-Week Research Grants at INSTAP SCEC, and the Petrography Internship at INSTAP SCEC. On 31 March 2015 applications are due for the 2015 Richard Seager Doctoral Fellowship at INSTAP SCEC; applications for Publication Team Support and Publication Subventions have no specific due dates. Further information and applications are available at; applications can be submitted via e-mail as MS WORD documents or fillable PDF forms.

Mediterranean Archaeological Trust

On 31 January 2015 applications for grants (not normally exceeding £2,000) to assist with the publication, excluding subventions, of archaeological excavation or fieldwork in the Mediterranean world, with possible priority to Bronze Age sites, are due to the Mediterranean Archaeological Trust. The application form and further information are available at; completed applications are to be sent to John Bennet at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..