Future Lectures and Conferences


On 10-14 September 2014 the 20th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA2014) will be held in Istanbul, Turkey. Further information is available https://www.eaa2014istanbul.org/site. Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:

M. Gurova "Lithic Studies: An Alternative Approach to Neolithization?"

E. Marinova, "Archaeobotanical Evidence on the Neolithisation of Bulgaria in the Context of the Balkans and Anatolia"

T. Dzhanfezova, "Shaping the Future of Painting: The Early Neolithic Pottery from Dzhulyunitsa, Central North Bulgaria"

A. Dimoula, "Community Interaction in the Early Neolithic of Central-Northern Greece: A Pottery Perspective"

B. de Groot, "Ceramic Assemblages as Evidence of Social Interaction in Neolithic Anatolia and the Balkans"

M. Brami, "House-Related Practices as Markers of the Neolithic in Anatolia and the Balkans"

E. Baysal, "Frog in the Pond: Gökçeada (İmbros), An Aegean Stepping-Stone in the Prehistoric Use of Spondylus Shell"

P. Georgieva, "Opportunities for Tracing Influences of the Balkans on Anatolia during the End of the Fifth and the Beginning of the Fourth Millennium BC"

T. Valchev, "Ways for Appear of Neolithic in Bulgaria"

B. Erdoğu, "The Neolithic-Chalcolithic Transition in Western Anatolia and Balkan Relations"

H. Aydıngün and V. Heyd, "Surface Materials from the Istanbul Prehistoric Survey and the PPN"

E. Özdoğan, "Possible Maritime Connections along the Black Sea Coast during the Neolithic Period"

N. Karul, "Bosphorus: A Border or A Bridge between Anatolia and the Balkans during the Neolithic Period?"

P. Nedelcheva, "The Main Techno-Typological Features of the Lithic Industries of Marmara Region and Thrace during the Neolithic Period"

B. Erdoğu, "The Role of North Eastern Aegean Islands in the Neolithization of Southeastern Europe"

L. Lespez, "Identifying the Earliest Neolithic Settlements in the SE Balkans: Methodological Considerations Based on the Recent Geoarchaeological Investigations at Dikili Tash (Greek Eastern Macedonia)"

K. Bacvarov, "Lapped by the River Maritsa: The Early Neolithic at Nova Nadezhda, SE Bulgaria, in Regional Context"

V. Nikolov, "Thrace after 6.000 BC"

L. Thissen, "The Lower Danube Plain vs. NW Anatolia: Pottery Trajectories in the Late 7th Mill. Cal BC"

T. Carter, "Neanderthals on Naxos: New Evidence for Early Hominins in the Aegean Basin"

D. E. Bar-Yosef Mayer, "Neolithic Voyages to Cyprus: Wind Patterns, Routes, and Mechanisms"

M. Furholt, "A Network Model for the Aegean Neolithic"

M. Milić, "Finding Their Sea-Legs? The Growth of Neolithic Seafaring Knowledge on the East Aegean littoral"

V. Becker, "Early Impresso Pottery in the Eastern Mediterranean"

B. Milić, "İzmir Region towards the Aegean – A Case Study from Lithic Assemblages of Neolithic Çukuriçi Höyük"

M. Nazou, "Just a Boat Ride Away: Ceramic Exchange and Shared Technologies in the Southern Aegean during the Final Neolithic"

V. Maxwell, "Stronger than Waves: Determinants of Contact in the Southern Aegean at the End of the Neolithic and Start of the Early Bronze Age"

B. Molloy, "Shiny New Things? Mobility, (Non-)Elites, and Values in the Early Bronze Age I Aegean"

S. Ünlüsoy, "Questioning the 'Maritime Troia Culture'"

V. Şahoğlu, H. Erkanal, O. Erkurt, and İ Tuğcu, "Experimenting The Past: Maritime Perspectives on Prehistoric Voyages around the Aegean"

C. Papoulia, "Neanderthals on Board: Middle Palaeolithic Sea-Crossings in the Aegean"

F. Porta, "Pottery and Sea Routes"

S. Wachsmann, "The Helladic Galley"

Ž. Tankosić, "Another Look at Aegean Early Bronze Age Maritime Interactions"

A. Yasur-Landau, "The Unifying Sea? Port Towns and Anchorages in the Aegean and the Levant"

N. Şorodoc, "'All Roads Do Not Lead to Rome:' The Mediterranean and Ahhiyawa"

S. J. Vasilakis, "Thalassa and Seafaring in the Prehistoric Aegean: Maritime Cultural Practices and Seascapes"

H. Dawson, "Rhapsody in Blue: Exploring a 'Maritime Ethos' in the Prehistoric Aegean"

Ç. Çilingiroğlu, "Of Tunas and Cockles: Aquatic Foraging as Maritime Engagement in the Prehistoric Aegean"

A. Bevan, "Prehistoric Material Culture and Maritime Connection at the Aegean's Edge"

D. Catapoti, "Dark Seas and Invisible Lands: Reconsidering the Role of Boats and Seafaring in Prehistoric Aegean"

F. Iacono, "From the Outside Looking in: Comparative Perspective on Maritime Interaction at the North-Western and North-Eastern Boundaries of the Aegean World in the Late Bronze Age"

S. Gimatzidis and S. Votruba, "Claiming the Past, Conquering the Future: Archaeological Narratives in Northern Greece and Western Turkey"

M. Pieniążek, "The North Aegean and Its Neighbours: Paths of Communication"

L. Girella, "Too Many Small Worlds. The Minoan Involvement in Northern Aegean and Its Southern Counterparts"

P. Pavúk, "LBA Connectivity and Group Identity in the NW Anatolia: Kaikos Valley Restudied"

R. Vaessen, "Cultural Passivity in Bronze and Iron Age Western Anatolia and Central Macedonia: Some Reflections on Past and Future Research"

T. Krapf, "The LBA / EIA Transition in the Korçë Basin (SE-Albania) and the Modern Perception of the Emergence of Illyrian Culture"

Y. Karliambas, "Ancient and Modern Identities in Mortuary Practice of Early Iron Age Macedonia"

S. M. Valamoti, "Plants in Iron Age Culinary Practice in SE Europe: Continuities and Discontinuities in the Archaeobotanical Record of Greece and Bulgaria"

D. Nenova, "The Edge of an Era: Changing Aspects in the Southeast Balkans towards the End of the 2nd Millennium BCE"

T. Dzhanfezova, "Division or Unification? The Study of the Late Bronze Age Societies in the Present-day Bulgarian Lands and the Concept of the Archaeological Cultures"

E. Bozhinova, "Settlements or Sanctuaries? Interpretational Dilemma Concerning 2nd-1st Millennium BC Sites in Bulgaria"

H. Popov, "Ada Tepe in the Context of the Problematics of the Row Material Long-distance Trade and the Eastern Balkans-Aegean Intra-regional Contacts in the Late Bronze Age"

S. Iliev, "New Data of the Early Bronze Age Burial Customs in Northern Thrace: Excavations of Burial Mound from Early Bronze Age Nearby City of Merichlery, South East Bulgaria"

N. Todorova, "Final Chalcolithic Pottery from the Valley of Mesta, Southwest Bulgaria"

M. Stefanova, "Building Rituals and Places of Worship: Thrace and Anatolia during the Early Bronze Age"

B. Horejs, "Maritime Networks and Continental Connections - Multiple Strategies of Neolithic Transition"

A. Ozan, "Impressed Pottery Tradition in the Neolithic Settlement of the Ege Gübre: Regional and Transregional Interactions on the Aegean Coasts"

R. Tuncel, "Caught in the Middle? The Chalcolithic in Western Anatolia between Two (R)Evolutions"

F. Dedeoğlu, "Life in The Mountains: Recent Evidence on 'Middle and Late Chalcolithic' Periods from Cave Sites in South-Western Anatolia"

O. Kouka, "The Early Bronze Age Cultural Mosaic: Interpreting Cultural Process and Transformation in the East, the Central and the West Aegean"

V. Şahoğlu, "Cultural Interactions Between West Anatolia and the Aegean during the 3rd Millennium BC: Changing Dynamics"

D. Sarı, "Emergence of Cultural Entities and Their Possible Evolution into Political Powers in Western Anatolia during the Early and Middle Bronze Ages"

Ö Çevik, "The Development of Urbanism in Western Anatolia and the Aegean Prior to the Late Bronze Age"

L. Harrison, "Architecture and Urbanism at Seyitömer Höyük during the EBIII Period"

M. Choleva, "From East to West: The Potter's Wheel as an Evidence for Communication between Western Anatolia, Aegean Islands and Mainland Greece"

P. Pavúk, "Continuity and Change at the End of the EBA in the Aegean and Western Anatolia"

S. Günel, "Middle Minoan Period and Its Impact on Western Anatolia"

K. Sarri, "The Middle Helladic Period in the Aegean: Cultural Processes and Transformations in the Aegean Middle Bronze Age and Its Interaction with Western Anatolia"

E. Drakaki, "The 'Master With Lion Motif' of Bronze Age Cretan Iconography: A Possible Witness of Cultural Contacts and Interaction between Crete, Anatolia, Egypt and the Near East"

M. B. Baştürk, "The Northwestern Frontier of the Hittite Heartland: Hittite Presence in Eskişehir Region with the Help of Şarhöyük Material"

W. A. Parkinson, "Boundaries, Networks, and Interaction in the Neolithic and Bronze Age Aegean"

V. Evangelia, "Identifying or 'Creating' Boundaries in Late Bronze Age Toumba Thessaloniki"

D. Nenova, "'The Final Frontier': A Quantitative Approach to Archaeological Uncertainty in the Context of Late Bronze Age Thrace"

C. Marangou, "A 'Significant Place' at the Rock-Cut Site of Myrina Kastro, Lemnos Island"

D. J. Pullen, "The Mycenaean Port Town of Kalamianos on the Saronic Gulf, Greece"

D. Sewell, "A Seascape and Landscape of Late Bronze Age Interaction on Cyprus"

V. Şahoğlu, "Liman Tepe / Klazomenai: The Role of Maritime Connections in the Transformation of a Harbour Settlement"

I. Caneva, "More on the Neolithic Diffusion: Impressed Pottery from Yumuktepe (Turkey) and Southern Apulia"

E. Nikita, "Gene Flow and the Formation of Cultural Identities in Prepalatial Central and Eastern Crete"

H. Ç. Öztürk, "How to Explain Cultural Diffusion without Breaking Hearts: Approaching Mycenaean Koiné in the 21st Century"

G. Saltini Semerari, "Greece and Italy Before History: Strategies for Socially Embedded Contacts"

D. Guilbeau, "A Southern View: Specialization in the Chipped Stone Industry of Ugurlu (Gökçeada Island, Turkey)"

C. Choquenet, "Evidence for Jewellery Making in a Late 5th Millennium Household at Dikili Tash (Northern Greece): Local Production and Long-Distance Exchanges"

G. Kourtessi-Philippakis, "Ressources Lithiques et Territoires de Production au 5e Mill. BC en Grèce du Nord"

S. Perry, "Çatalhöyük Before and After UNESCO: The Reconfiguration of Visitor Demographics and Tourist Experience"

C. Curtis, "Reassessing Sustainability and Heritage Tourism at Çatalhöyük and Aktopraklık, Turkey"

A. Karagianni, "Byzantine Kastoria and Prehistoric Settlement of Dispilio: Challenges, Opportunities of Tourism Development"

K. M. Lowe, "Geophysical Indicators of a Middle Bronze Age Settlement in Cyprus"

C. Morgan, "The Life and Death of Virtual Çatalhöyük in Second Life"

A. Özyar, "The History of the American Gözlükule Excavations and Its Impact on Current Research and Heritage Management"

A. E. Killebrew, "Approaches to Documenting Southeasten Cilicia's Archaeological Landscape and Heritage"

V. Maxwell, "Early Greek and Aegean Metallurgy: The Role of Context in Patterns of Consumption"

T. Alusik, "Aegean Elements and Influences in Central European Late Bronze Age Defensive Architecture (c. 1200-800 BC)?"

C. Britsch, "Textile Production in Western Anatolia in the 4th and 3rd Millennia BC"

K. Sarri, "Looking for a Lost Thread. Approaching Later Neolithic Aegean Textiles through Pictorial Evidence"

L. Bonga, "Textiles in Neolithic Greece: Evidence from Other Media"

J. Cutler, "First Threads: Textile Production in Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Crete"

M. Siennicka, "Textile Production in the Early Bronze Age Argolid - Continuity or Change?"

S. Vakirtzi, "Yarn Production at Communities of the Aegean Islands in the Early Bronze Age"

A. Ulanowska, "Looking for an Invisible Tool – A Potential Use of a Loom with a Rigid Heddle in the Bronze Age Aegean"

P. Hristova, "Social Contexts of Textile Production in Bulgarian Later Prehistory (4th-3rd Millennia BC): Value of Implements, Textiles of Value"

V. Petrova, "The Warp-Weighted Loom of the Early Bronze Age in Present-Day Bulgaria: Traditions and Innovations"

G. Baldacci, "Exploring Craftsmenship Through Potter's Marks in Protopalatial Mesara (Crete)"

E. Ünlü, "The Form and the Body. Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages and Transfer of Ideology between Anatolia and the Aegean toward the End of the 3rd Millennium BCE"

J. Day, "Materialising Fragrance: Minoan Stone Blossom Bowls"

C. Murphy, "Experience Versus Form: On Minoan Peak Sanctuary Figurines"

F. Ifantidis, "Strategies for Ornament Survival: Re-Use, Re-Cycling, and Re-Contextualizing Neolithic Jewellery at Dispilio, Greece"

L. Paloschek, "Societal Changes and the Development of New Pottery Signatures. Çukuriçi Höyük at the Transition of the Anatolian Neolithic to Chalcolithic"

R. Gündüz, "Dark Painted Ceramics Dated Back to 5000 B.C. from West Çatalhöyük"

T. Papadakou, "Different Ways of Crafting a Pot: Variation in the Techniques of Neolithic Potters in Northern Greece"

P. Hristova, "Making Contexts through Material Properties: From Multimedia Work Areas to Material Transformations in Later Neolithic and Early Bronze Age in the Balkans, Greece, and the Aegean"

E. M. Bonney, "Technological Innovation in the Face of Standardization: The Fine Grey Ware Pyxis as an Agent for Change"

M. Bajema, "Metaphors and Semiotics in the Material Culture of Early Urban Societies: A Mycenaean Case Study"

A. Hadji, "'Let Me Do the Talking: Discussing Early Bronze Age Aegean Metallurgy on Their Behalf'"

J. Vieugue, "The Diversity of Culinary Practices within the First Farmers of SE Europe: Evidence from Early Neolithic Pottery"

M. Ivanova, "Food Technology and the Farming Transition in Southeastern Europe"

E. Van Den Bos, "Food Preparation and Domestic Space in Neolithic Western Anatolia and the Southern Balkans: A Comparative Approach"

V. Isaakidou, "Carcasses, Ceramics and Cooking in Neolithic Greece: Towards An Integrated Approach"

T. Popova, "Some Examples of Food-Preparation in the Territory of Prehistoric Bulgaria"

E. Papadopoulou, "'Home Is Where the Hearth Is?': Clay Structures as Spatial Indicators of Cooking Activities in Neolithic and Early Bronze Communities in Northern Greece"

L. Thissen and R. Özbal, "Changing Cooking Practices at Neolithic Barcin Höyük, NW Turkey"

D. Urem-Kotsou, "Cooking in the Neolithic of North Greece"

E. Hatzaki, "Cooking for the Dead: Cooking Vessels from the LBA I Myrtos–Pyrgos Tomb"

A. Sanavia, "Cross-Craft Interactions and Exchange Models in Protopalatial Phaistos (Crete): The Pottery Evidence"

J. Hilditch and I. Nikolakopoulo, "Tracing the Wheel from Knossos to Akrotiri: New Perspectives on Ceramic Innovation from the Later Middle Bronze Aegean"

C. Tsoraki, "Biographies of Buildings and Objects: Deconstructing the Social Significance of the Re-Use of Ground Stone Artefacts as Building Material in the Neolithic"

K. T. Glowacki, "Understanding Vernacular Architecture in Late Minoan IIIC Crete"

A. Brysbaert, "Yet Another Brick in the Wall? Monumental Construction Practices at LBA Tiryns, Greece"

M. Erdalkıran, "Bone Implements in Prehistoric Societies: A Case of Barcın Höyük in North-Western Turkey"

A. Matys, "The Flora on Minoan and Mycenaean Frescoes and Its Botanical Determination"

J. Bintliff, "Recent Developments in Archaeological Survey in Greece and Turkey"

E. Paliou, "Spatial Interactions and Socio-Political Change before the Emergence of the Palace of Phaistos: Modelling the Evolution of Regional Settlement Hierarchies in South-Central Crete"

E. Koparal, "Urla/Seferihisar Archaeological Survey Project: Methodology and Results"

M. Karambinis, "One-Man Survey on an Aegean Island: Can It Be Done?"

G. Anastasia, "Landscape Environment and Settlement of Prehistoric and Ancient Lefkas"

T. M. Schroedter, "Suitability of Biased Charcoal Assemblages for Woodland Reconstruction - Aktopraklik, an Example from Northwestern Turkey"

E. Panagiotakopulu, "Wings of Change - Fossil Insects and Mediterranean Palaeoenvironments"

T. Pedrotta, "Holocene Vegetation, Fire History and Land-Use of Kournas Lake, Crete"

M. Georgiadis, "The Role of Landscape, Performance and Ritual Activities at the Peak Sanctuary of Leska in Late Bronze Kythera"

J. Murphy, "Aspects of Sacred Rituals around the Bronze Age Site of Pylos"

J. Soles, "Veneration of the Olive in Minoan Crete"

A. Hadjikoumis, "Ethnoarchaeology as a Means of Improving Integration: A Case of an Ethnozooarchaeological Study from Cyprus"

S. M. Valamoti, "Crop Husbandry and Land Use in Neolithic and Bronze Age Northern Greece: Some Preliminary Insights from Archaeobotany"

B. De Cupere, "Subsistence Economy and Land Use Strategies in the Burdur Province (SW Anatolia) from Prehistory to the Byzantine Period"

L. Der, "From One Mega-Site to Another : A Comparative Look at Trypillia Mega-Sites and Neolithic Çatalhöyük in Anatolia"

V. Heyd, "Size Doesn't Matter: Selimpaşa, Çatalca, Kanlıgeçit, Mikhalich and the Sudden Lifting of Complexity in Early Bronze Age Southeast Europe"

M. Bajema, "Methodological Issues for Interpreting and Comparing Mycenaean and Preclassic Maya Urbanism"

N. Roberts, "The Climate of Neolithic Anatolia"

Y. Kozatsas, "A Single World for Life and Death. A Review of the Manipulation of the Dead in Neolithic Greek Macedonia"

K. O. Lorentz, " Other Than Burials: Death, Bodies, and Transformation in Prehistoric Cyprus"

S. Triantaphyllou, "Death Performance in the Prehistoric Aegean: The Transformation of the Dead Body and the Revival of New Experiences for the Living"

I. Moutafi, "Commingled Burials and Shifting Notions of the Self at the onset of the Mycenaean Era (1700-1600 Bc): The Case of the Ayios Vasilios Northern Cemetery, Laconia"

O. A. Jones, "Bone Piles: Taphonomy and Zonation as Aids to Assess Meaning from Commingled Mycenaean Burials"

K. Leshtakov, "'They Came from Thrace': Reconsideration of the Ideas about the Origin of the Chalcolithic Culture along the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast"

S. Sherratt, "The Black Sea and the Aegean in the Late Bronze Age"

M. Kovarikova, "Transformation of Crete at the End of Bronze Age and Beginning of Iron Age"

G. D. Middleton, "Collapse in Late Bronze Age Greece and After"

A. Windler, "From the Aegean Sea to the Paris Basin. Spondylus during the Process of Neolithisation"

S. Čaval, "House-Related Practices as Markers of the Neolithic in Anatolia and the Balkans"

T. G. Giannopoulos, "Pushing Beyond the Limits? Tracing the 'Archaic' Period Recalled by the Archaisms of Mycenaean Greek"

I. Hodder, "Assembling Theory: Theory and Practice"

M. Forte, "The Metaexcavation: A 3D Mode of Inference at Çatalhöyük and Beyond"

C. Engel, "The Archaeological Process at Çatalhöyük. Creating Living Archive"

M. Forte, "Interpretation Process at Çatalhöyük using 3D"

J. W. Sadvari, "The People and Their Landscape. Changing Mobility Patterns at Neolithic Çatalhöyük"

T. Carter, "Laying the Foundations. Creating Households at Neolithic Çatalhöyük"

E. Govier, "Creative Practice and Endorsement. How Community was Built at Çatalhöyük"

M. Z. Barański, "Complexity in Simplicity. Reflections on Çatalhöyük Architecture as Process"

J. Taylor, "Up in Flames'. A Visual Exploration of a Burnt Building at Çatalhöyük"

A. Marciniak, "The Late Neolithic Household at Çatalhöyük. Smaller, More Dispersed and More Independent Acquisition, Production and Consumption Unit"

C. Tsoraki, "Reading the Stones, Reading the Bones. An Integrated Approach to Reconstructing Activity Patterns at Neolithic Çatalhöyük"

R. P. Evershed, "Lipids in Archaeological Pottery as Multi-Proxy Recorders of Subsistence and Environmental Change at Çatalhöyük"

S. Özdöl Kutlu, "The End of the Neolithic Settlement. Çatalhöyük and Its Neighbors"

P. F. Biehl, "Re-Assembling the Çatalhöyük East and West Mound Material Culture. How the People from the West Interacted with the Already Ancient East Mound"

S. Moore, "Burials, Settlement and Communities at 1st and 2nd Millennium AD at Çatalhöyük"

J. Quinlan and C. Morgan, "Fifty Years of Visualization at Çatalhöyük"

S. Souvatzi, "Cradles, Bridges, Packages and the Social Processes of Neolithisation in the Eastern Mediterranean"

C. Constantinou, "Identifying and Comparing Socio-Economic Trends in the Neolithic Eastern Mediterranean: A View from Cyprus and the Northern Levant"

A. Sarris, "Habitation Patterns of the Neolithic Agricultural Villages in Eastern Thessaly (Greece) through Remote Sensing Applications"

M. Brami, "More Than One Neolithic? Probing the Contrast between Central and Western Anatolia"

Ö. Çevik, "Neolithisation in Aegean Turkey"

B. Erdoğu, "Following the Footsteps of the Hunters in the Neolithisation Process of the Aegean"

G. Naumov, "A Faceless Gender: The Corporeality in the Çatalhöyük West Mound"

A. Grener, "Late Bronze Age Imported Pottery in the Southern Levant: Transcultural Contact, Symbolism and Society"

U. Matić, "Transformative Capacities of Egyptian Decorum: Transference, Hybridization, Creativity and the Representations of Aegean Objects"

S. Sherratt, "Cross-Medium Re-Materialisations? Questions Concerning Early Bronze Age Potmarks"

A. Bevan, "Mediterranean Liquidity and Its Consequences"

S. Déderix, "Circular Tombs versus Rectangular Tombs: Just A Matter of Shape? Regionalizing the Funerary Landscapes in Prepalatial Crete"

S. Voutsaki, "Special Cases, Deviant Burials and Changing Norms: A Case-Study from Mycenaean Greece, 1600 BC"

J. W. Sadvari, "Distinctive in Death: The Bioarchaeology of Non-Normative Mortuary Behaviors at Çatalhöyük, Turkey"

B. Boz, "'Non-Normative' vs. 'Normative' Burials of Neolithic Çatalhöyük"