Saluting Ellen N. Davis

On 13 September 2014 a symposium entitled Saluting Ellen N. Davis: a Memorial Symposium will be held by the New York Aegean Bronze Age Colloquium at Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute at Hunter College, 47-49 East 65th Street, New York City (between Park and Madison Avenues). R.S.V.P. by September 5 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The program will be:

P. P. Betancourt, J. D. Muhly, and S. C. Ferrence, "Cycladic Connections in the Metallurgy from the Petras Cemetery in Eastern Crete"

G. Kopcke, "Reading Ellen's 'The Gold of the Shaft Graves: the Transylvanian Connection' - Some Thoughts"

M. H. Wiener, "Helladic Pairs of Cups"

J. Weingarten, "The Silver Kantharos from Gournia Revisited"

K. P. Foster, ""The Lion King in the Aegean and Near East"

E. Shank, "Depictions of Water in Aegean Bronze Age Miniature Frescoes"

A. Vlachopoulos, "Purple rosettes" / Πορφυροί ρόδακες: New data on the polychromy of the Thera Wall-Paintings"

B. Jones, "The Third Minoan 'Snake Goddess'"

R. B. Koehl, "The Chieftain Cup and Beyond"

J. A. MacGillivray, "The Minoan Salute"

T. Palaima, "The Ideology of the Ruler in Mycenaean Prehistory: Twenty Years after the Missing Ruler"