Crossroads II

On 15-17 September 2014 an international conference entitled The Crossroads II, or There and Back Again? will be held at the University of Cyprus in Nicosia. Further information is available at Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:

A. B. Knapp, "Maritime Transport Containers, Mobility and Connectivity in the Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age"

G. J. van Wijngaarden, "Questioning hybridity. Transcultural appropriation of manufactured artifacts in the Late Bronze Age Mediterranean"

R. Prévalet and E. Morero, "Technological transfers of luxury craftsmanship between Crete and the Orient during the Bronze Age"

M. Bealby, "A game of thrones? Game theory and the study of Egyptian-Aegean relations"

U. Günkel-Maschek, "From Crete to Egypt and Back Again: Minoans in Search of a New Monumentality for the Palace at Knossos"

J. P. Emanuel, "From Periphery to Core: The Helladic Oared Galley and the Brailed Sail in the Late Bronze-Early Iron Eastern Mediterranean"

G. Gestoso Singer, "Small Ingots and Scrap Metal in the Eastern Mediterranean During the Late Bronze Age"

N. Papadimitriou, "Aegean and Cypriot Pottery in the Eastern Mediterranean: A Comparative Examination"

J. Phillips, "Amenhotep III and Mycenae Reconsidered from Egypt"

D. H. Cline and E. H. Cline, "Text Messages, Tablets, and Social Networks in the Late Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean"

J. Weingarten, "The Arrival of Egyptian 'Beset' on Minoan Crete"

F. Blakolmer, "The "Minoan Genius" and his iconographical prototype Taweret. On the character of Near Eastern religious motifs in Neopalatial Crete"

V. Dubcová, "The Near Eastern 'Hero' and 'Bull-Man' and their impact on the Aegean Bronze Age Iconography"

C. Hart, "An Analysis of the Iconographic Rosette Motif as a Means of Non-Verbal Communication: A Case Study"

T. Krapf, "The Role of Stone Vessels in the Cultural Contacts between Egypt and the Aegean"

A. Moriconi and G. Tucci, "Philistines in Transition: Egyptians and Assyrians in Tel Miqne/Ekron During the VIIth Century B.C."