LAC 2014

On 17-20 September 2014 the 3rd International Landscape Archaeology Conference 2014 (LAC 2014) will be held in Rome. Further information is available at Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:

H. Orengo and A. Krahtopoulou, "Land reclamation and the archaeological record of central western plain of Thessaly, central Greece"

A. Krahtopoulou and R. Veropoulidou "Integrating landscapes, seascapes and human histories in Pieria, Macedonia, Greece: fact or fiction?"

F. Scelazzi, "Legacy data and second generation analysis: a case study on landscape strategies in Bronze Age south-western Cyprus"

D. Kriga, "In search of the Theran volcanic eruption whereabouts: when did the natural phenomenon happen and the effects it had on both Theran and Cretan landscape and the sea trade international routes of that time"

Cultures of Stone 2014

On 18-20 September 2014 the Cultures of Stone 2014 Conference will be held at University College Dublin (UCD) Further information is available at Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:

K. Älveby, "Parallel chaînes opératoires in Cypriot Chalcolithic Chert practice"

H. Snell, "Spirally-fluted columns: origins, context and 'architectural fantasy'"

Crafting Textiles

On 10-11 October 2014 a conference entitled Crafting Textiles from the Bronze Age to AD 1600: A tribute to Peter Collingwood will be held at Franks Room, Wellcome Collection, London, Euston Road NW1 2BE on by the Early Textiles Study Group (ETSG). Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

A. Ulanowska, "Aegean Bronze Age Techniques – a teacher's perspective for their possible reconstruction with students"

POCA 2014

On 14-16 November 2014 the 14th meeting of Postgraduates in Cypriot Archaeology (POCA 2014) - The Many Face(t)s of Cyprus conference will be held at the Institute for Archaeological Studies, Bochum. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

S. Sherratt: Keynote Lecture

C. Scirè, "Palaeodietary Research in Cypriot Prehistoric Contexts: Methodology and Potentialities: A Case Study for Middle Bronze Age Erimi-Laonin tou Porakou"

G. Muti, M. Fissore, A. Saggio, and M. Monaco, "Symbols Beyond Work Activity? Towards the Evaluation of Spinning Tools Significance in Ancient and Middle South Coast Cyprus"

M. Amadio, F. Chelazzi, F. Dolcetti, and M. Faggi, "Ghost Architecture: Contextualizing Wooden and Perishable Structures from Middle Bronze Age Erimi-Laonin tou Porakou"

C. Alexandrou, "The Base-Ring Female Figurines in Settlements: Exploring their Possible Function(s) and Life-Cycles"

M. Samaes, "Cultural Entanglements at the Late Cypriot Harbour Town of Hala Sultan Tekke (Dromolaxia-Vyzakia). A Preliminary Pottery Study from the 2011-12 Sondages in Room 19, Building C"

B. Schiller, "Faience Stirrup Jars"

F. Spigno, "Myceneans and Cypriots in Sardinia"

C. Hart, "An Examination and Analysis of the Role of the Iconographic Rosette Motif in the Cypriot Artistic Repertoire during the Bronze Age and Early Iron Ages"

A. Paule, "The Many Facets of Cypriot Gold Work: a Detailed Study of Gold Plaques Representing Chariot Scenes"

D. G. B. Bazemore, A. Turgel, P. T. Spencer, and Á. Izquierdo Zamora, "The Rantidi Forest Mapping Project: Integration of Archaeological Data with Cultural and Natural Landscapes"

M. Bolder-Boos, "The Phoenicians in Cyprus – Kition and Beyond"

A. Orsingher, "A Stopover along the Journey of Elissa. Kition between Tyre and Carthage"