Past Lectures and Conferences

SAA 2014

On 23-27 April 2014 the 79th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology (SAA 2014) was held in Austin, Texas. Further information is available at Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers included:

K. Fisher, "Differing Trajectories of Urbanism on Late Bronze Age Cyprus"

N. Abell and E. Gorogianni, "Industry and Interaction: Craft Producers as Agents of Culture Change in Bronze Age Ayia Irini, Kea, Greece"

P. Day, E. Kardamaki, A. Demakopoulou, J. Maran, and A. Papadimitriou, "Transport Jars and Commodity Exchange in the Mycenaean World: Tiryns and Midea"

W. Crist, "Games of Thrones: Board Games and Social Complexity in Bronze Age Cyprus"

D. Lambert, "ICP-MS Analysis of Sediment for Sourcing Ceramic Sherds in Shkodër region of Northern Albania"

A. Wiewel and J. Casana, "UAV-based Archaeological Aerial Thermography"

J. Flood, "Settlement Continuity and Change on the Mochlos Plain in East Crete"

P. Ryan, "Perspectives on Near Eastern Neolithic basketry from the phytolith traces at Çatalhöyük (Central Anatolia)"

S. Haddow, J. Sadvari, C. Knüsel, and R. Hadad, "Past Practices and Current Interpretations: A Case Analysis of Commingled Skeletal Remains at Neolithic Çatalhöyük"

S. Deskaj, "The Walking Dead: Establishing and Maintaining Community in Northern Albania"

O. Jones, "Piles of Bones: Materiality as an Aid to Assess Meaning from Commingled Confusion"

K. Wright, "Domestication and inequality? Households, corporate groups and ground stone processing tools at Neolithic Çatalhöyük and other early villages in the Near East"

J. Wolfhagen, K. Twiss, A. Bogaard, and J. Mulville, "Moving Beyond 'The Local Range': Statistical Approaches to Interpreting Herd Management Strategies through Stable Strontium Isotopes at Neolithic Ҫatalhöyük (Turkey)"

R. Schon, "The Role of the State in Reducing Transaction Costs: A Case Study from the Bronze Age"

M. Galaty, L. Bejko, J. Harris, S. Galicki, and S. Deskaj, "The 2013 Field Season of the Projekti Arkeologjikë i Shkodrës (PASH), Northern Albania"

E. Graff, "The Bioarchaeology of Peripheral Populations within the Mycenaean World: Ancient Kallithea Laganidia Cemetery near Patras, Greece"

S. Fuehr, N. Herrmann, K. Kulhavy, and A. Batziou, "Osteological Analysis and Regional Comparison of a Mycenaean Burial from the site of Pefkakia near Volos, Greece"

A. B. Knapp, "Seafaring and Seafarers: Quotidian Events and Centennial Patterns on Bronze Age Cyprus"

E. Van Den Bos, "(Re)building histories: House replacement and intergenerational strategy in the Neolithic of Western Anatolia and the Southern Balkans"

J. Leon and I. Lindsay, "Two Cases for Archaeological Geophysics: Comparing the Application of GPR and Magnetometry at Late Bronze Age Sites in Armenia and Cyprus"

J. Cherry, "One Thousand Years of the Royal and Noble Hunt in the Aegean"

R. Fitzsimons, "Building a State One Stone at a Time: Architectural Energetics and Early State Formation in the Bronze Age Argolid"

L. Kaiser, "Renovating Architectural Theories of Minoan Fortifications"

K. Jarriel, "Terraces and Cycladic Social Landscapes: A Diachronic Perspective"

P. Cook, "The Energetics of Mycenaean Defenses: Sociopolitical Implications of Fortification Construction in the Late Helladic Period (ca. 1600-1100 BC)"

B. Starkovich, "Climate Change, Human Population Growth, or Both? Upper Paleolithic Subsistence Shifts in Southern Greece"

K. Wopschall, "Pygmy Hippos of Cyprus: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Understanding Late Pleistocene Maganfauna Extinctions"

J. Cann and C. Renfrew, "The characterisation of obsidian and its application to the Mediterranean region - and beyond"

A. Mickel, "Traces of Trowels: Assembling Oral Histories of Excavations in the Middle East"

M. Pilloud and C. Larsen, "Alternative Definitions of Kin within Bioarchaeology: A Case Study from Neolithic Çatalhöyük, Turkey"

C. Harper, "Working for the Man: Constructing the Cyclopean Tomb and the Treasury of Atreus at Mycenae, Greece"

S. Ketchum, "The Anatolian Double Horns of Consecration? Potstands at Neolithic and Chalcolithic Çatalhöyük, Turkey"

Z. Chovanec and S. Rafferty, "Examining the Prehistoric Use of Aromatic Plants: Procedures, Considerations and Archaeological Applications"

L. Schepartz, "Feasting Men, Suffering Women: Social Roles, Diet and Health at Mycenaean Pylos"

A. Michael and S. Deskaj, "Exploring the Relationship Between Sampling Loci and Developmental Age in Isotopic Studies of Human Teeth: A Pilot Study from Kamenica, Albania"

A. Simmons, "A View from the Top: Ais Giorkis, an Early Cypriot Neolithic Village in the Uplands"

L. Keach, "Stone Blades and Social Space: Describing and Interpreting Two Stone Blade Caches at Neolithic Ais Giorkis, Cyprus"

K. DiBenedetto, "Ais Giorkis: The Last Refuge for Cattle on Cyprus?"

D. Pullen, W. Parkinson, A. Papathanasiou, P. Karkanas, and M. Galaty, "Alepotrypa Cave and its Regional Context in the Late and Final Neolithic Aegean"

M. Lane and A. Charami, "AROURA: Reconstructing an Extensive Agricultural Landscape around the Late Bronze Age Fortress of Glas, Central Mainland Greece"

W. Gilstrap, N. S. Müller, E. Kardamaki, C. Marabea, and P. M. Day, "Consumer Reports: a comparative study of cooking pottery from Late Bronze Age Greece"