Future Lectures and Conferences

AIA 2014

On 2-6 January 2014 the Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America will be held in Chicago. Further information is available at http://www.archaeological.org/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

G. Cadogan, "Introduction: Hugh Sackett: Field Archaeologist, Teacher, Gold Medallist"

S. E. MacVeagh Thorne, M. Prent, P. J. Callaghan, and D. E. Evely, "UM Redux: North of the Little Palace from the Early Iron Age to the Fall of Rome"

E. Hatzaki, "Thinking Vertically: the Role of Archaeological Sections in Pre- and Historic Period Site Publications from the Aegean"

I. S. Lemos, "Art and Crafts from Lefkandi: a Tribute to Hugh Sackett"

J. A. MacGillivray, "The God of Palaikastro"

J. Driessen, "Living in a Palace-less Place? Understanding the Palaikastro Community"

S. Hemingway, "Sacred Offerings: Early Greek Bronzes from the Sanctuary to Diktaian Zeus at Palaikastro"

S. Deskaj, L. Bejko, M. Galaty, S. Galicki, J. Harris, and Z. Tafilica, "The 2013 Field Season of the Projekti Arkeologjikë i Shkodrës (PASH), Northern Albania"

A. Stamos and C. Maggidis, "The Lower Town at Mycenae: The Discoveries and Conundrums of the 2007-2011 Excavations"

M. F. Lane, and A. Charami, "AROURA 2012–2013: Reconstructing an Extensive Agricultural Landscape around the Late Bronze Age Fortress of Glas, Central Mainland Greece, Conclusion of Phase 1"

E. C. Egan, "Even Better Than the Real Thing: Hybrids and Painted Floors at the Palace of Nestor"

R. Schon, "Weight Sets and the Political Economy of the Pylian State"

D. Nakassis and K. Pluta, "Digital imaging of the Linear B tablets from the 'Palace of Nestor'"

C. Harper, "Architectural Production at Mycenaean Kalamianos"

D. J. Fallu, "Scales in Mycenaean land use: the role of multi-scalar geoarchaeology in understanding land degradation in the Bronze Age Aegean"

T. Carter, D. Mihailović, Y. Papadatos, and C. Sofianou, "The Cretan Earlier Mesolithic in its Eastern Mediterranean Context: New Data from Livari"

D. J. Riebe, "From the Dark to the Light: A Comparative Analysis of Lithics Recovered from a Neolithic Cave Site and its External Settlement in Pyrgos Dirou, Greece"

S. Voutsaki, "From Reciprocity to Centricity: the Middle Bronze Age in the Greek Mainland"

D. J. Pullen, "There's No Such Thing as a Free Lunch: Reciprocity in Mycenaean Political Economies"

B. E. Burns, "Material Symbols and Social Bonds Within and Beyond Mediterranean Kingdoms"

E. Cook, "Homeric Reciprocities"

C. M. Antonaccio, "Reciprocity in the Greek Iron Age"

E. Miller Bonney, "A Fresh Look at the Fine Grey Ware Pyxis"

G. Flouda, "Minoan Communities and Commemorative Practices: The Case of the Middle Minoan Settlement and Tholos A at Apesokari/Mesara"

C. Ilaria, "From Feasting to Hoarding, from Re-building to Discarding. The Significance of Accumulation in Minoan Crete: a Case Study from the Minoan Town of Phaistos (Southern Crete, Greece)"

A. Ratigan, "Performing Manhood in Minoan Crete: An Analysis of Androcentric Material Culture"

E. Oddo, "Do Sherds Speak by Themselves? The Case of the Neopalatial Assemblage from Myrtos-Pyrgos' Cistern 2"

J. G. Younger, "Seals and Sealings from the Boyd-Hall Excavations at Gournia, Crete"

M. G. Clinton, "The Nature and Function of Privacy on Neopalatial Crete: An Architectural Analysis"

W. Gauß, E. Kiriatzi, M. Lindblom, B. Lis, and J. E. Morrison, "Aeginetan Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Cooking Pottery"

D. A. Trusty, "Cooking Vessels at Late Helladic Korakou: Implementing a Multilevel Methodology"

B. Lis, "Mycenaean Cooking Pots: An Attempt at a Supra-Regional Comparison"

C. W. Shelmerdine and J. Gulizio, "Mycenaean Cooking Vessels from Iklaina"

J. E. Morrison, "Cultural Connections in the Mycenaean Hinterland: Evaluation of the LM I and LM II–III Kitchens at Mochlos, Crete"

E. Borgna and S. T. Levi, "Producing and Using Cooking Vessels in the Late Mediterranean Bronze Age: A Comparative Evaluation of Kitchen Wares and Related Practices in Postpalatial Crete, Mainland Greece and their Western Periphery"

J. A. Hruby, and C. Podleski, "Building Understanding Through Hypothesis Testing: Replicating and Using Mycenaean Cooking Vessels"

S. R. Stocker, J. M. A. Murphy, J. L. Davis, and L. A. Schepartz, "Late Bronze Age Tombs at the Palace of Nestor, Pylos"

G. Touchais, A. Philippa-Touchais, and N. Papadimitriou, "The Mycenaean Cemetery of Deiras Revisited"

R. A. K. Smith, M. K. Dabney, and J. C. Wright, "The Mycenaean Cemetery at Ayia Sotira, Nemea"

C. Paschalidis, "The Mycenaean Cemetery at Clauss, near Patras. The Rise and Fall of a Local Society towards the End of an Era"

A. Dakouri-Hild, V. Aravantinos, and Y. Fappas, "Deathscapes Beyond: A Re-examination of the Old Excavations at the Mycenaean Cemeteries of Thebes"

N. P. Herrmann, K. O'Neill, and S. Vitale, "Late Bronze Age Mortuary Variability and Mycenaeanization in Central Greece: Insights from Mitrou"

S. Vitale, "Eleona and Langada Revisited: Burial Practices and Material Evidence from two Mycenaean Cemeteries on Kos"

L. Donnellan, "Networking Early Greek Colonization"

W. P. Ridge, "Empty Spaces: Settlement and Social Trajectories of the Neolithic Peloponnese"

A. Greener, "Late Bronze Age Imported Pottery in the Southern Levant: Between Economy, Symbolism and Society"

L. Kaiser, "Remodeling Minoan Defensive Structures"

J. Hilditch and E. Gorogianni, "The 'World' in a Cup: Diachronic Perspectives on Bronze Age Interaction Networks from the Dining Practices and Ceramic Fabrics of Ayia Irini, Kea"

N. Abell, "Establishing a Middle Ground: Social Practice and Intercultural Interaction at Bronze Age Ayia Irini, Kea, Greece"

A. Karnava, "Minoan Sealings from Akrotiri, Thera: Matters of Neopalatial Administrative Structure and Hierarchy"

F. Hoeflmayer, "The Late Minoan IA Santorini (Thera) eruption: The end of the low chronology"

J. Earle, "An Unmoveable Feast? Reconsidering a Late Bronze Age Deposit at Phylakopi"

J. T Barnes, "Ancestors and Territory in the Funerary Landscape of the Late Bronze Age Southeast Aegean"

K. A Jazwa, "How to Make an Early Helladic II Tile?: The Evidence from Mitrou in East Lokris"

C. M. Hale, "Central Greek and Kean Interconnections During the Middle Bronze Age: The Evidence from Mitrou, East Lokris"

N. G. Blackwell and K. O'Neill, "Metal Consumption and Production at Mitrou: Diachronic Trends from the Early Helladic through the Proto-Geometric Periods"

R. Worsham, "Burning Down the House: Settlement Structure and Social Change in Middle Helladic Greece"

B. Burke, B. Burns, and A. Charami, "Excavations at Eleon in Eastern Boeotia 2013"

T. Van Damme, "A Late Helladic IIIC Destruction Deposit from Ancient Eleon"

S. C. Murray, "Imported Objects as Evidence for Change in the Scale of International Trade after the Mycenaean Collapse: A New Accounting"

M. Devolder, "The 'Magasins Dessenne' at Malia (Crete) Reconsidered"

S. Jusseret, "A Neopalatial Court-Centered Building at Sissi (North-Eastern Crete)?"

F. Gaignerot-Driessen and Q. Letesson, "A LM III Communal Building at Sissi (Crete)"

L. V. Watrous, "Excavations (2012 - 2013) at Gournia, Crete: New Discoveries"

D. M. Buell and J. C. McEnroe, "Gournia Excavation Project: Architectural Survey and Mapping"

C. Knappett, T. Cunningham, Q. Letesson, A. Livarda, N. Momigliano, and H. Orengo, "2013 Excavations at Palaikastro, East Crete"

T. Cunningham, "Palaikastro Period XVI: the settlement and its ceramics in LM IIIB"

Y. Papadatos and K. Chalikias, "The Neopalatial Period in the Ierapetra Area: New Discoveries from the Minoan Building at Anatoli, Crete"